Partners and Paws Summer 2022

Summer 2022

PA RT N E R S PAWS A N D Helping people with disabilities better experience the world through partnership with a service dog

the next journey Bruce and Hank Team Bruce and Hank - dedicated to Marvin and Joy Smith

For Bruce, the feeling of a constant companion by his side is a familiar one. It has been close to a decade since he started his first journey with Saint Francis down a path that changed his life. Now, it is time for the next journey. Bruce is a loving family man and an Army veteran. He deals with injuries that have had lasting effects on his mobility and balance, as well as emotional impact. With his family by his side, Bruce started the process of applying for a Saint Francis Service Dog and was successfully matched with Turbo. From there, his first journey began.

Bruce says, “Turbo showed me what life can be again. He has truly changed my life.”


A message from Cabell

Loren Eisley wrote the famous story, The Star Thrower, in which a man is walking on the beach and sees a young boy dancing down the shore. As he gets closer, he sees that the boy is not dancing at all, but reaching down to the sand, picking something up and very gently tossing it into the ocean. When he gets closer, he asks the boy, “What are you doing?” The boy replies, “I am throwing starfish in the ocean. The sun is up and the tide is going out, so if I don’t throw them in, they will die.” The man looks around and sees that there are thousands of starfish. He asks the boy, “Can you see all these starfish? You can’t possibly make a difference!” The boy simply reaches down, picks up another starfish, and tosses it lightly into the waves. He looks up at the man and smiles, saying, “I made a difference for that one.” I love this story. It seems to me that Saint Francis Service Dogs is the boy on the beach. We work hard to raise and train excellent service dogs and place them lovingly with the people that need them. We are able to make a profound and lasting difference in people’s lives. On the flip side, there are so many people that need our help. Just as the beach in the story is full of starfish that need saving, there are many people with disabilities that need a Saint Francis Service Dog.

No matter how many we help, there are many more that need us. The pressure to do more and do it more quickly, more efficiently, is relentless. The demand can wear us down and lead to a sense of futility, because no matter how much we do, there is more that needs doing. Sometimes, I wonder about that boy on the beach. Did he ever get tired? Did he ever feel a little overwhelmed? Did he ever get lost in how many starfish needed him? If he did, then I hope he had people like those at Saint Francis Service Dogs. We have donors who give joyfully, volunteers that pitch in enthusiastically, co-workers that keep their focus on what is important no matter what, and dogs that lift us up with their loving, happy spirits. I am deeply grateful. I hope the boy was surrounded by encouragement, so he could carry on changing the world - one starfish at a time. Because that is what we are going to do with your loyal support – we are going to change the world too - one dog, one person, one family, one community at a time.

“We are able to make a profound and lasting difference in people’s lives.”


Bruce and Hank (cont. from cover)

With his highly specialized training and task work, Turbo was able to give Bruce his independence back. Turbo provided balance and mobility assistance and alerted Bruce’s wife, Kelly, or his two daughters when he needed help with something. Bruce and Turbo were constant companions, and as a result, Bruce’s pain and anxiety dramatically reduced. The deep bond they formed changed everything. Not just for Bruce, but for his whole family….whether that was giving his daughters reassurance that their dad was okay on his early morning outings, or allowing his wife to advance her career. “After we got Turbo, I knew Bruce would be okay without me with him all the time. I was able to go back to school and become a nurse practitioner,” Kelly says. Turbo is a vital part of this close and connected family. So, when he began showing signs of slowing down, they made the decision to apply for a successor dog. This ensured Bruce would have the support he needed, while Turbo could transition into the role of treasured pet for his remaining years after a job well done. The matching process can take some time and depends on our expert staff identifying the right dog for the right candidate. Luckily for Bruce, at the exact right time he was waiting, a dog named Hank was on his own journey to meet his perfect partner. While Hank was in Advanced Training, his seasoned trainer, Carol Waters, knew that he had an innate ability to connect with his handler. With his sweet nature and expressive smile, Hank has a way of putting those around him at ease. It seemed like Bruce and Hank may make a great team, but when they met for the first time, it was clear that this was the dog that would join Bruce for his next chapter. During their recent Team Training, Bruce and Hank’s bond was evident and could be felt by everyone in the room. Now, this very special team, with Turbo watching, is continuing to grow together while they prepare for their graduation later this year. We can’t wait to see what is ahead for them as Hank continues the life-changing path that Turbo paved… the next journey for Bruce with his Saint Francis Service Dog by his side.


