Senior Living Handbook 2018
If it becomes necessary for you to change or alter your assigned meal period, you must notify your supervisor for approval. Also, if it becomes necessary for you to return to work and interrupt your meal period, you are to take a full uninterrupted meal period or be paid for the entire meal period. A missed punch form must be completed by you and your supervisor if a meal break is interrupted.
Whenever possible, you will receive paid rest periods, based on the following guidelines: Full-time team members: Two (2) paid ten (10) minute rest periods during each shift. Team Members (working four or more hours, but less than full shift): One (1) paid ten (10) minute rest period during shift. Rest periods may not be taken at the beginning or end of a normal shift and may not be carried over to your next shift. Your supervisor will assign the time of your rest period. If it becomes necessary for you to change or alter your assigned rest period, you must notify your supervisor for approval. When circumstances require, such as a heavy workload, you may be asked to work through your rest period. Every effort will be made to accommodate rest periods. Team members who smoke are not given additional breaks during the workday. Smoking is limited to periods of normal work breaks and meal periods, in designated areas outside of the building.
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