Senior Living Handbook 2018
FMLA leave entitlement is limited to a combined total of 26 work weeks of FMLA leave for any qualifying reason. Requesting Leave and Employee Notifications Before and During Leave: Team members must provide HHHunt at least 30 days’ advance notice before FMLA leave is to begin if the need for the leave is foreseeable based on an expected birth, placement of adoption or foster care, planned medical treatment for a serious health condition of the team member or of a family member, or the planned medical treatment for a serious injury or illness of a covered service member. If 30 days’ notice is not possible, notice must be given as soon as practical. If the leave is for planned medical treatment and will be taken on an intermittent basis or by a reduced schedule, the employee is expected to schedule the treatment so as to create minimum disruption for the Company. A team member shall provide at least verbal notice sufficient to make the Company aware of their need for an FMLA qualifying leave, and the anticipated timing and duration. For foreseeable leave due to a qualifying exigency, the team member must provide notice as soon as possible. Absent unusual circumstances, team members must follow HHHunt’s usual customary call-in procedures for calling in absences and requesting leave. During FMLA leave, team members must keep their Executive Director informed of the estimated duration of leave and their intended date to return from leave. If team members need to take more or less FMLA leave than originally anticipated while on leave, they must notify HHHunt within two business days. Certification: Team members requesting leave for a seriously ill spouse, son, daughter, or parent, or due to their own serious health condition, may be required to support the need for leave by providing certification from an approved health care provider on forms approved by HHHunt. Team members requesting leave to care for an injured or ill service member must submit a certification providing sufficient facts to support the request for leave including certification from an authorized healthcare provider, which includes United States Department of Defense and Department of Veterans Affairs health care providers, among others. For qualifying exigency leaves, team members must furnish copies of the covered military member’s active duty orders or other documentation showing that the covered military member is on active duty or call to active duty status in support of a contingency operation or is being deployed to a foreign country, and the dates of the covered military member’s active duty status. The team member must also submit a certification regarding the qualifying exigency for which FMLA leave is requested. Team members may also be required to provide HHHunt with periodic reports or recertification during their Family and Medical Leave. We will advise you of such requirements in your Family and Medical Leave Notice and Designation Form.
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