Senior Living Handbook 2018
Level Two Violations
The following list of infractions represents examples (not all-inclusive), which, after an incident, could result in immediate dismissal without resorting to the normal progressive corrective action procedure: 1. Falsification of information on employment application or any other company document. 2. Physical, mental, emotional or verbal abuse/harassment of residents, visitors, families, or fellow team members, resident neglect/abuse, exploitation, violation of residents' rights or failure to report same. 4. Failing to interact with co-workers or any person in a civil manner. Use of disrespectful, vulgar, profane or obscene language (including but not limited to any communication or action that violates our harassment policy and other discrimination). 5. Any act of incivility, discrimination or harassment, whether based on a category protected by the law or otherwise. 6. Using power or threats to coerce/influence the behavior of another without regard to what they want to do. 7. Possession, distribution, or under the influence of, non-prescribed narcotics, drugs or alcohol on community property or while conducting business on behalf of the community. 3. Fighting (physical or verbal) in the community or on the property.
8. Possession of firearms or lethal weapons on community property.
9. Falsification or unauthorized possession of community records or employment records, including HIPAA violations.
10. Refusal to perform assigned duties.
11. Insubordination.
12. Immoral or indecent conduct while on community property or during working time.
13. Falsification of time records.
14. Divulging team member, resident, or company confidential information.
15. Destruction of community property, vendor property, or property of another team member, visitor, or resident.
16. Theft of any HHHunt, resident, team member, or visitor property.
17. Losing, diverting, pocketing, or otherwise failing to properly administer residents’ medication.
18. Sleeping on the job.
19. Gambling on the premises.
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