Savor the Flavor
Prayers at Meals
Prayer before Meals Christ our God, bless the food and drink of Your Servants, the hands that have prepared it and those of us who are about to partake of it, for You are holy and You love mankind, always now and ever and forever. Amen. Prayer after Meals We give thanks to You, O Christ Our God, for you have filled us with Your earthly bounty. Do not deprive us of Your heavenly kingdom. But as You appeared in the midst of Your disciples, granting them peace—come also to us and save us! Prayers of Thanksgiving We, your thankful and unworthy servants, praise and glorify You, O Lord, for the many blessings we have received from You. We bless You, we thank You, we sing to You and we rejoice in your great mercy. In humility and love, we praise You: O Benefactor and Savior, glory to You! We, although unworthy, have received Your blessings and gifts. As unprofitable servants, we dare to come to You, O master, bringing You thanks, as much as we can. We glorify and sing to You, our Benefactor and creator: glory to You, O most bountiful God!
Savor The Flavor
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