Saint Francis Service Dogs Partners and Paws - Summer 2023
A message from Cabell
our executive director
Summertime is here! School is out, the pool is open, and the days are long. Time to relax, right? Not at Saint Francis! It is a beehive of activity here. New puppies are being nurtured by two wonderful groups of puppy raisers – one in Roanoke and another in Blacksburg. Our Prison Program, thanks to our Big Dogs, is thriving. Our two new staff trainers are a delight – they are naturally gifted at what they do and curious to learn even more, and we are fortunate to have found them. They, along with our experienced and dedicated field trainers, are busy teaching the next class of young service dogs. Luckily, our dogs have no interest in summer vacation. They are happiest when they are learning and working. One beautifully trained, exceptional service dog can change more than a single life – our dogs will certainly do that, but he or she will also make an impact on a family, neighborhood, and entire community. We have seen it too many times to doubt that our Saint Francis Service Dogs are catalysts for profound, lasting, and positive change. We recently revamped our mission and vision statement. Our vision is this: Empowering and transforming the lives of people with disabilities - One dog, one person, one family, one community at a time.
The plain truth is that not everyone is dealt a good hand in life. Some people must bear a heavier burden than others. Living with a disability, or living with a family member with a disability, will affect every single aspect of life. It is exhausting, isolating, frightening, and expensive. That’s where we come in. Saint Francis Service Dogs help carry the load. Our dogs love the work, and they will joyfully shatter the shell of isolation and gently ease the fear of living with a disability. And they will do it without cost. The ripple effect goes far and wide, and we all benefit in the end. So if your summer vacation is looking a little empty, we need you. We are looking for volunteers to help us bring our dogs along. We need puppy raisers to help us raise and train young service dogs. We need puppy sitters to help with weekend sitting and to give our prison puppies a chance to experience life in a household. It is fun, and we give you all the resources, training, and tools you need to do it well. Plus, you get the opportunity to be part of an incredible group of people. People that understand what the love of a good dog can do for a person, their family, and their community. Come and help us change everything : one dog at a time.
“Our dogs are catalysts for profound, lasting, and positive change.”
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