Saint Francis Service Dogs 2022 Annual Report

2022 Annual Report

PA RT N E R S PAWS A N D Helping people with disabilities better experience the world through partnership with a service dog

Making a Splash

Lucy and Beck

“She is my companion. She knows what I need and I know what she needs. Beck is always ready for an adventure.” Lucy is used to facing challenges and rising above them. She has done it her whole life. When she was just three years old, Lucy was diagnosed with McCune Albright Syndrome, a disorder that affects the bones and other tissues. “Even though I went to many doctor’s appointments, had tons of broken bones, and lots of surgeries, my parents tried to keep life as normal as possible,” Lucy says. With her strong spirit and drive, Lucy joined the swim team when she was a young girl. It turned out that swimming was a perfect fit. - Lucy


A message from Cabell “Our base is now and always has been our stalwart volunteers, our steadfast donors, our talented staff, and our extraordinary dogs.”

This has been a year for nurturing programs, initiatives, and ideas. We are growing. My job is to define a clear vision for our future and then chart our path towards that goal, holding the line between those who want to dash ahead and those that hesitate. It’s not easy. When you add to that, the fact that growth always involves setbacks, it can feel overwhelming. An eight-week-old puppy reminded me of the solution. Born last fall in the house of one of our incredible whelping volunteers, she was raised in the heart of their home, experiencing the love and support of a nurturing family from literally the moment she entered the world. In December, it was time for the next phase of her life. She left home for the first time and it didn’t go as planned. She sustained a mild injury. Our veterinarian treated her and said she would be fine. But she wasn’t. She refused food. Usually lab puppies attack their food with such vigor that their sides suck in like they have become little vacuum cleaners, so this was a big red flag. We decided she should go to the emergency clinic overnight for monitoring. I drove her and my heart hurt. I whispered in her ear that she was brave, but in truth she was so small and seemed so sad. The veterinarian at the clinic examined her and was mystified. She ran tests, looking for a cause. Nothing. The Saint Francis team was busy talking well into the evening. We were baffled and worried about this little puppy that seemed so sick.

Our volunteer that whelped the litter – the one human this puppy knew better than any on earth – offered to drive over to visit the puppy at the emergency clinic that night. The veterinarian readily agreed. Only then were we able to see what the problem was: it turns out our little puppy was desperately homesick. When the puppy saw our volunteer’s familiar face, she recovered immediately and joyfully, leaping up and climbing into her lap to lick her face thoroughly. Once satisfied, she pounced on her food bowl and devoured her dinner like a good puppy. All was right with the world. She left the emergency clinic with her whelping mother and went back home to her familiar family for a bit longer. She has started her journey and is now happy and thriving with her puppy raiser. It’s an important lesson. Sometimes, when you have a setback, you need to go back to your roots for some sustenance to bolster you to move forward again. I hope Saint Francis will grow the same way we nurture our puppies – providing watchful encouragement, individual attention, and buckets of love. Our base is now and always has been our stalwart volunteers, our steadfast donors, our talented staff, and our extraordinary dogs. Thank you. We are so grateful. With roots like ours, I feel great about the future.


Making a Splash continued from cover

Throughout her career, Lucy swam locally, nationally, and even internationally as a Paralympic athlete. She continued the sport, going on to swim at the collegiate level for Notre Dame of Maryland University. Years later, a few friends told Lucy about Saint Francis Service Dogs and encouraged her to apply. She started the years long process, and in 2019, met with a black lab named Beck for the first time. Lucy says, “I actually didn’t feel an immediate connection with Beck, but I trusted the process. They saw something I didn’t.” The Saint Francis team did see something in Beck. Her trainer knew Beck as a loyal, smart dog who loved working and braved new situations with ease. When Lucy and Beck started off on their journey together after graduating in 2020, Lucy quickly saw the same. “She is always ready to work and go at a moment’s notice. Beck is sweet, loyal and reliable. She is always there checking on me,” says Lucy. “Beck doesn’t even like the water. But, when I am swimming, she is always right there waiting for me at the end of lane.” Using the more than 40 commands taught during her training at Saint Francis, Beck assists Lucy daily with many physical tasks that allow her to live a more independent life. “She helps me by picking up items that I drop, or tugging doors open. She retrieves my phone or other things I need. She likes that she has to go find them,” Lucy says. “Having a Saint Francis dog is very special. It is not your average service dog. Countless hours have been put in to make sure you and your service dog are a good fit for one another. I am very fortunate to have Beck and be a part of this organization.” For Lucy, one of the very best parts of her partnership with her Saint Francis Service Dog is knowing that Beck will always be by her side…. no matter where life takes them.

“Countless hours go into making sure you and your service dog are a perfect fit for one another.”


A Job Well Done Salem Health and Rehab and Tide

These days, you may find sweet Tide resting on the floor of the physical therapy room or in any one of the spaces inside the sprawling Salem Health and Rehab facility that he has come to know so well. Things are a little bit different now. He doesn’t put on his Saint Francis Facility dog vest anymore, but the impact he had is still felt by everyone there. “He absolutely loved coming to work. He saw his vest and knew what he had to do,” says Jennifer Pressman, Salem Health Administrator and Tide’s handler. Tide was expertly matched with the healthcare facility back in 2014. The team at Saint Francis knew then that it would take a special dog to be able to have the stamina and skills to give the patients what they needed while still focusing in the stressful environment. On an average day on the job, Tide would work with patients dealing with a multitude of challenges. Using tasks like “tug”, “get it”, and “hold”, Tide helped many progress as they recovered from strokes, injury, and accidents. “Tide sort of picked out the patients who needed him most. It was beautiful to see that chemistry between them,” says Pressman. Jennifer Fisher, another of Tide’s handlers and Director of Rehabilitation, says, “Some patients are scared. But, playing fetch doesn’t seem scary. While they were working with Tide, it didn’t even feel like rehab.” As Tide became a familiar and deeply loved presence at Salem Health and Rehab, it was his ability to connect with staff, patients and families that lead to moments that truly changed the lives of those around him. Fisher recalls an especially poignant case where a young patient who was dealing with some very serious injuries from a car accident, immediately connected with Tide. The young man was unable to speak, eat or walk. During a therapy session, he wanted to give Tide a treat. The condition was he has to give Tide the command “sit”, which led to him speaking his first word since his accident. To get the patient to start eating again, the team had him first feed Tide to ease his fear. Eventually, Tide even got him back on his feet. “I knew when I met him that he was the right one for us. He was go-go-go,” Pressman says.


“He took his first steps again walking Tide,” Fisher says.

