Ruritan Club and District Officers' Handbook
Ruritan National Foundation There are several levels of Permanent Funds: 21st Century Legacy Fund
The 21st Century Legacy Fund designation is achieved with donations over time or with an initial donation of $2,000. Once the donations have reached $2,000, a one-time $100 Foundation addition will be added to the fund bringing it to $2100 which is the 21st Century Legacy Fund level. The Cornerstone Fund A Cornerstone Fund designation is established by a donation of $4500 or more to the Foundation. Dona ‑ tions to the Ccornerstone Fund can be of any amount and additional funds may be donated at any time. Once $4,500 has been reached, , an additional $500 will be added to the fund bringing it to $5,000 which is the Cornerstone Fund level. Additional Fund Levels Do not stop growing your fund, there are higher levels of permanent funds to attain. • Friends of the Foundation fund – greater than $10,000 • Special Permanent fund – greater than $20,000 Endowed Funds provide a way for individuals, families, clubs, or districts to memorialize or honor some ‑ one with a named, endowed scholarship. The Endowed Funds provide the selected Scholarship Selection Committee with a way to select a specific scholarship recipient. The Endowed Funds require a $10,000 or greater balance. There are two standardized Endowed Fund (Contract Fund) templates to choose from for either a 20-year limited-term contract or a perpetual contract. The specific terms and conditions of the En ‑ dowed Funds are established by one of these two contracts between the donor and the Foundation. Ruritan National Foundation Forms There are forms for all transactions with the Ruritan National Foundation on the Foundation page of the Ruritan National website. These forms are in PDF fillable format. Once the forms are downloaded and completed, they may be emailed to, or mailed to the Foundation office. If you do not have access to a computer or prefer to not use a computer, • Golden 68 fund – greater than $50,000 • Platinum fund – greater than $100,000 • Diamond fund – greater than $500,000 Endowed Funds (Contract Funds)
you can request any form from the Foundation office to be sent to you. Using a form with all transactions is very helpful to the Foundation office. Tom Downing Fellow
The Tom Downing Fellow is a great way to honor an individual. The Tom Downing Fellow is made with a single, lump sum donation of $500. The Tom Downing Fellow Form can be found on the Foundation page of the Ruritan National website, or one can be requested from the Ruritan National Foundation office. A unique lapel pin designed in the likeness of Tom Downing (one of the co‑founders of Ruritan) and a plaque will be presented to the person designated by the donor. Once presented, the pin or designation as a Tom Downing Fellow is non‑transferable and will be a lasting honor to this individual. All funds for this program are credited to the Tom Downing Fellow Fund.
Revised 8/2024
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