Ruritan Club and District Officers' Handbook
Establish a club builder program using experienced Ruritan volunteers. • Travel and incentives will only be available for organizing adult Ruritan clubs. Qualification of volunteers will be determined by the current National President and the Executive Director. • President and Executive Director will determine if the area targeted for growth is suitable. • There may be multiple organizers in multiple areas cultivating new clubs at one time. • This program is not available to current national or district officers, directors, trustees or staff. • Travel extending beyond one work week requires new approvals by the President and Executive Director. • The club builder will provide progress and demographic reports to the President and Executive Director as directed. TRAVEL AND OTHER EXPENSES • Actual cost up to $30 per day for meals if receipts are provided. • 30 cents a mile for travel using personal vehicle. • Actual cost of hotel or motel using Choice Hotels partnership if receipt is provided. • Tolls for roads, bridges, and parking if receipts are provided. • Club building related phone calls if copy of current phone bill with calls highlighted is provided. • Postage if mailing list and copy of mail piece is provided (mailing should be pre approved by the Current National President and the Executive Director. • Stipend of $15 per while traveling for miscellaneous expenses. INCENTIVES • $100 upon receipt of charter application with at least 16 names. • $150 upon receipt of first quarter dues paid. • $500 at the club’s one (1) year anniversary date if all dues paid and club remains above 16 members. • $250 at the club’s two (2) year anniversary date if all dues paid and clubs remains above 16 members.
Revised 8/2024
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