Ruritan Club and District Officers' Handbook

RECRUITING NEW MEMBERS Recruiting new members is essential to the con ‑ tinuity and success of your club. Seek persons who have the potential to take an active role in commu‑ nity service. 1. Any member of this club in good standing may present the name of a proposed member in writ ‑ ing and endorsed by another member in good standing to the president. 2. The president shall present the name of the proposed member to the board of directors and upon approval of a majority, providing a quorum is present, the name of the proposed member shall be submitted to the club. 3. Upon approval with a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the club in quorum, the applicant shall become a member of the club. 4. The secretary should write the prospective member a letter of invitation to join the club and request attendance at the next meeting to be initi ‑ ated. 5. The member who nominated the prospective member should now extend a personal invita ‑ tion and answer any questions the prospect may have. 6. The president shall see that: (a) The new member is fully informed about Ruritan purposes, objectives, and procedures. (Designate a mentor to handle this assign‑ ment.) (b) A date is set for initiation. (c) The new member is assigned to a commit ‑ tee. (d) The new member is presented with a lapel pin and a new member kit will be mailed from Ruritan National.

Suggested Remarks for Initiating a New Member

“It is always a pleasure to welcome a new member into Ruritan. It is the privilege of our club to welcome __________ as our newest member(s). “Will you come forward? “You have been chosen a member of this club by your fellow members because they believe you manifest those qualities of leader ‑ ship and service needed in Ruritan. “Ruritan’s main purpose is service to the community ‑ the center of American life. From the community comes our ideas, our integrity, our moral strength, our leadership. These qualities are usually no stronger in the American people than they are in the communities in which they live. Ruritan is building a better America by helping to build better communities. “Membership in a Ruritan club is an honor and a privilege. However, because service is the keynote, it also involves duties and obli‑ gations. These should be performed by you with faithfulness and enthusiasm. “You wi l l serve as a member of the __________ Committee. __________ is its chair. As you serve on this committee and become involved in club activities, you will ex ‑ perience the satisfaction of working together and sharing the accomplishments of the club. This involvement creates an opportunity for fellowship that is seldom equaled. “I congratulate you and present you with this lapel button and I am sure you will wear it with dignity and pride.” (Applause)

Initiation of a New Member Note to initiating officer:

4. Be sure you know the new member’s committee appointment and the committee chair’s name. 5. Have lapel pin ready for presentation. 6. Be sure the member is welcomed at the

1. Review procedure prior to the initiation ceremony. 2. Be sure you know the new member’s name. 3. Be sure the new member has been properly voted into the club.


Revised 8/2024

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