Spartanburg Fire Dept. - Activity Book
Dear Parents and Children,
The City of Spartanburg Fire Department is proud to bring you this activity book. The activities are designed to help children learn about fire safety. Our goal is to teach children what to do if they find themselves in an emergency fire situation. The Spartanburg Fire Department is committed to serving the Spartanburg Community. Not only are we fighting fires, but we’re also doing all we can to prevent fires. If your family were ever in an unfortunate fire situation, our goal is to keep you safe. This activity book helps your children under- stand what to do in case of a fire, as well as teaches them how to prevent accidental fires. Each year in the United States approximately 300 people are killed and $280 million in property are destroyed in fires set by children; 85% of those who die in child-set fires are children them- selves. Without proper education and intervention it is estimated that 75% of youth who have played with or set a fire will do it again. National statistics continue to indicate that 50% of all in- tentional fires are set by youth under the age of 18, 50% of youth setting fires are under the age of 15. We are here to assist with determining if a youth is simply curious or a problem firesetter and provide an education program for the whole family through the Youth F.I.R.E. Quest (Fire Intervention and Re-education Program). If you are concerned about your child, please call us at 864-596-2083. We are here to help.
We continue to be committed to helping child burn victims in our state. We make it EASY for you to help too. Simply drop off your aluminum cans at the collection trailer at Fire Station 1. Your recycling will not only help the plan- et, but the money made from those cans goes directly to the South Carolina Firefighter’s Burn Children’s Fund.
Finally, we cannot stress enough how important smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detec- tors are in your home. Bottom line, they save lives! Please test your smoke detectors regularly and check the batteries. If your family does not have smoke detectors in your home, we will provide those for you.
We are honored to have the opportunity to serve Spartanburg and aid in keeping our children safe.
William Smart, Fire Marshal Spartanburg Fire Department
Spartanburg Fire Department Fire Prevention Activity Book
For assistance with emergency planning, or free smoke or carbon monoxide alarms, call 864- 596-2083. Trademarks used with permission. Sparky ® and “Learn Not to Burn” are registered trademarks of the National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA). Visit the NFPA online:
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Spartanburg Fire Department Fire Prevention Activity Book
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