Ruritan National 2023 Annual Report

National Bylaws Amendment #4 – providing a more clear and concise mission statement. The Chair read the Teller’s Report for National Bylaws Amendment #4 and declared National Bylaw Amendment #4 defeated. The Chair recognized the current National Board of Directors asking them to stand when their names called: Advancement Committee: Roy Wallen (TN), Rebecca Lane (VA) and Cassandra Flanagan (WV) Bylaws Committee: Dennis Bagnell (VA), George Brothers (NC) and Ronnie Reid (NC) Growth, Development and Member Retention: Patsy Shelton (TN- absent), Steve Kidwell (MD) and Roger Davis (VA) Leadership Development Committee: Cleve Wright (VA), Melody Davis (VA) and Donna Poulton (SC) Publications Committee: David Hartgrove (VA), Joe Jaynes (TN) and Lynn Fillers (TN) Publicity and Public Relations: Larry Bowman (WV), Paul Lewis (WV) and Zachary McCallie (TN) Youth Committee: Mike Wright (OH), David Hogan (NC) and Perry Marshman (VA) The Chair recognized those sitting at head table : National Treasurer David Thompson (VA), Interim National Secretary Larry Cassell (MD), National President –Elect Mike Morrison (VA), National Past-President Linward Hedgspeth (NC- absent) and Executive Director Sarah Kelly. Special Recognition The Chair asked President-Elect Mike to approach the left-side podium to assist him with special recognitions. Years of service in Ruritan were recognized with attendees standing for recognition based on 10 years or less, 11-20 years, 21-30 years, 31-40 years, 41-50 years, 51-60 years, 61-70 years and 80 or more years. National President Glen gave special recognition to the longest serving lady in Ruritan attending this convention – Susan Lilly , joining the Wytheville Ruritan Club (VA) in 1987. The longest serving Ruritan in attendance was greeted by President Glen - Edgar Lamma Jr. Edgar joined the West Shenandoah Ruritan Club (VA) in 1961. The Chair recognized Ruritan Forever members. Increasing the rolls of Ruritan Forever was First Lady Linda’s special project. The Chair asked those who have received Ruritan Forever status during 2022 to stand (these members are listed in the Annual Report on page 12). He then asked all members who have Ruritan Forever status to stand to be recognized. The Chair reminded all that membership recruitment ensures the health and stability of the local clubs and Ruritan National. Those receiving the President’s Golden Key in 2022 were asked to stand for recognition. He then asked all previous Golden Key recipients to stand for recognition. The Chair asked all members in clubs winning Gold Community Service awards in 2022 to stand to be recognized.



Ruritan National 2023 Annual Report

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