Policy Manual 2023-2024


ATTENDANCE AT OAK HILL ACADEMY IS A PRIVILEGE; it is not a right. We expect all members of our community to abide by the responsibilities inherent in our community. Any student who does not respect the standards and regulations of this institution may forfeit this privilege. A student may be requested to withdraw at any time. All students are expected to embrace the spirit of our regulations and follow the tenets of our handbook. Your attendance here confirms your allegiance to the rules and regulations of Oak Hill Academy. Re-enrollment is by invitation of the Academy. Students must remain in good standing and receive an affirmative vote by an administrative committee. A student will be denied readmission if they prove to be an unacceptable representative of Oak Hill Academy. On the contract form, you signed a statement indicating you read the agreement signed by your parent or guardian. By signing, you agree to carry out the duties assigned to you in the classroom and away from the classroom to the best of your ability. You agree to obey the rules and regulations, to make the best use of this opportunity, and to be a good citizen by helping others and the school.

We challenge you to BE THE BEST THAT YOU CAN BE!

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