Ruritan Club and District Officers' Handbook
Appointed Club Officers The club president shall appoint the following officers of the club after the installation at the December club meeting. These officers will take office January 1st. Sergeant-At-Arms g. Present a resolution to the club for adoption with a copy going to the family. See that the copy is deliv ‑ ered to the family. A suggested form for this could be:
You have been chosen by the president to serve as sergeant-at-arms because of your ability to deal diplo‑ matically with people. Duties 1. Helping to maintain order at the meetings. 2. Collecting such fines as may be imposed by the club and giving the money to the treasurer. 3. Assisting the Public Relations Committee in seeing that seating is available for guests and for those who arrive late. 4. Acting as teller whenever a vote is taken. 5. Completing other duties as requested by the presi ‑ dent. Song Leader As song leader, you should encourage club participa ‑ tion in group singing. Duties 1. Leading the club in singing “America” at the begin ‑ ning of each regular meeting. 2. Leading any group singing during the meeting. Chaplain As chaplain, it is your responsibility to maintain a spirit of religious fellowship in the club at all times. Duties 1. Being responsible for the invocation as prescribed in the meeting procedure of the bylaws. 2. Working with the Social Development Committee to encourage participation in church activities. 3. Being responsible for the following in the event of the death of a club member: a. At the time of death, contact the family of the de ‑ ceased member immediately to offer condolences. b. Offer the services of the club to the family and make such assignments that are necessary. c. Notify club members of the funeral arrangements and the hours for visiting the family at the funeral home. If the deceased is a present or past district or national officer, the district governor and Ruritan Na ‑ tional Office should be notified immediately. d. Have flowers sent from the club unless family requests otherwise, i.e., a club contribution to the Ruri ‑ tan National Foundation is an option. e. Contact the minister concerning the deceased Ru ‑ ritan member’s club activities so that the minister may include these in remarks at the funeral service. f. After the funeral, conduct a brief memorial service at the next club meeting. Note: One does not have “prayer in memory of the deceased.” You might have a “moment of silence,” in which we remember (use name of deceased). Then have someone lead in prayer.
WHEREAS, Almighty God in His infinite Wisdom has called to Him (use name of deceased) __________________ and WHEREAS, the late (use name of deceased) gave years of splendid service to Ruritan, having served (at this point fill in the local club activities or community activities of the deceased)____________ , and WHEREAS, his/her life was filled with civic and public ser ‑ vice, but more particularly was a close and valued friend to those with whom he/she worked and came in daily contact. NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved that the _______ Ru ‑ ritan club assembled does hereby adopt this resolution of sorrow in the loss of a valued member and friend and does direct that copies of this resolution be sent to members of the immediate family and that a copy be placed in the archives of (use name of local club) Ruritan club. h. Be sure the club secretary reports the loss of the member on the club secretary’s monthly report.
Club Reporter As reporter, it is your duty to maintain adequate public exposure for your club. See the Public Relations Com ‑ mittee brochure and the Ruritan Public Relations Manual for detailed procedures and duties.
Foundation Committee As a suggestion, the club president may also appoint a club Foundation Committee to raise Ruritan National Foundation awareness in your club and community. Contact your district’s Foundation Promotion Chair for more details. Here are a few suggested duties for this committee: 1. Promote club participation in Ruritan National Foundation programs. 2. Promote the creation of permanent or special permanent funds in memory of outstanding vol‑ unteer service.
Revised 8/2024
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