During his eight years of service, Tide touched so many people, helping in ways no one could have imagined. For some, Tide was a reminder of why they were working so hard to get home. “In another case, we had an older patient that was really sick. There were days he did not want to keep going. But he had a picture of his dog by his bed. Tide helped him so that he could get home to his own dog.” Fisher says. As with all of our facility dogs, the impact Tide had rippled out well beyond the patients he worked with every day. When the COVID pandemic hit, it took a heavy toll on healthcare workers. Like most facilities, Salem Health and Rehab completely shut down to outside visitors. Tide’s joyful presence helped ease the burdens felt by both patients and staff. “It was nice to be able to still interact with Tide and have that touch,” Pressman says. “Staff would seek out Tide to sit with him for just a few minutes before returning to work and feel less stress and ready to meet their next challenge,” Fisher says. As Tide is now resting in his retirement, the team of Salem Rehab is reflecting back on all of the incredible ways their Saint Francis Facility Dog has enhanced and benefited their rehab program. Pressman says, “This was a huge success. I know that some of the positive outcomes we saw were because Tide was part of this facility.” While his job may be done, we have a feeling Tide will be bringing smiles to the faces of all of those who worked with him, who knew him, and who loved him for years to come.

“Tide touched more lives than I realized. He impacted thousands of people through Salem Health and Rehab.”

Pressman says, “It has been an amazing journey. Personally, professionally, and for the entire community we serve.”

To Tide and ALL of our Saint Francis Service and Facility Dogs who retired in 2022... Congratulations on a job well done!


Upholding the Highest Standards Celebrating our ADI Accreditation

In October, just as we celebrated the incredible accomplishments of our 2022 graduating class, the team at Saint Francis was gearing up for another big milestone – our Assistance Dogs International re-accreditation! The process is vigorous and thorough, but one we are committed to on every level. “It allows us to take stock of what we are doing and look at all aspects of our organization. We want to see how we can do more and how we can do it better,” says Deborah Duerk, Director of Operations for Saint Francis. Assistance Dogs International (ADI), is a worldwide coalition of non-profits that train and place assistance dogs. ADI is recognized as the leading authority in the assistance dog industry and accredits organizations like ours who uphold the highest standards. In 2007, Saint Francis elected to undergo the accreditation process for the first time and became the only organization in Virginia at that time to hold the honor. “We voluntarily say we want to be a part of this. We want to be the best we can be. There is something compelling about that,” says Deb. The standards set forth by ADI are constantly changing and evolving as the industry does. Every five years,

all organizations go through an intense review to ensure all of those standards are being met. At Saint Francis, we aim to take it a step further. Deb says, “We often use it as a jumping off place. Everything we do is made better by adhering to and exceeding those standards.” During our re-accreditation in the fall, we showed exactly how we meet each and every guideline. All of our practices were examined closely during an on-site visit by a trained ADI assessor. By observing and interacting with our dogs and through interviews with our staff, board members, volunteers, and our partners, ADI got a full and clear picture of how we operate in every area. We are excited to share that Saint Francis Service Dogs has been granted a full five year accreditation by Assistance Dogs International. For Saint Francis, it is an accomplishment, but also a commitment to remain passionate about our mission and provide the highest quality of care and support to our dogs and the people we serve. Deb says, “It means something. We work really hard to get it and it is something to celebrate. We are really proud of it.”

To learn more, visit our website at For more information about ADI, visit


Donor Spotlight Jim Petrine

improvement in the lives of their owners is truly inspiring.”

Like so many people who give of their time and their generosity to Saint Francis, for Jim Petrine, it started with his love of dogs. “I have always been a dog lover and have had dogs my entire life. Our dogs are a huge part of our family,” says Jim. three decades as a well-respected businessman in the home building industry. He is passionate about his family which includes wife Debbie, a son, daughter, son-in-law and his two beautiful grandchildren. He is also no stranger to giving of his time, as a member and supporter of many community groups. He says his desire to give back is an important value instilled in him by his parents. Jim says, “I have been fortunate in my life. Now I look for areas where I can give back and make an impact in others’ lives.” When Jim first learned of the work Saint Francis does, he wanted to learn more about what highly trained dogs were capable of. “My first impression of Saint Francis was sheer amazement. The organization’s ability to train dogs to make such a significant Jim is a proud alumnus of Virginia Tech and has spent more than

Along with being a generous supporter, Jim has served on the Board of Directors since 2016.

“I wanted to do my part to keep this important work going,” says Jim.

“It is so rewarding just knowing you have helped change lives.”

Through his firsthand experience with Saint Francis Service Dogs, Jim says he continues to be amazed at the impact a service dog can have. “It is heartwarming. A service dog can be a true game changer for the people we serve. That dog’s service and presence can ultimately change the trajectory for the entire family,” Jim says. “My hope is that we can help even more families with this valuable resource.”

Thank you Jim for all that you do! Your support and dedication helps to change lives.

For more information on all types of giving, please visit our website at


Behind the Scenes A Closer Look at the Training House

As you come up the winding drive of our beautiful 18-acre facility, one of the first things you see is a small house where big things happen. Inside the walls of our Saint Francis Training House and under the watchful eyes of our expert trainers, our dogs learn all the commands and tasks they need to know to be placed as a faithful partner to the people we serve. “Having an indoor space that allows us to control variables like intensity of distractions as well as a physical environment that supports the tasks we are teaching is critical to our work,” says Saint Francis Training Program Manager, Tiffany Moeltner. Inside the front door of this special structure is a large room with mirrored walls that help the trainers perfect and teach stationary and moving position work. Equipment like wheelchairs, rollators, walkers and crutches are within easy reach as our dogs are taught how to handle the multitude of real-life situations they may encounter as a service animal. Staff trainer Debbie Clifton says, “I use every inch of this house for training. All of the dogs’ tasks can be taught in the training house and then can be taken out into other practical settings.” The kitchen, bathroom, and even the doorways throughout the house serve an important purpose. A tug rope

on the refrigerator allows dogs to practice the command “refrigerator” that could be used to retrieve medicine for their future partners. The task “bump” is learned as dogs close cabinet doors and drawers. Doors and doorways help teach “tug” and “go ahead.” All of this is eventually put together as our dogs in training learn to understand the sequencing of commands just like a partner would use in their own home. “This training space is so helpful in supporting our dogs being able to generalize these skills in a new household,” says Tiffany. Along with giving the dogs in Advanced Training a “home” to learn in, the house serves many other purposes. It is the space currently used for our weekly puppy class for the littlest ones just beginning their journeys. Our advanced trainers meet weekly at the house as well, where they share challenges, ideas and techniques. All of our dogs’ observations and testing take place in the training house, giving them a familiar place to hone their skills. The attached kennels and fenced in fields also serve as a haven for the dogs that live at Saint Francis during their training. All of this combines to make this small space a very big part of what we do!

