Ruritan March 2024 Newsletter
We want YOU to know about Project FOCUS! Project FOCUS is the “Human Care” agency of Ruritan. Our mission is to show compassion to people suffering from medical emergencies, disasters, etc. We respond to needs by working with local Ruritan clubs to assist communities suffering from the effects of natural disasters such as floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, fires, and earthquakes. Our goal is to assist local Ruritan clubs by working with individuals who need our help. To give you a complete picture of who Project FOCUS is and what Project FOCUS does, we have developed the following Q&A that you can use to share this new and exciting opportunity to assist our local communities during times of stress and need. What is Project FOCUS? Project FOCUS is a 501(c)(3) program dedicated to funding our local communities in times of stress. Who oversees Project FOCUS? The Ruritan National Board of Directors has a committee that reviews grant requests and commits dollars to where they are needed. They are also charged with developing ways to raise funds for the program. Who are the current members of Project FOCUS, and how long do they serve? Project FOCUS committee members serve one-year terms as voted on by the current National Board of Directors. Our current board members are: President: Roger Davis
Vice President: Lynn Fillers Secretary: Julie Marshall Treasurer: Debi Davis Director: Cassandra Flanagan Ruritan National Support: Kory Wirt
Who can apply for assistance through Project FOCUS? Any club or district can apply for grant monies by completing and submitting a grant application form (found on the web page under forms) Where does the money come from? Funding for Project FOCUS comes from donations from individuals, clubs, districts, and businesses. Donations to FOCUS may potentially be tax deductible. What is the application process? Here is an approximate timeline for applications submitted to Project FOCUS: A local club or district completes an application for assistance within their area.
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