Ruritan Club and District Officers' Handbook
Sample Ruritan Week Proclamation (Customize the proclamation to your club and local government.)
WHEREAS, The name of club Ruritan Club has served the name of community community since its founding in year , and WHEREAS, Ruritan National had its beginning on May 21, 1928, by community leaders in Holland, Virginia; and WHEREAS, During the past number of years years, Ruritan has grown to an organization of more than 24,000 members and more than 950 clubs across the nation; and the name of club Ruritan Club will hold its an ‑ nual name of event on day of week, date . Tickets are cost per person and sold only in advance. Pro ceeds will be used to support the club’s community service projects. Contact name and phone number for more information about how you can support Ruritan efforts in the community. WHEREAS, Ruritan under its motto: Fellowship, Goodwill, and Community Service has made substantial contribu ‑ tions to the well-being of the citizens of this community and of the nation; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Board of Supervisors of county name County does hereby proclaim the week of May date through date , year as Ruritan Week
Rudy Bear Donation to Children’s Agency/Police _______________________Ruritan Club Contact: Name, address, and phone number FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, date (or HOLD UNTIL date ) Local children involved in traumatic situations are now able to “bear” the situation a little easier, thanks to the donation of amount “Rudy Ruritan” teddy bears to the name of agency by the name of club Ruritan Club. Ruritan Club President full name presented the bears at a special ceremony when and where . “Rudy Ruritan” teddy bears are distributed by Ruritan Clubs to help fire departments, police, rescue squads and hospitals deal with children in ‑ volved in auto accidents, fires, injuries and other frightening situations. “The wonder of the Little Bear has calmed many a fear, become a mighty protector, given warmth and provided the security needed in such instances,” said Captain John Smith of the Vir ginia State Police . Add information about the Ruritan organiza tion and about your Ruritan Club.
Ruritan Club Fundraising Event for Worthy Cause ____________________Ruritan Club Contact: Name, address, and phone number FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, date (or HOLD UNTIL date ) The 5th Annual name of the event spon‑ sored by the Ruritan Club will be held on date at location from times . The event will include describe event . Ac ‑ cording to name of club Club President full name the event has gotten bigger and better every year, and this year will be no exception. Proceeds from the event will support the_ ____ Ruritan Club’s service projects in the commu ‑ nity. In recent years the club has made donations to the list recipients , and has plans for outline some major Club projects . The _______________________________ Ruritan Club is a member of Ruritan National, an organization dedicated to improving communities and building a better America through fellowship, goodwill, and community service. Ruritan has more than 24,000 members and 950 clubs in 24 states.
Revised 8/2024
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