Prison Pup Program When our Prison Pup Program started at Bland Correctional Center 20 years ago, it was hard to imagine what an important part of our overall program it would become. But now, we are lucky enough to see the impact firsthand. incredible impacts

As the Prison Pup Program continues to thrive, we know that our newest class of puppies will follow in Hank’s footsteps. In the last several months, the Puppy Raisers have formed strong bonds with the puppies in their care and provide them with a regular routine and individualized training. Through their daily training and weekly classes with our trainers, the puppies have already begun to learn and master the first commands and tasks that they will need to become a service dog. The Prison Pup Program helps us to change the lives of the partners with which our dogs are placed. It also changes the lives of the men who are carefully selected to raise a puppy while they are behind bars. Bland Casework Counselor, Reagan Coe, says of the inmates in the program, “They are proud of their relationships with their dogs and love to share their quirks and training progress. I feel this program brings about a sense of joy, purpose, and companionship in an environment that can be challenging.” The incredible impact for all involved makes the Prison Pup Program a truly special part of the Saint Francis journey. We can’t wait to see how it continues to change lives in the years to come!

Vic Foti, supporter, friend, and former board member, was an integral part of getting the Prison Pup Program off the ground. Just a few years ago, he visited the prison to deliver a little puppy to his puppy raiser, Junior, for the first time. Junior named the puppy Hank! Through their work together, Hank learned the initial skills and commands he needed to move through our program successfully. Thanks in part to the Prison Pup Program, you are reading our cover story of Hank becoming a life-changing partner for Bruce!

Vic Foti bringing Hank to his Bland Puppy Raiser for the first time


None of this would be possible without our Saint Francis Big Dogs.

Membership in this leadership group is reserved for those who give generously to our vital Prison Pup Program at Bland Correctional Center. With a goal of funding the program for the next five years, our Big Dogs Prison Pup Partners are essential in sustaining our mission and placing service dogs with those who need them. Saint Francis Big Dogs Mr. and Mrs. Jake Allison Kenneth “Andy” Anderson and Dr. Marti Anderson Dr. Tim Andriano Mr. and Mrs. Sam and Sally Craver Jo Lynn Draper Duffy Family Foundation Mr. Peter Emch

In Their Own Words what it means

What does it mean to you to be a puppy raiser?

“It means the world to me. For the first time in 10 years, I feel like I am doing something that makes me feel like a person again.”

“I’ve been trusted to help with something that will one day be part of changing someone’s life forever. It is truly a blessing to be part of this program.” “I was ecstatic! After 3 years without a dog because of being incarcerated, it made me tear up when I met him and got to work with him.” - CJ

- Wes

How did you feel when you met your puppy?

“Amazing! It was definitely love at first sight. He imprinted on me the moment that he saw me. He has been loyal to me ever since.”

Dr. and Mrs. Mark Finkler Foti, Flynn, Lowen & Co. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Foti Dr. and Mrs. Paul Frantz Mr. Ed Hall Mr. and Mrs. Peter Milward Ms. Mary Anne Mullins and Mr. Christopher Robinson Ms. Yvonne Olson Mr. and Mrs. John Olver Mr. and Mrs. Jim Petrine

- Mic’hael

- Timothy

Scan the code to hear more directly from some of the Bland Puppy Raisers!

