Press Kit
Industry Applications Company Information: Emisshield Inc. is the manufacturer and distributor of Emisshield Coating Systems, High Emissivity Ceramic Materials with heat re-radiation capabilities designed for industrial heat applica- tions over a wide temperature range up to 3,000°F (1650°C). Emisshield’s core technology was originally designed and developed by NASA for the X-33 and X-34 space missions. Since Emisshield licensed the technology from NASA in 2001, these materials have been enhanced, tested and proven to work around the world in many different intense atmospheres throughout the Petrochemical, Iron & Steel and Glass Industries. As Emisshield’s success grows, this technology is being introduced into many other Industries.
Metal Production
Vision: To lead the High
Emissivity Revolution through the means of our Energy enhancing products, Innovation, Research, and Customer Satisfaction.
Enhanced Oil Recovery
Petrochemical /Refinery
Power Generation
Emisshield Overview: • Thermal Stability – up to 3,100°F (1,700°C) • Therhmal Shock – tested from -392°F (-230°C) to 2732°F (1500°C) in 3 seconds with no failure • Adhesion – Bonding strength > 5,000 PSI (345 Bar) • Applied Thickness – Between 2.0 and 4.0 Mils • Hemispherical Emissivity – Between 0.85 and 0.95
Emisshield Benefits: • Provide energy savings up to 15% • Can increase production up to 15% • Can reduce Carbon Emissions up to 15% • Increase substrate life Fun Facts: • More than 40 Space Certified Emisshield Products have been developed • Over 30 World Wide Partners working in over 50 different countries
• 17 + Patents and Patents Pending Emisshield® Incorporated
2000 Kraft Drive, Ste. 2600 Blacksburg, VA 24060 Website: | Phone: (540)-961-0999
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