Ruritan Club and District Officers' Handbook

Growth Awards for Ruritan Members

DRM Coat Award ( Navy Blue Blazer) 1. Eligibility: Will go to any DRM who has organized three new clubs in their lifetime. 2. To apply for the DRM Coat Award :The DRM, the home club of the DRM, or the District/Area must apply by letter to Ruritan National. NOTE: Only one such coat may be awarded in a member’s lifetime. 3. Responsible for Verifying: Ruritan National Office will verify from club records.

Recognizing Ruritan Youth Leaders

The award gives local Ruritan Clubs an opportunity to nominate Ruritan members to be recognized for their service to youth through Scouts, 4H, FFA, and makes the public aware of the important role Ruritans play in the community. Applications may be obtained from the Ruritan National Office or the Ruritan National website. 1. Eligibility: Must be a Ruritan member and one of the following: Scout Leader, 4H and FFA leader or alumni 2. Time Period: Nominations postmarked or electronically received by November 1 at the Ruritan National Office 3. Responsibility for Verifying: Ruritan National will review a completed application 4. Type of Award: Ruritan certificate 5. Award Presentation: District Governor 6. When Presented: Local or district function Club Membership Committees will be recognized for club growth during the fiscal year. Clubs showing a five percent (5%) growth will be eligible for the Bronze certificate; clubs showing a ten percent (10%) growth will be eligible for the Silver certificate, and clubs showing a fifteen percent (15%) growth will qualify for the Gold certificate. Certificates will be sent to the District Governor to be presented at the District Convention or other appropriate time. Membership Committee Award A club reaching sixteen (16) Ruritan Forever participants shall be designated as a “Ruritan Forever Legacy Club.” The club shall be memorialized on the Ruritan website and in the Annual Report. Clubs reaching ninty percent (90%) of membership as Ruritan Forever participants shall receive a Diamond club designation certificate. Ruritan Forever Legacy Club


Revised 8/2024

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