Ms. Elizabeth Parsons Mrs. Emily Reynolds Mike and Krista Sinnott Mrs. Joy Davis Smith Mr. Marvin Smith Mr. and Mrs. Steve Strauss Mr. Maury Strauss Jr. Suzanne Thorniley Varsity Landscaping and Grounds -

Mike and Carol Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Barton Wilner Ms. Dianne Woody

Learn more at


Our Saint Francis Family just keeps growing! Over the last several months, we have welcomed 10 new puppies into the program. Most of these little guys and gals are part of our Prison Pup Program. There, they are already learning the basic commands they will need to know to eventually become service dogs. We can’t wait to watch them grow . Let us introduce you! Meet Our New Puppies hey baby

Do You Want to Help Give the Gift of Independence?




As a PUPPY RAISER , you help Saint Francis by taking a puppy into your home. You introduce the puppy to the big world and teach the puppy basic manners and commands. As a PUPPY SITTER, you offer your home to puppies that need a weekend getaway or a vacation for a week or two. We support our Puppy Volunteers at every step of the way! If you can provide a safe, comfortable, loving home for our puppies to learn and grow in, please consider becoming a Puppy Volunteer today! For more information: visit email or call 540-342-3647 There are Two Types of Puppy Volunteers









Behind THE SCENES Out and About

The journey to become a service dog is filled with hard work and focus. It is also filled with many adventures! Exposure to many different sights, sounds, smells, people, and places is crucial to preparing a dog to ultimately become a Saint Francis Service Dog. When placed with a partner, a service dog must be able to adapt to any environment and be able to assist their partner at any place and any time, regardless of the distractions that may surround them. A lot of this type of training takes place when a dog begins the Advanced Training Program at around one year old.

To best prepare a dog for life with a partner, our expert staff trainers and field trainers spend a lot of time seeking out new experiences! These training excursions are always a lot of fun, but they also serve a very important purpose. Whether hopping on and off the downtown trolley or standing by while a scooter whizzes by, a dog is learning to listen to the commands given by a trainer despite distractions. By exposing a dog to air travel, public transportation, and different cities and environments, our trainers are preparing a dog to be able to remain focused on the task they are given, no matter what.

To learn more about training programs, visit our website!

Scan the code to see our training in action!


Facility Partner SPOTLIGHT

Checking in with Ada

It is safe to say that Saint Francis Facility Dog Ada has gotten into her groove since she was placed at Riverside Rehabilitation Hospital in Newport News, Virginia just over two years ago. “She struts down the hall as if she runs this building. Everyone knows who she is and wants to spend time with her,” says Ada’s primary handler Sara Clark. “She is truly seen as everyone’s favorite co-worker.” And, boy, does she work hard....Ada is an integral part of the staff ’s daily routine at Riverside, along with being a valued asset to the patients’ group and individual therapy sessions. Riverside Rehab helps hundreds of patients a year as they recover from stroke, brain injury, orthopedic trauma, spinal cord trauma, and many other conditions. Ada is able to use the over 40 specialized skills and tasks she learned in the Saint Francis Training Program to help patients regain strength and independence. As a bonus, she makes it a lot more fun at the same time! One activity that patients (and Ada, of course) enjoy is to go outside in the therapy garden and throw the tennis ball. It may sound simple, but in reality, it is so much more. “It helps our patients increase range of motion in affected arms, increases their standing balance while doing dynamic movements, and works on increased communication skills by using Ada’s commands during the activity,” says Sara. Over the course of any given week, Ada has between 80 to 100 therapeutic patient interactions and directly participates in more than 20 individual patient therapy sessions. While these are all unique, Ada is able to adapt to help, not only physically, but emotionally, bringing smiles and joy to those around her. Sometimes, she even serves as a small reminder of why they are working so hard to get better. Sara says, “ She is able to walk on a leash alongside the patients to help them practice for when they go home to their own beloved pets.” We are so excited to see all of the amazing work Ada does and will continue to do. We know through her special combination of hard work and joy, she will undoubtedly touch and help improve the lives of the patients of Riverside Rehab for many years to come.

