Ruritan March 2024 Newsletter
Invitation to Ruritan Membership New Member Information: Member / Business Name: __________________________________________________________ Preferred Nickname: _______________________________________________________________ Street Address: ___________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address (if different): _________________________________________________________ Home Phone: ___________________ Cell Phone: ___________________ Office Phone: ___________________ E-mail: __________________________________ Date of Birth: ___________ Spouse name: ___________________ Military Status: Active Inactive Reserves Retired N/A Military Branch: Army Air Force Coast Guard National Guard Navy Marines Emergency Contact Name: __________________________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________________ Phone Number: ___________________________________________________________________ Relationship to Member: ____________________________________________________________ I accept this invitation to be a member of this Ruritan Club and, by payment of dues 1 , hereby accept the principles of Ruritan as expressed in its objectives and agree to comply with, and be bound by, the bylaws of Ruritan National, District and this Club. CLUB USE ONLY Recommendation for Membership As a member in good standing of the __________________________________ Ruritan Club, I respectfully submit the name this person/business as a prospective member to the Club President and the Club's Board of Directors. I believe this person has integrity, character, and dedication to the welfare of this community that makes a strong candidate for Ruritan membership. As a sponsor, I will help this person learn about Ruritan, encourage their participation in club activities, and help them remain active in the Fellowship, Goodwill and Community Service of Ruritan. Sincerely, ______________________________________ sponsoring club member's name This person has also been endorsed by Club Member ________________________________________. On _____________________________(date), this new member was welcomed into the club and was instructed in the purpose and objectives of Ruritan. Member Type: Adult Youth Business/Organization Associate Member* *If Business Associate Member requests a plaque, please order one from Ruritan National, Member Services Signed: _______________________________________________ Date: _____________________
1 Dues may consist of a combination of National, District and Club Dues
Revised 3/2023
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