Spire 2022 Centennial Edition


Mrs. Phoebe J. Brooks-Crofts Ms. Diana L. Brookshire

Mr. and Mrs. W. Gaines Burnette Mr. Mark T. Burr Mr. and Mrs. Benny M. Burrell Mr. and Dr. Benny M. Burrell Mr. and Mrs. Dow A. Burton Mrs. Nora L. Burton Mrs. Patricia W. Burton Mr. Kevin Bush Dr. and Mrs. Lewis Buterakos Ms. Alice F. Butler Mrs. Shelley T. Butler Mr. Herbert H. Butt Mrs. Karen R. Byerly Ms. Linda G. Byrd Mr. and Mrs. William R. Byrd Ms. Amanda Z. Cajigas Mr. and Mrs. Brandon S. Caldwell Mr. Percy Caldwell Ms. Lisa D. Cale Mr. Edward P. Cales Mr. and Mrs. David A. Calfee Mr. and Mrs. Joel A. Calfee Mr. and Mrs. Michael Callaghan Mr, Devin D. Calloway Ms. Allison N. Campbell Ms. Cindy Campbell Mr. E. Sherman Campbell Ms. Elizabeth Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm E. Campbell Mr. Robert W. Campbell, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Campbell Campbell University Mr. and Mrs. Adam P. Cannoy Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Carder Mr. Andrew B. Caress Ms. Valerie Caricofe Carilion Clinic Carilion Tazewell Community Hospital, Inc. Miss Emily C. Carlisle Ms. Jo Ann Carlisle Mrs. Johanna R. Carlisle Mr. and Mrs. Wayne C. Carlisle Mr. John C. Carlton Mr. James L. Carmines, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. D. Scott Carpenter Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Carr Mr. Thomas D. Carr Mr. Daniel J. Carro Carson Lumber Remanufacturing

Mrs. Cynthia L. Carter Mr. and Mrs. George F. Carter Mr. John B. Carter, Jr. Ms. Loretta C. Carty Mrs. Gwendolyn W. Carwile Ms. Toni K. Cash Ms. Tiera Cate Mr. Christopher T. Catron Mr. and Mrs. Luther C. Cecil Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cecil Mr. and Mrs. Shawn T. Cecil Ms. Magaly Celis Mr. and Mrs. Regulo E. Celis Centa Carpet Cleaning Chad Murray - State Farm Insurance Mr. Thomas R. Chaffins Chamber of Commerce of the Two Virginias Mr. Hayden R. Chandley Mrs. Georgia F. Chapman Mrs. Mary F. Chappell Charities Aid Foundation of America Mr. Jackie S. Charles, Jr. Charles B. Keesee Educational Fund Charlie Daniels Band Music, LLC Ms. Melissa W. Chase Chevron Texaco Mr. and Mrs. R. Bradley Chewning Chick-Fil-A of Mercer Mall Mr. and Mrs. Nick Chicklo Children Today Leaders Tomorrow Mrs. Amy S. Childress Mrs. Ann M. Chilton Ms. Katherine Chippey Mr. and Mrs. James R. Chisman Christ Episcopal Church Mr. and Mrs. D. Bruce Christian Chuck Mathena Center Church of St. Peter and St. Paul Mr. Kevin R. Churchill Citizens Building Supply & Home Center Mr. and Mrs. David M. Cizmadia, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Clapp Ms. Amy M. Clapsaddle Glenn L. Catron, DMD Dr. Donald W. Caudill Ms. Patricia Causey

Mr. and Mrs. Ricky A. Brower Rev. and Mrs. Brent L. Brown Ms. Catherine Louise Brown Mr. and Mrs. Chad M. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Brown Mrs. C. Diane H. Brown Mr. and Mrs. C. Radford Brown, III Mr. Kennedy M. Brown

Mrs. Kim G. Brown Ms. Kimberly Brown Mr. Robert K. Brown, Jr. Dr. Shellie D. Brown Mrs. Tanya Brown

Ms. Madison J. Brewster Mrs. Deborah U. Broyles Mrs. Rebecca T. Bruce-Poole Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Bruffey Mrs. Lydia O. Brugh-Henry Mr. Robert L. Brush, lll Brushfork United Methodist Church Mr. Byrd H. Bryan Mrs. Betsy H. Bryant Mr. and Mrs. Ty Bryant Mrs. Joyce G. Buchanan Ms. Melissa Buchanan Buckingham County Christian Fellowship

Ms. Cheri S. Budzinski Mrs. Alexis A. Buford Ms. Gladys L. Bunch Mrs. Frances H. Bundy Mr. Michael Bundy Mr. Thomas J. Bundy, Sr. Ms. Kimberly J. Bundy-Shields Mr. and Mrs. Gary J. Burchett Mr. and Mrs. Randy Burchette Mr. Dale Burdette Mr. John D. Burge Mr. F. Joel Burgess Miss Rachel S. Burk Ms. Linda A. Burke Ms. Melissa Burke Mr. and Mrs. W. Robert Burke Mr. William J. Burke Mrs. Judith A. Burkholder Ms. Louise E. Burks Mr. Joseph W. Burleson Mr. Steven W. Burnett Mr. and Mrs. Clifton C. Burnette Mr. Jacob D. Burcham Mr. Mark W. Burcham


Mrs. Constance Clark Mrs. Janice I. Clark Mrs. Lesley G. Clark Ms. Sharon Clark Dr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Clark

Ms. Angela Carter Ms. Cathy P. Carter


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