Ruritan March 2024 Newsletter
2024 National Convention Ballot Results
The Delegates at the 2024 Ruritan National Convention approved three of the four ballot initiatives presented. Most of the topics listed below are self-explanatory. For a complete list of the wording of each initiative see the full overview in the Spring issue of the Ruritan Magazine at Ballot Issue #1 - National Bylaws, Article I, “Name/Emblem/Politics” - Failed The caption of the National Bylaws ARTICLE I currently reads: “Name/Emblem/Politics”. The Board approved striking the word “Politics” and inserting the word “Principles”. They further moved that the heading politics be replaced with principles in all bylaws and publications. Ballot Issue #2 - Dues Increase - Passed The National Board approved a motion for a $1 per quarter dues increase ($4 per year) for all adult/business org memberships (not including youth) to take effect April 1, 2024. Ballot Issue #3 - National Bylaws, Article III, Sec. 4 “Dues and Fees” - Passed Move in sentence one to strike the word “shall” and insert the word “should” and between 1st and day, insert the word “business.” The sentence will then read “Membership dues should be billed on the 1st business day of each quarter and payable to Ruritan National no later than the last day of January, April, July and October.” Ballot Issue #4 - National Bylaws, New Article V, “Exempt Charitable Organizations” - Passed Current Section 5 and subsequent sections will be renumbered. Current Article IV Section 9 Ruritan National Foundation will become part of the new Article V.
Ruritan Training Videos Ruritan has had on-line training modules through the MMS for several years. New virtual training options were imple mented in 2021 with training videos prepared by Ruritan leaders. They share their experiences from parliamentary procedure to mentoring new members. To find a complete list of the videos go to the home page of the Ruritan web site ( and choose the Member Resources pull-down menu.
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