Senior Living Handbook 2018
XIII. MEETING EXPECTATIONS HHHunt believes in team members and supervisors working collaboratively to empower one another to fully live our brand promises and values guiding the way to professional success. At times, corrective action is necessary to constructively address job performance, behavioral issues, conduct or policy violations, or any other areas inconsistent with the best interest of the Company. The corrective action steps normally consist of coaching/counseling, a verbal warning, a written warning, and discharge. Our goal is to establish a progressive course of corrective action for improvement, but in some cases the Company may skip steps at its discretion and/or move to immediate employment dismissal based upon the seriousness of the issue. Each situation is reviewed individually, and may include suspension, with or without pay. We recognize that personal issues may sometimes affect conduct, performance and behaviors. While we understand the reason, this does not excuse the team member in any way. As a resource, the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is available to team members and their families to provide confidential help with a wide variety of issues and concerns. In support of our mission, vision, values, and brand promises, we promote a transparent team member relations practice to help achieve and maintain standards of conduct, attendance, behavior and performance expectations. Saying “I didn’t know” about work policies or expectations is not an acceptable excuse for violations and will not detract from the situation being treated as cause for corrective action. HHHunt strives to maintain consistent and fair processes based on the circumstances. For example, one incident of profanity overheard by others is different from profanity directed in anger at others; poor judgment in following dress code procedures is different from overlooking safe handling procedures that are in place to reduce exposure or risk to others. Supervisors will assess the team members’ understanding of policies, expectations, their willingness to follow them, workplace obstacles, resource issues, etc., and whether the action is an excusable mistake, inexcusable issue, or deliberate action. The following examples, while not all-inclusive, are considered to be undesirable standards, and are not in line with our company’s values. These violations will be considered under a range of corrective actions, up to and including employment dismissal. WORKPLACE CONDUCT & COMMITMENT GUIDE
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