“Ada is always working hard to bring joy to all of our patients.”

Thank you to Newport News Shipbuilding, a division of Huntington Ingalls Industries, for making this partnership possible.


save the date!

Sunday, October 16th, 2022 Live Event and Facebook Live More Details to Come

Help us celebrate the hard work and dedication of our partners, dogs, trainers, puppy raisers, donors, volunteers, and countless other people in arriving at this exciting day. Follow us on social media and sign up for our email list to be the first to hear more information about this momentous occasion.

/ SaintFrancisServiceDogs

@saint.f rancis.service.dogs


Your Legacy. Their Future.

Thank you to our Legacy Society Members

Make your giving go further by joining our Legacy Society and including Saint Francis Service Dogs in your estate plans.

Lean more at:

For more information, contact: Amy Milberger Director of Philanthropy (540) 342-3647 ext. 409


Tribute GIFTS

January through May 2022

Thank you to our cherished group of monthly donors.

We have taken great care to present an accurate listing of tribute gifts in the given time frame. If an omission or other error has occurred, we offer our sincerest apologies. Please let us know by contacting Kari Grim at or 540-342-3647x405.

Ms. Sandi Adkins Mr. and Mrs. Ed Allen Mr. and Mrs. Michael Arent Cat Ayers Mr. Ralph Baker Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Bowman Mr. and Mrs. Abney Boxley Chris Brown Mr. and Mrs. John Carlin Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cody Mr. William Corey and Ms. Kathy Umbdenstock Ms. Lee Cox Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Crist Ms. Kathy Cvizic Ms. Carole Denney Ms. Deborah Duerk Ms. Carole Edwards Ms. Charlene Fay Mr. and Mrs. David Fretwell Ms. Julie Gregory Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hack Ms. Cathie Havrilesky Mr. and Mrs. David Kapp Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lash Ms. Angela Laug Mr. John Lawrence and Ms. Elizabeth Adams Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Love Ms. Cynthia Martin Mr. Tim Masick Mrs. Lynda McGarry Mr. David Hudson Ms. Christy Izard

In Memory Of:

Daisy Mr. and Mrs. Warren Carey Nancy Verity Dakota and Cody Mark Hinton Robert DeBlasio and Diane Evans Mr. and Mrs. George Gigler Robert J. “Bob” de Maria Mr. and Mrs. William Hackett Ella & Eldor Mr. Daniel Lynn and Ms. Rosemary Mitchell Bruce Wilborn Evans Mary Ahearn Diane Evans Laurie Macpherson Annie Fancher Dr. and Mrs. J. Bruce Hagadorn Flash Joanne Holden Virginia Francis Amanda Ansell Jean Evans Jenny McKelvey Fred Mr. and Mrs. Gary Koogler Cody Frye Mr. and Mrs. William Ray Sr. Gibbs Dr. Bridget Hickman DVM Gimli Williamson Wendell Johnson Grace Boo Evans Shaun T. Graham Ms. Lisa Faist and Mr. Bill Nash Hadley Lori Morrey Swartworth William Hagan Mrs. Nancy Hagan Hanna Jo Mrs. Jan Barnett Donald Lee Harwley, Leila’s “Paw Paw” Mr. and Mrs. William Hackett Sherman E. Hatfield MD Mrs. Betsy Hatfield Ann Hepler Barbara Honeycutt Mary Beth Hillmer Starr Shank Rose Futrell Hoggard Mr. and Mrs. John Cowlbeck Hokie and Lucky Mr. and Mrs. John Mundy Marilyn Miller Isley Dr. and Mrs. J. Bruce Hagadorn Thelma James Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Sorrells

