interpreter guidelines
Speak slowly and to pronounce your words clearly. Stick to simple words, and be mindful not to use Americanisms that will be misunderstood or difficult to translate. Steer clear from religious words that could also be difficult to understand. When ministering alongside them, direct your conversation towards the national that you are ministering to, not the interpreter. Say a whole thought before pausing for the translating, but please don't forget to pause for the interpretation to take place. Take your time. Understanding what is being said is critical. Part of your ministry here will also be toward some of the African volunteers you will be working with. Some of them are new in their faith and are still learning what it means to walk out their faith. Your time ministering alongside them is a great opportunity to get to know them and encourage them in their pursuit of Christ!
giving guidelines
If there is someone that God has placed on your heart to help financially or with a gift please talk with your team leader BEFORE saying ANYTHING to the national. We have certain procedures for giving that protect both you and the national and allow for transparency, visibility, and accountability in the giving process. Should you feel led to give a gift of any kind to anyone (including people you meet in the communities, IA volunteers, interns, or staff members), please be sure to ask Rich or the main IA staff member leading your group prior to giving. All gifts must be handled with visibility and accountability. We highly value your time and want to protect your experience with us. Just so you are aware, please know that all of IA staff, interns, and volunteers are not permitted to solicit from guests.
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