Partners and Paws Summer 2022

Behind THE SCENES Out and About

The journey to become a service dog is filled with hard work and focus. It is also filled with many adventures! Exposure to many different sights, sounds, smells, people, and places is crucial to preparing a dog to ultimately become a Saint Francis Service Dog. When placed with a partner, a service dog must be able to adapt to any environment and be able to assist their partner at any place and any time, regardless of the distractions that may surround them. A lot of this type of training takes place when a dog begins the Advanced Training Program at around one year old.

To best prepare a dog for life with a partner, our expert staff trainers and field trainers spend a lot of time seeking out new experiences! These training excursions are always a lot of fun, but they also serve a very important purpose. Whether hopping on and off the downtown trolley or standing by while a scooter whizzes by, a dog is learning to listen to the commands given by a trainer despite distractions. By exposing a dog to air travel, public transportation, and different cities and environments, our trainers are preparing a dog to be able to remain focused on the task they are given, no matter what.

To learn more about training programs, visit our website!

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