Ruritan Playbook

Ruritan Playbook

districts produce and provide this information in an abbreviated form for distribution to all the district’s Ruritan members. Districts usually communicate via email and occasionally telephone. Some districts use social media to share events such as fundraisers, community projects, presentations, awards, etc. Some districts may occasionally conduct a cabinet meeting via videoconferencing. D. National – Ruritan National utilizes many forms of communication. Obviously, which form depends on what is being communicated. We’ll attempt to capture the majority of things here. Note: While it is acceptable to contact the staff at the National Office, members are encouraged to first attempt to resolve their questions with their club officers, Zone Governors, and District Officers before contacting the staff. i. Web Site – Ruritan National’s website is the best place to find just about everything there is for Ruritan. This is one’s first stop to get information on a given topic. We suggest going to the site and navigating the tabs and links available. ii. Publications – Many Ruritan handbooks, guidelines, policies, magazines, newsletters, etc., can be found on the website, and many are mailed. iii. Email – This is the main method used to contact club members and officers throughout Ruritan. Many documents are attached and sent this way. iv. Videoconferencing—Many internal meetings are conducted via this method, which gets the job done and also saves board members' travel expenses.

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