To see video of how the training house is used, scan the code now!


Volunteer Spotlight Katie and Ryan Read

thousands of photos to show how much each has meant to them. But as much as they love each and every dog and as hard as it is to say goodbye, the Reads recognize and appreciate the bigger contribution they are making. “Ultimately, we are helping people. We get to do that through this brief interaction with these puppies. We put all our energy into each dog. It is hard for all the right reasons,” Ryan says. Ryan says with a laugh, “Never say never. It’s Saint Francis. I don’t think there is a better organization to volunteer with. Everyone there works so hard for the same mission.” Thank you Katie and Ryan for your incredible dedication. You are a vital part of the Saint Francis family! So, will there be a fifth puppy raised by this amazing couple?

During that time, Ryan started working for Saint Francis as Volunteer Coordinator. The couple was able to watch every part of JoJo’s progression as she moved into Advanced Training and they were able to foster her on the weekends. Katie says, “You want them to be successful.” Ryan agrees saying, “There is that drive and that push to get that dog to the place they need to be.” In 2017, Ryan and Katie made a big move across the country to California, but still wanted to be involved. Walker, with the help of Pups in Flight, made his way to the West Coast soon after. At the same time, Katie was battling some significant health issues. The presence of sweet Walker ended up being a blessing in disguise. Ryan says, “Walker would go to oncology appointments with her. He was such a good distraction during those times…just to have a wagging tail.” When Walker successfully moved on, the Reads decided they were ready to open their hearts once more. The Reads welcomed their fourth puppy, Wells, in 2021. A few months ago, after more than a year with Katie and Ryan, Wells graduated the Puppy Program and began working with one of our expert field trainers in Advanced Training. The Reads estimate they have had at least 75 Saint Francis service dogs in-training in and out of their home over their years with our organization and have the thousands and “I thought, I have the capacity to do this again,” Katie says.

It started with the simple idea of just wanting to give back in a small way. Now, nearly a decade later, Katie and Ryan Read, four-time volunteer puppy raisers, have touched the lives of so many through the dogs they have loved, cared for, and trained for Saint Francis. “We have been able to help people and families we don’t even know. We have gained so much through every single dog,” Ryan says. This vibrant couple started with puppy sitting on the weekends while Katie was working at Virginia Tech, but quickly moved into puppy raising, welcoming puppy, George, into their home in 2013. Katie says, “He had so much energy! It was so special to start going to class and meeting all the other puppy raisers. You are just welcomed into this wonderful family.” With George, Ryan and Katie quickly learned all that goes into the very important duties of a volunteer puppy raiser, including the frequent interactions with the public while out with a service dog in-training. Katie says, “You become ambassadors. We were happy to take on that role. It makes you realize how much education needs to happen.” After their first successful experience with George, the couple didn’t hesitate when asked if they wanted to puppy raise again. JoJo bounced into their lives in 2014. “It is so much fun – just learning how to communicate with this new animal,” Ryan says.

For volunteer opportunities, visit


A PUP’S progr es s

What a journey it has been! And, the best part is, I am just getting started!

HI! My name is Lion! My friends at Saint Francis Service Dogs (which is where I live, by the way), asked if I wanted to tell all you wonderful people out there a little bit about my story. Some of you may know some of it already, but let me start from the beginning anyway! Saint Francis, helped bring me and my sisters into the world. She took care of us when we were itty bitty. Soon, Tonya noticed that I was having a little trouble eating my food and wasn’t growing like my siblings. It was a little scary, but I knew right away I was in good hands. They took me to a big place called Virginia Tech where the doctors figured out I had something wrong with my heart. They called it Persistent Aortic Arch and said I was going to need surgery to help me get better. My little heart problemmade it really tough for me to eat like all the other puppies. I needed to get bigger and stronger before the doctors could fix it. Saint Francis was determined to figure out a way to help! I was born in 2021. Tonya, an incredible person and friend of

straight up to take my liquid meals. She called it the “Lion Tamer”! And guess what? IT WORKED!

When I go to sleep at night, I am just so thankful to everyone who has helped me along the way. I hope that one day soon I can give all that love and support back to someone who needs me....someone I can give my heart to!

In June of 2021, I was big enough for the doctors to fix my heart. The best news is, I have only gotten stronger since. I was able to go live with a wonderful family, the Fraziers, who made sure I was healthy and happy while they started teaching me the first things I would need to know to someday be a service dog. Because of all of the bumps on my path, I was a little behind in my training. But, once again, all the people who love me stepped up. The trainers at Saint Francis made sure I had a little extra support and attention to get me where I needed to be. Gosh, I am lucky! Now, I work hard every day with my amazing teacher, Debbie. I get to train with my other friends in Advanced Training who are learning to be service dogs. We get to play a lot while we are learning all of the important things we need to know. Right now, my favorite tasks are “bump” and “get it”. I mean, I am a retriever after all!

Stay tuned for my second Pup’s Progress in our next newsletter!

Lion “All I really want is to be by my person’s side and give back all that has been given to me!”

Tonya made me a funny little contraption that helped me sit


Visit to sign up and get your t-shirt Register Today! Raise funds with your own crowdfunding page (not a requirement to participate) Fundraise*

1 step

Ap r i l 1 7- 2 3 Do you run? Bike? Kayak? Can you juggle? Cartwheel? Are you great at hacky sack? Whatever you like to do for fun, we want you to do it for Saint Francis Service Dogs. During the week of April 17-23 , we are asking you to do your favorite rec activities to help raise awareness and funds for Saint Francis during Barks ‘n Rec, our Spring Fundraiser. Your participation will help people with disabilities better experience the world through partnership with a service dog. Join in on the fun by signing up and choosing an activity. If you want to increase your impact, you can also choose to create your very own fundraising page, set your goal, and share your participation with your friends and family in the weeks leading up to the event, so that they can support you in your activity. Register by March 31st! Your registration includes an event t-shirt and eligibility for our special Barks ‘n Rec prizes! Visit to learn more!

2 step

Do your activity and share during Barks ‘n Rec week, April 17-23 Do Your Own Thing

3 step

Thank you to our generous sponsors!

Sam and Sally Craver

Annette Kirby

For sponsorship information please visit

*Fundraising is not a requirement to register and participate. Templates are provided to set up a fundraising page if you choose.


