Saint Francis Service Dogs 2022 Annual Report

“He took his first steps again walking Tide,” Fisher says.

During his eight years of service, Tide touched so many people, helping in ways no one could have imagined. For some, Tide was a reminder of why they were working so hard to get home. “In another case, we had an older patient that was really sick. There were days he did not want to keep going. But he had a picture of his dog by his bed. Tide helped him so that he could get home to his own dog.” Fisher says. As with all of our facility dogs, the impact Tide had rippled out well beyond the patients he worked with every day. When the COVID pandemic hit, it took a heavy toll on healthcare workers. Like most facilities, Salem Health and Rehab completely shut down to outside visitors. Tide’s joyful presence helped ease the burdens felt by both patients and staff. “It was nice to be able to still interact with Tide and have that touch,” Pressman says. “Staff would seek out Tide to sit with him for just a few minutes before returning to work and feel less stress and ready to meet their next challenge,” Fisher says. As Tide is now resting in his retirement, the team of Salem Rehab is reflecting back on all of the incredible ways their Saint Francis Facility Dog has enhanced and benefited their rehab program. Pressman says, “This was a huge success. I know that some of the positive outcomes we saw were because Tide was part of this facility.” While his job may be done, we have a feeling Tide will be bringing smiles to the faces of all of those who worked with him, who knew him, and who loved him for years to come.

“Tide touched more lives than I realized. He impacted thousands of people through Salem Health and Rehab.”

Pressman says, “It has been an amazing journey. Personally, professionally, and for the entire community we serve.”

To Tide and ALL of our Saint Francis Service and Facility Dogs who retired in 2022... Congratulations on a job well done!


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