Ruritan Club and District Officers' Handbook
District Finances
1. Sources of District Funds a. Each district receives 10 percent of national dues per member, per year, refunded from Ruritan National. b. District dues are optional. Each district may es ‑ tablish its own district dues. The amount of dues per member of each club shall be determined by the district cabinet provided any increase in dues shall not become effective until approved by a 2/3 vote of the delegates at the next district convention. Notice of such proposed dues increase shall be sent to the president of each club in the district at least thirty (30) days prior to the start of said convention. 2. District Expenses Paid by Ruritan National Lt. Governors are expensed to the Summer Lead ‑ ership Conference, others may attend at their own expense. Special circumstances such as substitu ‑ tions will be considered on a case by case basis by the Ruritan National President. Incoming and outgoing District Governors will be paid ½ of their expenses to the National Convention provided they complete the requirements below. 1. Lt. Governor attends the Summer Leadership Conference (unless excused in writing by the Na ‑ tional President). 2. Incoming District Governor attends the Gover ‑ nors’ Training at the National Convention. 3. They attend substantially all meetings at the National Convention. 4. The District’s Form 990 has been filed with the IRS by the February 15 deadline for a fiscal year end of September 30. All expense vouchers must be submitted within 90 days after the National Convention. 3. Expenses Paid by the District These shall be determined by the district cabinet at its first meeting each year and may include: a.Travel, stationery, postage, and telephone expenses of the district governor, the lieutenant governor, the Introductions: It should be pointed out that in making introduc‑ tions, protocol requires that the office of lowest rank (the bottom of the list above) be presented first, reserving the highest office until last.When a person to be presented has held more than one office, that person is introduced only once, and then by highest office. Seating: Protocol requires that the highest office represented shall be seated to the right of the presiding officer, with the next highest to the left, and so on from right to left. When the Ruritan National President rises to speak, make sure the audience also rises. However, because of the size of most head tables, usually only those who will participate in the program and are holding office at the time will be seated at the head table. If space will permit, then others may be seated in the order of precedence. How to Handle Introductions and Seating Arrangements
zone governors, the district secretary, the district trea‑ surer, growth and development chair, and the founda ‑ tion chair. b. One-half of the expenses of the district governor and the immediate past district governor to the national convention. c. Committee meetings related to the district conven ‑ tion. d. District convention expenses not otherwise met. e. Awards and recognition. f. Expenses to zone meetings. g. District supplies and equipment costs. h. Meetings other than Ruritan when representing the district. i. District newsletter, directory, or other publications.
Protocol for Visitors The following list is presented to assist you in understanding the order of precedence, by Ruritan office: 1. National President 2. National President Elect 3. Past National Presidents 4. National Presidents or Elected representatives of other civic groups National Board Members: 5. National Secretary 6. National Treasurer 7. National Directors (first by tenure in office, then by alphabetical order) 8. Foundation Trustees 9. Executive Director National Chair and Committees:
10. Standing Committees 11. Special Committees 12. Past National Directors 13. District Governors 14. Past District Governors 15. Lieutenant Governors
16. District Secretary 17. District Treasurer
18. Growth & Development Chair 19. Foundation Promotion Chair
20. Zone Governors 21. Club Presidents
Revised 8/2024
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