Savor the Flavor
Tuna Artichoke Dip
Ingredients: 1 jar Reese Artichoke Dip 2-5 oz can Albacore tuna, drained 2 slices American cheese (or other type if making fasting) 1 box Crackers or Pita chips (for serving)
Instructions: Combine all ingredients in amicrowave safe bowl. Microwave 1-2minutes, stir to blend. Serve with crackers or pita chips.
Pani Lisa Tyson
Herbed Bruschetta
Ingredients: 1/2 cup Fresh Italian parsley,
1/4 cup olive oil
finely chopped
2 large very ripe tomatoes 3 tbsps. fresh mint, finely minced 24 1/4-inch thick slices of peasant
1/2 cup drained capers, chopped 1 tbsp. fresh tarragon, finely minced
Salt and pepper, to taste
bread or French baguette
Instructions: In amedium-size bowl, place the parsley capers, tarragon and salt and pepper to taste. Add the oil and toss well. Dice the tomatoes very fine, but do not peel or seedthem.Placethetomatoinanotherbowl.Seasonwithsaltandpeppertotaste, and add the mint, Let everything stand at room temperature for at least 1 hour. Note: From the Italian bruscare “to toast.” This is an annual tradition that began incelebrationof thenewlypressedoliveoil. Themost important component the bread grilled over an open fire. The second: the spicy fresh-pressed virgin olive oil of the late fall season. Ancient Romans were the first to brush crusty grilled breadwitholiveoil,acustomthatspreadthroughoutcentralItaly,gathering,other ingredients—tomatoes, garlic, herbs—-as it traveled.
Anonymous Contribution, Italy
Eggplant Dip -- Baba Gannout
Ingredients: 1 large Eggplant
1/4 cup Tahini sauce (sesame paste)
1 clove garlic, minced
2 tbsps. water
1 tsp. salt
1/2 cup lemon juice
2 tbsps. plain yogurt
Olive Oil
Instructions: Preheatovento375degreesforabout50minutes.Placeeggplantonbakingsheet and pierce with a fork several times. Bake until soft. Set aside to cool, then peel and mash. In a separate bowl combine, combine tahini, salt, garlic, lemon juice; graduallyaddwatermixingwell. Fold inmashedeggplant sprinklewithabitolive oil. Serve with pita bread wedges. Anonymous Contribution, Lebanon Cuisine
Savor The Flavor
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