Return to the Land

means came to this resort seeking medical treatment for this dreaded malady. In the early stages of syphilis external sores appear and it stood to reason that soaking in the miraculous water would be beneficial to the sufferer. There were no antibiotics at this time but it was recognized then that sulfur did exhibit some potential for treating infections. Below the hotel at the side of a small waterfall is a round hole hewn in the rock where the infected person would sit for periods of time in hopes of obtaining a cure from the sulfurous water that flowed over the rocks. Drinking the sulfurous water was also a part of the treatment. The hotel later burned but the grounds hosted an Annual Kimberling Springs Picnic for many years.

The Kimberling Springs Hotel Drawing sketched by Dr. Alma Shufflebarger

Lorenzo John and Martha Lois built their home on Kimberling Creek where they farmed and reared their children. Their original home was destroyed by fire under suspicious circumstances. At the time of the fire Lorenzo John was running for Commissioner of Revenue as a Republican. Apparently it was a bitter contest between him and his opponent. One evening when Martha Lois had put the children to bed for the night and all was quiet she heard the front gate latch close. Thinking it was her husband coming in for the night she retired to bed. However, Lorenzo did not appear and she soon realized that the house was on fire and in a frantic moment she screamed for her husband who had then just arrived home. Lorenzo was able to make it to the second floor where he became trapped by the flames. In desperation he threw a mattress out of the window then proceeded to throw two of the young children out onto the mattress below. All were saved but the house and all of the belongings, including the family Bible, were completely destroyed. It was speculated that arson was to blame prompted by a political foe. The home was later rebuilt and was eventually inhabited by his son John Harvey Miller and his family. Vaden Miller Jr. now owns the farm and home.


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