Policy Manual 2023-2024


Medications • Students are not permitted to possess prescriptions or over-the-counter medications in their rooms or on their person. This includes aspirin, Tylenol, cold medications, etc. ONLY STAFF MEMBERS ARE PERMITTED TO DISPENSE MEDICATIONS. • Students are required to turn in all medications to a member of faculty/staff. All prescription medications should be in their original prescription bottle with a label that has student information, medication information and administration instructions. All of this information must be in English. • Students should receive regularly prescribed medications during meal times and nighttime med call. It is the student’s responsibility to see the Nurse to receive their medications. Failure to get prescribed medications from the Nurse during those times can result in disciplinary action. Illnesses and Injuries • If a student wakes up feeling ill, they are required to be in School Dress and see the Nurse in the Dining Hall at breakfast, before dismissal to class or homeroom. If they are not there by the end of breakfast, they will be considered tardy. • The Nurse will assess the student’s needs and decide whether the student should stay out of class and remain in the infirmary. A student may not return to class unless they have been given permission to do so by the Nurse. • If a student is in the infirmary for over 60% of the school day OR during the last period of the school day, they will be placed on Medical Room Restriction that night. They are ineligible to attend social events, participate in athletic activities (including practices) and off campus trips. • Students may be placed on Medical Room Restriction at the discretion of the nursing staff. • If a student becomes ill during the school day and seeks attention in the school office, they will be reminded they are to see the Nurse during breakfast, lunch or after school for assessment and treatment then sent immediately back to class. • If a student has an obvious need for immediate medical attention, a Nurse will be called and the student then sent to the infirmary for assessment and treatment. If the student does not have an emergent need, they will be sent to class with instructions to see the nurse at lunch or after school. • If a student is suspected of having a concussion or showing symptoms of a concussion, they will be assessed by our nursing staff who follows a concussion protocol. For detailed information on Oak Hill Academy’s concussion policy, please contact nurse@oak hill.net.


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