Southwest Cattlemen's Classic 2021

15 Time Please  register  at  least  one  (1)  hour  prior  to  sale e m quired.  Slower  speed  will  not  permit  you  to  bid e  constitutes  a  legal  contract  and  promise  for purchases  must  be  paid  within  ten  (10)  days  of or  delivery  of  cattle  purchased. ce  provider  and  is  not  responsible  for  the  activity gy,  internet  connection  at  the  sale  site  or  connect ders al Time red. Please register at least one (1) hour prior to sale time m s required. Slower speed will not permit you to bid and e. nline constitutes a legal contract and promise for payment E INTERNET BIDDING AT eg strat on & Pre-Approval Required Contact Aaron R y Tompkins 336.363.4639 Pre-Registration & Pre-Approval Required Doug & Sue Hughes 6916 Pepp rs Ferry Ro d Max Meadows, VA 24360 276-620-4271 - Doug Little Windy Hill Farm Welcome to the Southwest Cattlemen’s Classic where we lways look forward to seeing our past customers, and the new. This year, as in the past, we think we have a set of bulls and females that will move your cattle operation forward. As you will see we have shifted gears here at our place a little. My wonderful wife, Sue, has started a new adventure of breeding Gelbvieh Bulls to a great set of Hereford c ws, a d that has really se med to work well. Every time a custome visits th farm they are amazed with them. They are docile cattle and grow very well. Their popularity in the Midwest has really taken off -- they are called a Gelford’s there, but the American Gelbvieh Association call’s them white faced Balancer’s. Take a look at them, they’re really nice. Also, I wanted to mention that we sold a group 60 cows and bred heifers a couple years ago to my very good friend Rick Kauffman and his family at Cove Creek Cattle. They are doing a great job getting their operation off the ground. I try to work hand and hand with them, about breeding decisions, herd health, etc., and whatever advic I can give. We invited Rick and his Family to join us in our sale last year and they are back again this year. All the cattle they have in the sale are carrying the LWHF prefix on their pedigrees, so essentially you ar buying cattle that we would be presenting but from Cove Creek Cattle. Rick will stand behind his cattle the same way I always have, so buy with confidence. Again, I want to thank each and every one of you for attending the sale or online with Cowbuyer. If you have any questions at all, feel free to contact Smith, Rick or Myself at anytime. The good Lord has blessed us and our family this year, with his help will be back again next year. Thank you, Doug Hughes Little Windy Hill Farms VE  INTERNET  BIDDING  AT ne  in  Real  Time s  required.  Please  register  at  least  one  (1)  hour  prior  to  sale ternet  is  required.  Slower  speed  will  not  permit  you  to  bid  and al  time. asing  online  constitutes  a  legal  contract  and  promise  for chases.  All  purchases  must  be  paid  within  ten  (10)  days  of  sale o  load  out  or  delivery  of  cattle  purchased. C  is  a  service  provider  and  is  not  responsible  for  the  activity  or y  technology,  internet  connection  at  the  sale  site  or  connection of  the  bidders or  information,  contact: Ray  Tompkins  –  336/363-­‐4639, ones  –  336-­‐429-­‐2869, d online in Real Time ation is required. Please register at least one (1) hour prior to sale time eed Internet is required. Slower speed will not permit you to bid and ce in real time. urchasing online constitutes a legal contract and promise for payment ases. All purchases must be paid within ten (10) days of sale date and oad out or delivery of cattle purchased. er LLC is a service provider and is not responsible for the activity or y of any technology, internet connection at the sale site or connection hnology of the bidders. equired on mobile devices. LIVE INTERNET BIDDING AT Pre-Registration & Pre-Approval Required Contact Aaron Ray Tompkins 336.363.4639 ONLINE BIDDING LIVE INTERNET BIDDING AT TERNET  BIDDING  AT w.cow NLINE BIDDING Questions please contact: Aaron Ray Tompkins – 336-363-4639 • View/bidonlineinReal Time • Registration is required. Pleaseregister at least one (1) hour prior tosaletimeat • HighSpeedInternet is required. Slower speedwill not permit youtobidandkeeppaceinreal time. • Terms: Purchasingonlineconstitutesalegal contact andpromisefor payment of purchases. All purchases must bepaidwithinten(10) daysof saledateandprior toloadout or deliveryof cattlepurchased. • Cowbuyer LLCisaserviceprovider andisnot responsiblefor theactivityor inactivityof any technology, internet connectionat thesalesiteor connectionandtechnologyof thebidders. • NoAppis requiredonmobiledevices.

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