Ruritan Club and District Officers' Handbook
Standing Committees of a Ruritan Club
Program and Entertainment Committee
Standing Committees are designed to enhance the internal workings of the Ruritan club. The Ruritan Club Bylaws lists the following standing committees that are to be appointed each year by the club president:
This committee is charged with preparing and arranging programs or entertainment for all meetings. The Program and Entertainment Committee functions at all meetings and affects all members of the club. This section presents some guide lines to help organize the work of your committee and provide some suggested program and entertainment sources. More detailed information about the Program and Entertainment Committee is provided in the committee brochure available from your club president. Sources of Speakers and Entertainment 1. Chamber of Commerce official. 2. County health officer. 3. Farm organization leader. 4. Minister or leading laymen in the church organization. 5. High school principal or local leader in recreation. 6. Superintendent of schools, PTA officer, school board member. 7. Scout Executive, FFA chapter advisor, 8. 4-H agent. 9. Law enforcement officer. 10. District engineer of state highway commission. 11. Member of the board of supervisors or town council. 12. Salvation Army, Red Cross, American Heart Association, etc. 13. Church musicians, school music or dramatic group. Suggestions 1. Plan a community celebration to commemorate the founding of Ruritan or Ruritan Week, the week in which May 21 falls. 2. Plan a celebration to commemorate your club’s birthday or anniversary. 3. Vary programs each month, keeping in mind the needs of the community and the yearly objectives of the club. 4. Arrange three months of programs in advance with spe cial events planned at the beginning of the year. 5. Announce the next month’s program at each meeting. 6. Keep your club reporter informed of your program and entertainment plans. 7. Arrange for a short review of some part of the local club bylaws at some meetings of the club. 8. Consider giving gifts of appreciation to special speakers or entertainers. 9. Invite a member of the district cabinet or National Board of Directors to present the program at a club meeting each year. 14. Amateur entertainers. 15. Junior Women’s Club. 16. Magic clubs. 17. Sweet Adelines. 18. Comedian, possibly as speaker.
Fellowship Committee Program and Entertainment Membership Committee Finance Committee Public Relations Committee
The following pages offer guidance for these committees and suggestions for successful plan ning. Additional guidance may be found in the Club Bylaws.
Fellowship Committee The Fellowship Committee is responsible for promoting fellowship among members, prospective members, and visi tors. This committee shall organize entertaining activities for members, their families, and the community when sponsoring a community service project. The Fellowship Committee shall also provide appropriate assistance and fellowship to members that suffer serious ill nesses or other misfortunes. This committee should work closely with the Program and Entertainment Committee and the Public Relations Commit tee in developing events that foster both internal and external fellowship for the Ruritan club. Suggestions 1. Encourage group singing at club meetings. 2. Show up to monthly meetings early enough to greet other club members as they show up for the meeting. 3. Check with the Sergeant-At-Arms for any tasks that need completing before the monthly meeting. 4. Assign themselves to specific parts of a meeting program. For example, one member responsible for guest speakers, another responsible for helping with meal preparation. 5. Encourage group prayer led by the chaplain at each meet ing. 6. Help with serving meals. Greet each member by name as they come through the line. 7. Encourage home visitations of members who are ill or otherwise absent from the club’s monthly meeting.
Revised 8/2024
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