Tribute GIFTS October 1 - December 31

In Memory Of: Abbi Ms. Lisa Kirchner Abby Mrs. Ann Finch Addie Mr. and Mrs. Kemp Savage Annie Ms. Gail Brumberg Annie Ms. Rebecca Perdue Austin Mr. and Mrs. Rand Garrett Axl Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Shearer Bailey, Mylow, Memee and Tilly Ms. Laura Evans Bailey and Kailey Ms. Kathleen Robertson Bear Mr. and Mrs. Gary Koogler Ben Mrs. Jan Barnett Mrs. Nancy Cunningham Bently Mr. and Mrs. W. Churchill Robison Madge Bounds Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Willson Tom Burgum Mr. and Mrs. R.J. Godlewski Buster Mr. Harry Schweizer Buttonnose Ms. Joanne Bebel Sharon Carson Dr. and Mrs. Michael Gauthier Champ and Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Steven Bodley Champ Mr. and Mrs. David Derr Chardonnay Ms. Rochelle Chase Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dugan Chivas, Holly & Jackson Terri Moss Choco, Oakley, Mattie, Honey, Jettie, & Bailey Ms. Kathryn Hull and Ms. Carroll LaHaye Ellen F. Clapsaddle Ms. Laura MacDermeid Rangler Clark Mr. and Mrs. Brian Sullivan Cody Mr. Ray Smoot Caroline Frances Cordle Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lee Laura Elizabeth Crigger Mr. and Mrs. David Safewright

Lucy Curbow Ms. Shelby Curbow Diane Evans & Bob DeBlaiso Mrs. Barbara Shands Annie and Sadie DeLong Mr. and Mrs. James Caudill Robert Dempsey Mr. and Mrs. Todd Hendrickson Dixie Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jackson Ted Dodd Mr. and Mrs. R.J. Godlewski Ellie Ms. Linda Perdue Ralph “Buddy” Firebaugh Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Schoenberg Bill Foreman Mr. and Mrs. Sam Craver Fred Mr. and Mrs. Vince Snidow Cody Frye Mr. and Mrs. Guy Ellett Mr. and Mrs. Robert Frye Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hasey Mr. and Mrs. William Ray Mango Garst Mr. and Mrs. Eric Buchanan Gatsby Ms. Beth Surmont Elizabeth Gilbert Mr. Richard Lewis Griffin Mr. and Mrs. Steven Scriven Harper Mr. and Mrs. Steven Scriven Darlene Haymond Mr. and Mrs. Michael Michalski Susan and Barkley Hill Mr. and Mrs. Randall Hill Mr. and Mrs. William Hill Katie and Hubble Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hopkins Jack Ed & Karen Verdelotti Jed Dr. and Mrs. Leroy Roemer Jerry Lee the Wonder Dog Mr. and Mrs. Terry Board Tim Jones Ms. Shari Henry Kappa, Middy, Dusty, and Brandy Dr. and Mrs. Donald Smith

Gordon L. King Mrs. Carol King Junior and Luci Kirk Ms. Martha Boone Kirk Joann Lampros Hon. Lawrence Koontz and Ms. Eberle Smith Amy Lauth Mrs. Nancy Gillespie Ellen Hawks Lawrence Mr. and Mrs. Mark Lawrence Lee Mr. Jeffrey Cox Abby and Lilly Ms. Catherine Caddy Lucy Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rayburn Luke Mr. James North Luna Ms. Lois Sumpter Louise Lutins Dr. and Mrs. Robert Pooley Max and Maddie Mr. and Mrs. Richard Chriss Madison Mr. and Mrs. Gary Kappesser Patricia Mailand Mr. Michael Mailand Lily Mason Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Gilbert Maxwell Mr. and Mrs. Rand Garrett Stephen Mayer Mr. and Mrs. James Childress Harry McConnell Mr. Ben Cooper and Ms. Polly Gault

Otter Ms. Debra Bickford Paco Ms. Sandra Reed Parker

Melvin Smith Mr. and Mrs. Gary Smith Chuck Snyder Mrs. Karen Snyder Spike Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rayfield June Straub Ms. Brenda Straub Phillip Taliaferro Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Sorrells Tam, Nikki, and Frannie Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Polinski George Terry Ms. Jennifer Dickerson Tika Mr. and Mrs. Steve Suttmiller Greg Tolzmann Mr. and Mrs. Charles Souter Tommy Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Danielsen Cindy Vickers Mrs. Catherine Vickers Vlad Ms. Patricia Davidson Rita Weaver Mr. David Weaver Beamer, Beckley, Carson, Charlie, Charlie, Coco, Dasher, Hope, Jack, Kasey, Kitty, Levi, Lillie, Luna, Maggie, Millie, Pippa, Brandi and Pippy, Ren,

Ms. Rebecca Perdue Pepper and Beamer Mr. Clifford Murray Potus Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Jacus Valerie Rasnake Lori Glovier Barbara Rea Preddys Creek Baptist Church Missy Read Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Long Fred Rector Mrs. Hope Rector Opal Reed Ms. Jennifer Dickerson Ms. Narlene Dulaney Remi Mr. and Mrs. Karen Jones Patty Revels Mr. and Mrs. Robert Price Thomas E. Reynolds Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Cowlbeck Aminee Jones Roberts Mr. and Mrs. William Benton Mr. and Mrs. William Hackett Mr. William Roberts Laurel Smith Otha & Hazel Robertson Mr. and Mrs. Wes Gordon Rosie Ms. Debra Bickford Sara B. Ruona Mr. Lloyd Ruona Sadie Ms. Nancy Jacobs Sammy Ms. Alexandria Davidson Sammy Ms. Rebecca Perdue Samson Ms. Sally English Scout Mr. Richard Bejtlich Shadow Patricia Innocenti Landon Shaff Mr. and Mrs. John Martin Kathryn Martin Andrew Shirley Mr. and Mrs. James Whitney

Rileigh, Riley, Scout Dr. Courtney Wiegard Claire T. Willey Mr. James Tupper and Catherine Dillon Carol Willoughby Ms. Trinette Kirkman Janet Wyrick Mr. Herbert Wyrick Zucker and Bibi Mr. and Mrs. Jim Purdy

Kevin McMahon, Jr. Mrs. Tricia McMahon Mary Elyn McNichols Ms. Lucy Burke Brittney Miller Ms. Jessica Droste Brittney Miller Mr. and Mrs. Ken and

Mary Dunker William Moles

Mrs. Linda Moles Lance C. Moore Mrs. Sarah Foltz Helene Morisseau Ms. Jeanette Mistele Fred Newcomb and Bear Ms. Sheryl Newcomb Cindy Oneto Mr. Tom Oneto Onyx Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wakeford

Eldon and Sue Karr Ms. Bonnie Johnson Katie Mr. Mark Journell Gregory Kaylor Mr. Richard Boswell Ms. Janet Rosensteel The Horse Soldier

