Ruritan Club and District Officers' Handbook

Community Service Committee Projects Completed (List one project completed for each committee)

1. Community Engagement______________________________________________________________

2. Citizenship and Patriotism______________________________________________________________

3. Environment__________________________________________________________________________

4. Public Services_______________________________________________________________________

5. Social Development____________________________________________________________________

Outstanding Club Treasurer Award

Our club submits Club Treasurer ______________________________________ for the OutstandingTreasurer Award. We certify that all criteria for this award as specified below have been met .


Name of Ruritan Club




Club Secretary

The following criteria must be met to qualify for the Outstanding Club Treasurer Award: a. National dues are paid (postmarked) by the last day of January, April, July, and October. All monies owed to National must be up to date with no arrearage as of December 31. b. Annual audit is completed. c. Annual form 990 or other required tax forms filed with the IRS. d. Written financial report is presented to the club monthly. e. Must attend one of the following during the calendar year: cabinet meeting, zone meeting, or district convention. f. This application must be submitted (emailed/postmarked) to the Ruritan National Office by February 10.


Revised 8/2024

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