Ruritan Club and District Officers' Handbook

Ruritan National consists of

Ruritan Clubs

Ruri-Teen Clubs

College Clubs

Ruri-Teen Clubs

Ruritan Clubs

Ruri-Teen Clubs

Ruritan Clubs

Elects Representatives To:

District Convention

National Leadership

Where The Following Are Elected By Delegates to the National Convention

Where The Following Are Elected By Delegates

Who Administer

Ruritan National Foundation

National Board of Directors

National Officers

Foundation Trustees

Who Make Up Board of Directors: National President, President Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Immedi ‑ ate Past President, and 21 National Directors

District Governor

District Lt.Governor

Ruritan Districts

Who Appoints

Who Establishes Who Advises

District Officers and Zone Governors

Which Make Up

District Cabinet: District Governor, Lt. Governor, assigned National Director, Secretary, Treasurer, all Zone Governors, 3 immediate Past District Governors, Growth & Development Chair, Foundation Pro ‑ motion Chair, Publicity & Public Relations Chair, Fundraising Chair, District Leadership Development Coordinator, Youth Coordinator, Chaplain, and Lt. Zone Governor.

That Employs

Executive Director

Who Employs

That Establish and Supervise

National Office Staff

Ruritan Zones Consisting of Ruritan Clubs

Ruritan National Organization The purpose of the district cabinet is to provide assistance to the clubs within the district and organize new clubs. To facilitate providing these services, districts establish subdivisions within the district called zones , with a zone governor in charge of each zone. The zone consists of three to ten clubs at the discretion of the district cabinet. Basically, the delegates at the Ruritan National Convention and National Board of Directors create the policies and programs of Ruritan National. The district officers and national office staff are the administrators who implement the policies and programs.


Revised 8/2024

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