Laura A. Shaw Patricia Meyer Frank Sheddler AnR Career Solutions Ms. Nicole Laroche Sky Ms. Candy Lawhorne


In Honor Of: 2022 Graduates Mrs. Mary Ellen Barb Lynda C. Adkins Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Tucker Diana Allen Mr. and Mrs. Ed Allen Jeremy and Angela Allen

Sally and Sam Craver Mr. Stephen Craver Dr. Randall Rhea

Bill and Charlotte Kagey Ms. Stephanie McNeill Kaia Ms. Judy Bates Michelle Karim Mrs. Helen Carty Mary King Ms. Sandi Adkins Sharon and David Kitchens Selena Kitchens Chris and Lisa Kliefoth Dr. and Mrs. Hugh Hagan Carrie F. Knopf Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Knopf The Kreiners Mr. and Mrs. Terry Board Bob Lee Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jones Mrs. Bonnie Lee Linda and Steve Lemery Ms. Betty Jean Steele Donna Lovern Ms. Janet Riddlebarger Willie Mae Mrs. Nancy Revercomb Mike Manning Mr. and Mrs. Abney Boxley Kathy Marr Mr. and Mrs. Roger Henderson Bonnie Martin Mr. and Mrs. Charles Palmer Janice and Terry Martin Mr. and Mrs. Charles Youell Stephanie McNeill Dr. and Mrs. William Kagey Paul Melvin Sharon Wormington Pete & Kathleen Milward Ms. Lavonia Welfare Cricket O’Keeffe Mr. and Mrs. Jay O’Keeffe Nancy Ruth Patterson Ms. Catherine Hurst Linda Perdue Mr. Stan Byrd Grayson and Kit Prillaman Ms. Lavonia Welfare Ryan Read Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hoggan Katie Read Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Read Renick Family Christmas Kathryn Overacker Jane Riegel Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pilarski Riley Ms. Jan Waldron

Gracie and Maggie Risi Mr. and Mrs. David Risi Beth Ann and Steve Rossi Ms. Paula Wyche Gale and Frank Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Alan Follett The SFSD Staff Mark and Kathy Baske Young Mr. and Mrs. Steven Strauss The Schoenberg Girls - Eva, Heidi, Lesl, Anika, and Krista Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Schoenberg The Sumpter Scotties Ms. Anne Sumpter G. Leonard Shank Mrs. Nancy Bowser Barbara & GL Shank Mr. Timothy Shank and Ms. Amy Whichello Mr. and Mrs. James Thurston Cindy Sharpe Ann Wilkes Leigh and James Simpson Mr. and Mrs Charles Jordan Krista H. Sinnott Mrs. Bob and Sandy Holt Howard and Trish Skelton Mr. and Mrs. Michael Connor Jim and Dreama Thurston Mr. and Mrs. James Thurston Matthew Underwood Mr. and Mrs. Lee Underwood Mr. and Mrs. Al Vick Ms. Mary Marshall Fred Webb Brianna Groleau Westlake Veterinary Medical Center Mr. and Mrs. Terry Board Mrs. Wanda Wetherall and Family Ms. Betty Jean Steele Elizabeth Williams Mr. and Mrs. David Charlton Marilyn Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Edward Smith Winston Mr. and Mrs. Vince Snidow Wiskee Larry and Patricia Rakes Kim and Gloria Woodward Mrs. Leslie Frusco Linda Sue Smith Ms. Sandi Adkins Steve and Lori Strauss Mr. and Mrs. Greg Haley Steven Strauss Ms. Lesleigh Strauss

Lynn Woodward Mrs. Leslie Frusco Martha Worrell Mr. and Mrs. Ed Allen Janet Wynot Ms. Gloriadene Lancaster Cabell Youell River Birch Wealth Management Ms. Nicole Wagner

Mr. and Mrs. James Wilbourne Nancy and Ray Cunningham Bill and Alice Hess Cindy Danieley Ms. Faye Becker Lucy Davis Ms. Pamela Hanks Wendy Day Mrs. Leslie Frusco Mattie DeLong Mr. and Mrs. James Caudill Dixie Ms. Fran Young Carol Downey Mr. and Mrs. Larry Pope Elena and Daniel Ms. Lavonia Welfare Eric and Whitney Eversole Ms. Lavonia Welfare Dr. Mark Finkler Mr. and Mrs. Scott Bauman Ms. Sandra Kelly Art and Marion Kunkle Anonymous Vic and Sue Foti Mr. and Mrs. David Boyd Mr. and Mrs. Barton Wilner Linda Frece Ms. Faye Becker Abbey Frost and JoJo Ms. Shirley Perdue Whitt Bromm, Adele Carliss, Rosie and Cash, Cory and Sarah, David Charles and Charles, Marilyn Fleming, John and Maria Garland, Ali Greenberg, Hannah and Ward, Ann and Bill Hopkins, James and Annie, Barry and Becky Marsh, Terry McGuire, Rebecca Talbot, and Dian Tapscott Mr. and Mrs. Brad and Cathy Greenberg Nancy Hack Valorie Drinkwine Hansen Ms. Christine Merriman Bev and Roger Henderson Ms. Kathie Childers Diana & John Holman Mrs. Leslie Frusco Allen and Jean Ingram Mr. and Mrs Charles Jordan Islay Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Dickinson Frank and Susan Jack Ms. Heidi Jack

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Allen Ed and Becky Allen Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Armstrong Allen and Jean, Leigh and James Mr. and Mrs. William King Porter Anderson Dr. and Mrs. Barbara Porter Riley Ann Colleen Butcher Jeff and Nancy Armstrong Mr. and Mrs. Ed Allen Atlas Ms. Sheila Segal Jessica Thompson Baldwin Ms. Levinia Thompson Judy Bates and Kaia Mr. and Mrs. Kim and Alan Turner The Beat Goes On Wendy Boldman The Davis Family John and Matilda Bradshaw Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ellett Ray and Jane Brill Mr. and Mrs. Alan Follett Brian W. Britt Mrs. Donna Britt Mr. and Mrs. Clint Hopkins Carole and Bandit Mr. and Mrs. Nick Thomas Rebecca Cheatham, Mr. and Mrs. S. Leard Huggins, Mr. Herman Friedman and Family, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Ford, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Todd Livingood and Family, Mr. and Mrs. George Salley Ms. Alice Dugger Kathie Childers Mr. and Mrs. Roger Henderson Charlotte Childers Ms. Kristie Ward Sandra Chisholm Mrs. Nancy Bowser Lesleigh Cook Mr. and Mrs. Danny Templeton Sam, Sally, Emma, and Darby Craver Ms. Elizabeth Carter (Vinton Line Dancers) Ms. Patricia Davidson