Jett Mr. and Mrs. Rand Garrett Larry Rierson Jones Anonymous Eldon and Sue Karr Bonnie Johnson Kate Elise Manning Frank Kidd Lisa Faist and Mr. Bill Nash Kira Mr. Ernie Butler and Mrs. Linda Daniel Kona Shannon Shaffer Lady Dr. Bridget Hickman DVM Leia and Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Paul Barnhart Dr. Fred T. Lewis Robert Cicconetti Lily, Our Four-Legged Family Member Mr. and Mrs. Andre Basmajian Lincoln Ms. Linda Ives and Mr. Steve Lucado Lucy Mr. and Mrs. Mike Chudina Kathy Morck Mr. and Mrs. Buzz Powell Mr. and Mrs. Dale Rucker Lucy Dr. Derek O`Dell Maddie Kathy Morck Ann Waite Maddux Mr. and Mrs. John Hammond Margo Mrs. Nancy Revercomb Jay McMahon Helen Ruth Burch Kevin McMahon Karen Andrews Mickey Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Baer Mike Mr. and Mrs. Carlis Carroll Miss Haley, Tigger, and Callie Mrs. Mary Branch Molly Mrs. and Mr. Jane and Bill Confroy Molly Dr. Bridget Hickman DVM Lance C. Moore Kathryn Figg

Adina Rebecca Perdue Marti Anderson Church of the Good Shepherd Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Randy Gross

Bailey, Bettis, Izzy, Jenny, JoJo, King, Lexie, Lexie, Mindi, Penelope, Val, Hazel, Frizzy, Max, Chloe, Porgie, Lucy, Moses, Baby, Rupert, Luna Sadie, Sparky, Blu, Blake, Savannah, Malcolm, Cooper Tika, Sully, Tucker, Mr. Whiskers, Neo, Dexter, Blue, Lucy, and Pebbles Dr. Courtney Wiegard and Mr. Spencer Wiegard Bailey Mark and Kathy Baske Young Bobby L. Ballard Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Sorrells Dave Baumgardner American Electric Power Ms. Amanda Baumgardner Mr. John and Dr. Elizabeth Duckworth Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McDonald Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Prather Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sease Jr. Margie Stinnett Stewart Butler Baucom Mr. and Mrs. Steven Bodley Beatrice Mr. and Mrs. John Bradshaw Jr. Bella Dr. and Mrs. Bud Stockton Josie Belle Dr. Bridget Hickman DVM Bosco, Our Beloved Ms. Sandra Krawchuk and Mr. Stephen Benton Shirley Callaway Mr. Eugene Callaway Callie Mr. and Mrs. R. Wayne Pridgen Alice Chase James Chase Chloe Karen McLaurin Chumba Mr. and Mrs. Steve Gregory Coal Mr. and Mrs. Gary Koogler Cody

Mr. and Mrs. Karl McNeece Mr. and Mrs. Mark Milberger Ms. Dawn Morgan Mr. and Mrs. David Nickell Mrs. Susan Paganelli Mr. and Mrs. Demetrio Perez Mr. and Mrs. Katie and Ryan Read Mrs. Drusilla Sexton Mr. and Mrs. Mike and Krista Sinnott Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Smith Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Sulka Mr. and Mrs. Barry Vann Mr. and Mrs. Bob Villamil Ms. Jackie Werb Dr. and Mrs. Edward White Dr. Courtney and Mr. Spencer Wiegard Mr. Ronald Winter Mr. and Mrs. JimWisser Mr. and Mrs. Ann Marie and Reggie Wood Ms. Nancy Smith Ms. Kris Sorensen Mr. Bodo Stock

Nanci Pristou John Cole, Sr. Ms. Lisa Faist and Mr. Bill Nash Mimi Copenhaver Dr. Robert Copenhaver Twist Craver Dr. Bridget Hickman DVM

Beth-Ann Lugar Larry B. Morris Cheryl Wilson Susan Ledford

To join the Saint Francis Friends Club as a faithful monthly donor, visit:


