Pest Management BMP March 2022

University test plots being used for Dollar Spot research.

disease-resistant varieties, a value on par with the annual pesticide use of a full NY golf course! Data-driven BMPs such as disease risk forecast models can be calibrated to fit facility needs. An easily implemented practice (model-based approach) can achieve significant results for any facility, while a more intensive practice (new turfgrass varieties) can result in greater chemical reductions if a facility has the will and available resources. A misconception about BMPs is that there is only one BEST practice. Instead, there is a sliding scale of good/better/best that presents a sequential path to improvement towards a more sustainable operation. Thinking of BMPs in this respect can allow facilities to make realistic improvements instead of being overwhelmed by the expectation of adopting the best BMP. This strategy is more likely to lead to industry wide improvements in BMP adoption that create a more resilient, high performing playing surface and a better environment.

Table 1 shows the difference in number of pesticide applications annually when simulating the three control approaches. Employing a model-based approach would lead to a 20% reduction in pesticide applications for NY golf courses and a cost savings of $3,500 per year when compared to a preventative approach. The numbers are even more significant when switching to disease resistant varieties, where a NY golf course would achieve over a 50% reduction in pesticide use and a cost savings of $9,750 per year. Data Driven Environmental Stewardship Environmental risk reductions are computed using the Environmental Impact Quotient (EIQ). Using an average Field Use EIQ value of 25, over a 5-year period would equate to 3,500 EIQ units for a model-based approach, the equivalent of a growing seasons worth of pesticide risk associated with all putting green pest management on an average NY golf course. Environmental risk savings balloon to 9,500 EIQ units when using

Pest Management BMP Reducing Risk with Data Driven Fairway Pest Management


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