Ruritan Club and District Officers' Handbook

Responsibilities of Club Officers (continued) E. Directors Duties 1. Attending all meetings of board of directors.

Monthly Board Meeting Agenda

2. Helping formulate policies of the club and see that they do not conflict with this handbook or club bylaws. 3. A director is elected for a three-year term and is in a position to see the club’s direction over time. From creative thinking should come plans for better club operation and service to the community. 4. Attending Club Officers’ Training, zone meetings, and district and national conventions, if possible. F. Board of Directors (Composed of president, immediate past president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, and three elected direc‑ tors.) Duties 1. Seeing that policies of the club, the procedures set forth in the club bylaws, and this Club and District Officers’ Handbook are implemented. 2. Acting on matters referred by the club to the board of directors for proper action. 3. Studying the community’s progress and needs and making recommendations to the club from time to time as to how the community needs may be met. 4. Being constantly alert to possibilities of growth and development work and follow‑up procedure of spon ‑ soring club. 5. Providing adequate facilities for storage of perma ‑ nent club records. 6. Supervising the preparation of a club roster (print if possible) giving names and addresses of members, telephone numbers, club objectives, committee mem ‑ bership, names of officers, meeting dates of nearby clubs, etc. (One copy for each member and copies to district officers, Ruritan National, presidents of nearby Ruritan clubs, etc.) 7. Encouraging club members to attend the board of directors meetings if they have suggestions or recom‑ mendations they think should be brought before the club. (Let it be known that persons other than club members are welcome too.) 8. Directors’ meetings ‑ a. Hold regular monthly meetings, on a set date, preferably one week before the regular meeting. b. Holding special meetings of the board of di ‑ rectors as needed and properly called. (Items of business at special meetings cover only those pertaining to the purpose for which the meeting was called.)

The board of directors should hold regular monthly meetings on a set date ‑ preferably one week before regular meeting. Start on time. Stop on time. 1. Call meeting to order and invocation. 2. Read minutes of recent meetings of club and board of directors. 3. Hear report of officers (vice president, secre ‑ tary, treasurer). 4. Conduct unfinished business. 5. Receive club members and others who may wish to appear before the board for the pur ‑ pose of presenting recommendations. 6. Consider reasons of members of club who have been absent three meetings of the club, and take appropriate action. 7. Take proper action on members who may be delinquent in payment of dues. 8. Survey field of prospective members and arrange for them to attend a subsequent club meeting as a guest. 9. Vote on applications for membership in club. (Use secret ballot if a majority requests it.) 10. Discuss problems of the club (finances, attendance, how to make club programs contribute to reaching club objectives, com ‑ mittee activities, etc.) and make recommen ‑ dations to the club for action. 11. Study the needs of the community (have club members or some qualified outside per ‑ son give thoughts from time to time on some of the community’s needs) and what the club might do. 12. Plan for club participation in zone, district, and national meetings and activities. 13. Hear other business. 14. Adjourn.

Celebrate your club’s anniversary using the suggested anniversary outline in this publication. Club Anniversaries


Revised 8/2024

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