Return to the Land
Grandmother was unable to provide for herself and she spent her remaining years living with her children on a rotational basis, but mostly Lenore Bethel Ramsey, the youngest daughter, and then a widow, took care of her until her death on February 15, 1951. She also suffered a stroke and subsequently developed pneumonia. She may have also had Addison’ s Disease. The young grandchildren were attendants mostly in honor because we were too young to carry the heavy casket over a fence and up the steep hill above the home place. The older men passed the casket up the hill in relay fashion to the gravesite. This was in the middle of a cold February and the back road to the Miller Cemetery was impassable. My grandparents, John Harvey and Minnie Catherine Miller, were buried beside my great-grandfather and great-grandmother, Dr. Lorenzo and Martha Lois Miller. Their youngest son, Harvey Vaden Miller, bought the John Harvey Miller farm with the proceeds being divided between the other siblings. The grandsons, including me, were pallbearers for Grandmother.
Minnie Catherine Wright Miller
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