In Recognition Of: Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. Bob Herskovitz

Cory, Sam, and Pete Mrs. Betsy Hatfield Lillian Dorathy Mr. Tom Dorathy Hershey Ms. Janet West Mi’chael

Ms. Sue Morrow Marlene North Mr. Mark Hinton Irene L. Parmenter Mr. Mark Hinton Jerry Peck Mr. and Mrs. David Mumford Sunshine Mr. and Mrs. John Bradshaw

Richard Jack The Jeromes Mr. and Mrs. Terry Board


Whether a part of our Program Staff, who work directly with our dogs, or our Fundraising or Administrative staff, who ensure the efficiency, functionality, and feasibility of our programs, our mission would not be possible without our dedicated team. From the men of our Prison Puppy Program and our volunteer puppy raisers to our dog walkers and groomers, to the members of our Board, we would not be able to continue our mission without the tireless efforts of our volunteers.

The journey from puppy to partner would not be possible without the invaluable support of our family of donors, grantors, and corporate partners.

180 volunteers

1471 donors

The combined thousands of hours our team of trainers spends preparing our dogs create life changing partnerships.

20 staff members

6 trainers

We’re Impacting Lives


5 graduates

Highlights from Fiscal Year 2022

June 1, 2021 - May 31, 2022

41 dogs in training

31 puppy raisers 5 dog matched with partners

repeat partners active teams 3 58

Thank you!



June 1, 2021 - May 31, 2022

Operating Revenue Contributions Program Income Grants and Foundations Investment Income Gains on Investments Gains on Extinguishment/Forgiveness

1,267,048 9,715 170,000 32,802 (200,346) 92,320


Total Support and Revenue

Operating Expenses Program Costs General and Administrative Fundraising

767,196 224,267 115,761


Total Expenses

264,315 5,431,432 5,695,747

Change in net assets Net assets, beginning of year Net assets, end of year

Support and Revenue by Category

Expenses by Category

Gains on Extinguishment/ Forgiveness: 5%

Investment Income: 10%

General and Administrative: 20%

Fundraising: 10%

Program income: 1%

Grants and Foundations: 11%

Program Expenses: 70%

Contributed Income (including in-kind, restricted, and bequests): 81%


ANNUAL DONORS This Annual List includes generous contributions from individuals, corporations, and foundations during the 2022 calendar year. We could not fulfill our mission without you! Thank you!

✦ Volunteer

✚ Friends Club

✶ Big Dogs

✧ Legacy Society

$100,000+ Ms. Jo Lynn Draper ✦✶ The Joan Showalter Irrevocable Trust ✧ $50,000+ The Dorrene A. Whorton Revocable Trust ✧ Hittman Family Foundation Sharron G. Doss Trust ✧

$5,000+ (cont.) The NM Foundation

$1,000+ (cont.) Dodson Pest Control Ms. Alice Dugger Ms. Anne-Paige Duncan Emergency Veterinary Services of Roanoke, Inc. Mrs. Boo Evans FGP Foundation Ms. Carole Ford Gary and Sandra Bradford Charitable Fund Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hack ✦✚ Ms. Cathie Havrilesky ✚ Ms. Shari Henry Mr. and Mrs. John Higginbotham Elizabeth Irwin Key Living Options, Inc. Krevere Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Michael LaPrade Ms. Nicole Laroche Lawrence Transportation Systems LEEPS Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Love ✚ Lyerly Foundation Dr. Ann Martyn and Dr. Frank O’Brien PhD. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McDonald Member One Federal Credit Union Milan Tobacconists Ms. Lynne Falkinburg Ms. Charlene Fay ✦✚ Mr. and Mrs. Peter Milward ✶ Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mohr Mr. and Mrs. David Nash New River Electrical Corp. Oakey’s Pet Funeral Home and Crematory Mr. and Mrs. Steve Olson Ms. Jill Petro Mr. and Mrs. Mike Poff Angela Polizzi Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rayfield Mr. and Mrs. Preston Rearick Reid’s Fine Furnishing Mrs. Emily Reynolds ✶ Roanoke Elks Lodge 197 Roanoke Natural Foods Co-Op Roanoke Valley Mopar Club Mr. and Mrs. David Rowan Mr. Lloyd Ruona Mr. and Mrs. Richard Saacke Mr. and Mrs. Kemp Savage Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Shearer ✦ Mr. and Mrs. Barry Shelor

$1,000+ (cont.) Varsity Landscaping and Grounds ✶ Virginia Association of Governmental Procurement Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wade Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wakeford Ms. Melissa White Dr. Courtney and Mr. Spencer Wiegard ✦✚ Mr. and Mrs. Scott Winter ✦ Woods Rogers PLC Wordsprint Ms. Fran Young

Mr. and Mrs. John Olver ✶ Ms. Elizabeth Parsons ✶ Mrs. Sarah Plymale Estate of Luther Quick ✧ Ms. Sandra Reed Mr. and Mrs. Mike and Krista Sinnott ✦✶✚ United Way - Combined Federal Campaign Ms. Dianne Woody ✦✶ $2,500+ The Carter and Kay Craigie Family Foundation Church of the Good Shepherd Community Foundation Serving Western Virginia County of Roanoke Mr. and Mrs. Sam Craver ✦✶✧ Ms. Carole Denney ✚ Mrs. Melodee Franck Greater Houston Community Foundation Mrs. Betsy Hatfield Ms. Sandra Henson Ms. Annette Kirby ✦ Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kirk Terri Moss James and Suzanne Nawrocki Mr. and Mrs. Martin O’Brien Mr. Douglas and Dr. Kris Oursler ✦ Partners in Financial Planning Waldvogel Commercial Properties ✦ $1,000+ The Adelaar Foundation Anonymous AnR Career Solutions Mr. Ralph Baker ✚ Mr. and Mrs. Craig Balzer ✦ Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Barnes ✦ Mr. John Barnes Mrs. Jan Barnett Mark and Kathy Baske Young ✦ Bluefield Baseball Club, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Abney Boxley ✦✚ C.A. Barrs Contractor, Inc. Carilion Clinic Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crossley Ms. Lucy Davis Dr. Allison Divers and Dr. David Williams Whitlow and Youell, PLC Mr. and Mrs. Ann Marie and Reggie Wood ✚✧

