understanding daily devotions Daily devotions are times set aside each day dedicated to relating with God. When people speak of daily devotions, they are usually referring to a time of reading their Bible, doing a Bible study, or reading a devotional book. This is often accompanied by a time of prayer. Some devotional times may simply be bathed in pray or include worship music. No matter the format, having this daily time is critical to your ability to do ministry. Because of the value we have gleaned from our teams having personal and team devotions with God, we prioritize this initiative into our daily activities. In fact, we consider this your first “spiritual step” into the squatter camps each morning.
Read John 15:1-8. Daily devotions is a spiritual discipline that helps us get to know God, that ensures we stay connected to Him. What do these Scriptures teach us about our need for connection to the True Vine?
How do we become “disconnected” from the Vine? and what are the results of being disconnected?
Satan is the father of lies. He is a counterfeit and seeks to deceive us by twisting God’s Word. Read John 8:32. How can we know the Truth?
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