Senior Living Handbook 2018
recording, covert or otherwise, of residents in their own rooms, in the rooms of other Community residents or in Community common areas, except for devices installed by the Community, in furtherance of its care and supervision of our residents. A resident cannot install, nor authorize any individual to install, operate, maintain, or otherwise use any form of electronic monitoring or recording as defined. Electronic monitoring includes visual and audio recordings and/or monitoring of individuals (including residents, team members, visitors or others) by means of any device, recording system, video surveillance camera, web-based camera, or videophones (including cell phones or smartphones), regardless of whether these are interactive or simply recording devices. You must notify the Executive Director immediately should you become aware of any such violation of this policy. If the Community discovers that this policy has been violated, the team member(s) violating this policy may face disciplinary action up to and including termination. In addition, the Company has the right, in its sole discretion, to request that any recording obtained through unauthorized electronic recording or monitoring be deleted and destroyed in the presence of a representative of this Community’s administration. Residents in this community are to be treated with dignity, respect, and utmost patience at all times and under all circumstances. Mistreatment in the form of verbal, financial, or physical abuse of any nature, resident neglect or exploitation will not be tolerated. Any team member guilty of abusing a resident is subject to immediate dismissal. Local authorities will be notified immediately and criminal charges may be filed. If found guilty, you could be fined and sentenced to prison. Applicable state licensure boards will also be notified if any claim of abuse is substantiated. Any team member who witnesses or suspects any form of abuse is required to report the incident within twenty-four (24) hours to his or her supervisor. A team member who makes a good faith report will not be retaliated against. A team member who does not report abuse will be considered an accessory to the abuse. ABUSE POLICY Each of our residents has the right to fair, courteous and equal treatment from each member of the staff. We take the issue of Residents Rights very seriously. As such, the Resident’s Bill of Rights for the state where you work is included at the end of this Handbook and should be used as a reference tool whenever you have a question regarding the rights of residents. A violation of these Rights may be grounds for disciplinary action up to and including termination. RESIDENT BILL OF RIGHTS
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