$25,000+ Anonymous ✧ The Arthur L. and Elaine V. Johnson Foundation Jack and Anne Glenn Charitable Foundation James R. Loux Estate ✧ Kroger Mr. and Mrs. Jim Petrine ✦✶ Roanoke Animal Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Smith ✶✧ ZiMS Foundation $15,000+ Mr. and Mrs. Jake Allison ✶ Mr. and Mrs. Michael Brunette ✶ Dr. and Mrs. Mark Finkler ✦✶ Mrs. Tricia McMahon Nestle Purina Petcare Co. Mr. and Mrs. Barton Wilner ✶ $10,000+ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Foti ✶ Guilford Foundation The Louise R. Lester Foundation Ms. Donna Musgrave Musgrave Family Foundation The Sam and Marion Golden Helping Hand Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Steven Strauss ✦✶ $5,000+ Bessemer Trust Mr. and Mrs. John Burress Mr. and Mrs. Steven Chisholm CMRF Enterprises, Inc. ✶ Mr. Peter Emch ✶ First Four Petroleum LLC ✶ Ms. Katherine Fralin Mr. and Mrs. Humes Franklin Dr. and Mrs. Paul Frantz ✶ Mr. Edwin Hall ✶✧ M.W. Armistead III Family Foundation Ms. Mary Mullins and Mr. Christopher Robinson ✶

Dr. and Mrs. Robert Zeller Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Zinn

$500+ AmazonSmile Foundation Mr. and Mrs. S. Rawson Andrews Anonymous (2)

Ms. Crystal Armes Dr. Eugene Bane

and Ms. Elizabeth Stanley Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Barbour ✦ Ms. Amanda Baumgardner Ms. Peggy Bizjak Mr. and Mrs. Terry Board Mr. and Mrs. D.L. Bowers Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Bramson Branch Management Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Broomall Jill Brown BSC Acquisition Sub LLC Mr. and Mrs. John Carlin ✦✚ Dr. Jeff and Dr. Lynn Clark The Rev. Dr. Robert Copenhaver Country Corner Farms Inc. Ms. Lee Cox ✚ Ms. Ashley Craver and Mr. Howard Rice Ms. Karin Crockett Mr. and Mrs. Warner Dalhouse The Davis Family Charitable Trust Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Kay DeGiorgi Mr. Brian Desloge Dr. Charlotte and Mr. Richard Dietz Mr. and Mrs. William Elliot Mr. and Mrs. Edward Evans Mrs. Kathleen Fitzpatrick Mr. Frank Flippin and Ms. Sarah Copenhaver Mr. and Mrs. Hans Foss Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gard Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gatewood Tammy Geis Ms. Deborah Duerk ✚ Ms. Carole Edwards ✚

Ms. Nancy Smith ✚ Mr. Bodo Stock ✚✧ Mr. William Stone

Mrs. Corinth Treadway Mr. and Mrs. Paul Trible


Thank you to our cherished group of monthly donors.

$500+ (cont.) Mr. and Mrs. R.J. Godlewski Hanging Rock Animal Hospital Mr. and Mrs. David Harrington Heartland Midwest Foundation David and Meagan Henry ✦ Mr. F. Staley Hester Mr. and Mrs. Scott Hodge Ms. Mary Garrett Itin Ms. Christy Izard ✦✚ Ms. Nancy Jacobs ✦ Ms. Faith Janney Ms. Joyce Johnson Mr. and Mrs. T. Farrell Jones Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jones Mr. and Mrs. Ricky Joyce ✦ Mrs. Carol King Ms. Sandra Krawchuk and Mr. Stephen Benton Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lash ✚ Mr. John Lawrence and Ms. Elizabeth Adams ✚ Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lawson

$500+ (cont.) Dr. and Mrs. Edward White ✚ Ms. Cheryl Wilson Mrs. Cabell Youell Mr. and Mrs. Charles Youell

Ms. Sandi Adkins Mr. and Mrs. Ed Allen Cat Ayers Mr. Ralph Baker Mr. and Mrs. Abney Boxley Mrs. Mary Branch Chris Brown

$250+ Mr. and Mrs. G. Steven Agee

Mr. and Mrs. John Carlin Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cody Mr. William Corey and Ms. Kathy Umbdenstock Ms. Lee Cox Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Crist Ms. Kathy Cvizic Ms. Carole Denney Brandy Disbennett-Albrecht Ms. Deborah Duerk Mrs. Kay Early Ms. Carole Edwards

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Allen ✚ Ms. Lisa Andruscavage Anonymous

ARC Thrift Stores Ms. Betsy Barefoot Ms. Judy Bates ✦

Bethlehem United Methodist Men Mr. and Mrs. Robert Birmingham Chris Brown ✚ Mr. and Mrs. Eric Buchanan Mr. and Mrs. John Burr Mr. Eugene Callaway Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Campbell Timothy Chavis Chesterfield Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court Mr. and Mrs. Lew Clifton Clifton Family Fund Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cody ✚ Mr. Richard Cohen Mr. Ben Cooper and Ms. Polly Gault Mr. William Corey and Ms. Kathy Umbdenstock ✚ Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Craighead Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Crist ✚ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Crone Ms. Kathy Cvizic ✚ Ms. Linda Cyr Delta Gamma Fraternity - Roanoke Valley Alumnae Chapter Mr. and Mrs. Brian Dewyer Mrs. Barbara Dickerson Ms. Jessica Droste Mr. John and Dr. Elizabeth Duckworth Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dugan Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ellett Mr. and Mrs. Thomas England Ms. Jean Evans ✦ Mr. David Farnum Mrs. Sarah Foltz Mr. and Mrs. W. Heywood Fralin Mrs. Leslie Frusco Mr. and Mrs. Allen Fuzi Hon. and Mrs. Ray Garland Mr. and Mrs. Meredith Garrett Mr. and Mrs. Scott Graeff Ms. Nancy Griggs Mr. and Mrs. Nathan and Kari Grim ✚ Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Haislip Mr. and Mrs. Greg Haley Mr. and Mrs. John Hammond ✦ Dr. Pamela Hand Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Harrington Ms. Jeanette Hatcher Ms. Ally Heeg The Helen Cadd Elderly Protection Fund Mr. and Mrs. Edward Habeeb Dr. and Mrs. J. Bruce Hagadorn

Ms. Charlene Fay Ms. Margaret Finn Mr. and Mrs. David Fretwell Mr. and Mrs. Nathan and Kari Grim Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hack Ms. Cathie Havrilesky

Mr. and Mrs. James Lee Mr. Samuel Lionberger Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Long John Lugar

Mr. David Hudson Ms. Christy Izard Mr. and Mrs. David Kapp Mrs. Jackie Lantz Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lash Ms. Angela Laug Mr. John Lawrence and Ms. Elizabeth Adams Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Love Ms. Cynthia Martin Mr. Tim Masick Mrs. Lynda McGarry Mr. and Mrs. Karl McNeece Mr. and Mrs. Mark Milberger Ms. and Ms. Diane Montemayor Ms. Dawn Morgan Mrs. Erin Morris Mr. and Mrs. David Nickell Mrs. Susan Paganelli Mr. and Mrs. Demetrio Perez Mr. and Mrs. Katie and Ryan Read Ms. Elizabeth Sensabaugh Mrs. Drusilla Sexton Mr. and Mrs. Mike and Krista Sinnott Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Smith Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Sulka Mr. and Mrs. Barry Vann Mr. and Mrs. Bob Villamil Ms. Jackie Werb Dr. and Mrs. Edward White Dr. Courtney and Mr. Spencer Wiegard Mr. Ronald Winter Mr. and Mrs. JimWisser Matthew Witting Mr. and Mrs. Ann Marie and Reggie Wood Mr. Draper Woody Ms. Nancy Smith Ms. Kris Sorensen Ms. Robin Spicer Mr. Bodo Stock

Marie O. Settle Estate Mr. Robert McNichols

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Milberger ✚ Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mitchell ✦ Mrs. Erin Morris ✦✚ Mr. James North

Ms. Yvonne Olson ✶ Kathryn Overacker

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parker The Patterson Golf Group Pet Vet Roanoke, LLC Professional Rehabilitative Options, Inc. Ms. Lisa Puckett Ms. Deborah Ramirez Ashby Ms. Carol and Frank Roberts Wojcik Dr. and Mrs. Leroy Roemer Mr. Michael Rose Mr. Ben Rottenborn Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rout Ty Schiffer Mr. and Mrs. Gary Seek Mr. and Mrs. F. Wyatt Shields Mr. Pranav Singh

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Smith ✦✚ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Souter Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Stiff Ms. Lesleigh Strauss Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Sulka ✦✚ Taaza LLC Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Tainer Ms. Jennifer Tonkin Mr. Allan Toth Ms. Christine Verdelotti ✦ Mr. and Mrs. Bob Villamil ✦✚✧ Vinton Veterinary Hospital Virginia Tech

Mr. Edward Walker Mr. Chester Watts Ms. Jackie Werb ✚

To join the Saint Francis Friends Club as a faithful monthly donor, visit:


(continued on next page)


$250+ (cont.) Mr. and Mrs. Kerry Helinger

$250+ (cont.) Ms. Rochelle Hon. Frederick Rockwell Mr. and Mrs. Robert Roettger Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Rollins Dana Rose Ms. Sarah Rubush Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Schoenberg Mr. and Mrs. Steven Scriven Mrs. Drusilla Sexton ✚ Mr. Robert Shaff Mrs. Barbara Shands Mr. and Mrs. Michael Shelton Ms. Pamela Simmons Mr. and Mrs. Edward Smith Mr. and Mrs. Gary Smith

Ms. Celeste Hicks Mr. Mark Hinton

Membership in this leadership group is reserved for those who give generously to support Saint Francis Service Dogs and our vital Prison Pup Program. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Allison Kenneth “Andy” Anderson and Dr. Marti Anderson Mike and Carol Anderson Dr. Tim Andriano Mr. and Mrs. Michael Brunette Mr. and Mrs. Sam and Sally Craver Jo Lynn Draper Duffy Family Foundation Mr. Peter Emch

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Houska ✧ Terry and Jenni Hutchinson Ms. Linda Ives and Mr. Steve Lucado ✦ Ms. Anne Jenkins ✦

Mr. and Mrs. Karen Jones Dr. and Mrs. William Kagey Mr. and Mrs. David Kapp ✚ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kriz Mrs. Jackie Lantz ✦✚ Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Long Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Ludwig Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mabe Mr. and Mrs. Edward Machado Ms. Cynthia Martin ✚ Mr. Tim Masick ✦✚ Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Mathena Mrs. Juanita Mawyer Mr. and Mrs. Karl McNeece ✚ Ms. Christine Merriman Mr. Walter Miller

Ms. Cheryl Snead Mrs. Karen Snyder Ms. Kris Sorensen ✦✚ Jeremy Spitzer Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Starr Dr. and Mrs. Anthony Stavola Judy Steigerwald Ms. Jacqueline Streithof Alden Suttle Mr. and Mrs. Nick Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tomlin-Brenner Ms. Mary Turner Mr. and Mrs. Barry Vann ✚ Ms. Lavonia Welfare Dr. WilliamWellborn Westlake Veterinary Clinic Mr. Gary Wilburn Ms. Marilyn Wilson and Mr. Art Hafdelin Mr. Ronald Winter ✚ Mr. and Mrs. JimWisser ✦✚ Mr. and Mrs. M. Lanier Woodrum

Ms. and Ms. Diane Montemayor ✚ Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Montgomery Mr. and Mrs. P.W. Moore Ms. Kathy Morck Newcomers Club of the Roanoke Valley Dr. and Mrs. Clifford Nottingham Mr. and Mrs. Jay O’Keeffe Mr. Kevin Parker and Mrs. Tina Rhea Mr. and Mrs. Demetrio Perez ✚ Mr. and Mrs. Larry Pope Ms. Jeanne Raeder

Dr. and Mrs. Mark Finkler First Four Petroleum LLC Linda and Frank Foti Foti, Flynn, Lowen & Co. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Foti Dr. and Mrs. Paul Frantz Mr. Ed Hall

Happy Endings Bar and Grill Mr. and Mrs. Peter Milward Ms. Mary Anne Mullins and Mr. Christopher Robinson Ms. Yvonne Olson Mr. and Mrs. John Olver Ms. Elizabeth Parsons Mr. and Mrs. Jim Petrine Mrs. Emily Reynolds Mike and Krista Sinnott Mrs. Joy Davis Smith Mr. Marvin Smith Mr. and Mrs. Steve Strauss Mr. Maury Strauss Jr. Suzanne Thorniley Varsity Landscaping and Grounds

Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Reed Jonathan Richardson Ms. Janet Riddlebarger Roanoke Kennel Club, Inc. Cindy and Tom Roberts

Mr. Herbert Wyrick Amanda Zarrabian

Thank you! We could not fulfill our mission without you! Do to space constraints, we regret that we were unable to include all of our valuable supporters in this annual report. For a full listing of all 2022 donors and volunteers, visit We have taken great care to present an accurate and complete listing of our supporters. If an omission occurred, we express our sincere regret and ask that it be brought to our attention by contacting Kari Grim, Philanthropy Coordinator, at or 540-342-3647x405.

Karen and Chuck Wakeford Mr. and Mrs. Barton Wilner Ms. Dianne Woody

For more information about Big Dogs or how to become a Big Dog, contact Amy Milberger at or 540-342-3647x409


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