Board of Directors Nadia Summo President

In Memory Of: (cont.) Niko Dr. Bridget Hickman DVM Sarah Neathery Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Hearp Chris Nuckols Jr. Debra Moore Ollie Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Blaszak Dr. and Mrs. Mark Finkler Dr. Bridget Hickman DVM Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Love Ms. Sherry Marzick Cindy Oneto Mr. and Mrs. Richard Blanc Sr. Boomtown Crossfit Jamie Braden Sally Connolly Jamie Diak Elbit Systems of America Mr. and Mrs. Richard Harvey Institute for Orthopaedics and Neurosciences Timothy Marshall Sally Myers Mr. and Mrs. Mark Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Brian Neubaum Mr. and Mrs. Louis Quattrocchi Meg Sweeney Thetford Academy Mr. and Mrs. Michael Trigilio Pamela Williams Wilson-Lynch Electrical Company, Inc. Onyx Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wakeford Parents and special cousin, Shirley Durrant Ms. Doris Simpson Joseph A. Reynolds Ms. Rebecca McNeer Riley Dr. Bridget Hickman DVM David Vance Robbins Sandi Adkins Rocky Mr. and Mrs. Gary Koogler Rory Ms. Candy Lawhorne Rosa Mr. and Mrs. William Elliot Rusty Dr. Bridget Hickman DVM Sadie Nancy Jacobs Saint Bruce Loving Sami Mrs. Marty Watson Night Vision, LLC Julianne Fowler Bella Perdue Kathryn Davis Pixie Walter Miller Jr. Polonaise (Polly) Carole Edwards Doug Proffit Sheila Proffit

Ruth Woods Jamie Wampler David Lynn Woleslagle Sandy Woleslagle

James L. Sanderlin Mr. and Mrs. Kemp Savage III Sandy Dr. and Mrs. Edward White Joan F. Showalter Mr. and Mrs. Henry Buechse Mrs. Douglas Ann Slusher Julia Truelove Pat Sorensen Showtimers, Inc. Spike Shannon Shaffer Warren Stice Mr. and Mrs. Mark Nelson Jeffrey Stiff Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Stiff Teddy & Ralphy Ms. Adair McCabe Tequila Margarita Mr. and Mrs. John Bradshaw Jr. George C. Terry and Opal Reed Jennifer Dickerson Ann Tankersley Thomas Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Tankersley Tiffany, Toby, Bambi, and Oliver Sugarfoot Kennels Ms. Kathy Morck Tilly Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Danielsen Baxter Todd Dr. Bridget Hickman DVM Trey Mrs. Brenda Earhart Tillie Tucker Nancy Tucker Myra Vance Nancy Thompson Sharon Waters Mrs. Nancy Cunningham West Point Class of 1967 KIA RVN Mr. and Mrs. Michael Shelton Betty White Janet Dickson Joanne Mekanik Catherine Reeves E. Dianne Simmons Cheryl Snead Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Sulka Jamie Wampler Cheryl Wilson Carol Willoughby Lisa Gibson Chris Wingfield Mr. and Mrs. Robert McNichols Steven M Simmons Ms. Pamela Simmons Sophie Lisa Gibson Debra Given Cathleen McLaughlin

Larry B. Morris’ Birthday Cheryl Wilson J. Gary Newcomb Mr. and Mrs. Fred Newcomb Sammy Oakey Dr. and Mrs. Mark Finkler Wanda Paganelli Susan Paganelli Tommy Rose and Margaret Rose Rebecca Uselton Saint Francis Staff Mr. and Mrs. Katie and Ryan Read Krista Sinnott Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Holloman III Cara Smith, PhD. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Smith

In Honor Of: All the Saint Francis Trainers Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Wang BeeBop Dr. Pamela Hand Ben, Super Service Dog Sylvia D. Center Elizabeth Bivens Roanoke Animal Hospital Bradley, a Great Puppy Raiser Anonymous Kenneth Brown Sarah and James Absher Marie and Charlie Chattin Buddy Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Harrington Buddy Lori Morrey Swartworth Lesleigh Cook Mr. and Mrs. Edward Habeeb Nancy Cunningham Cejay Associates, LLC Kelly Eanes Anonymous Dr. Mark Finkler and the Rachel Barham Dr. Mark Finkler Mr. and Mrs. Scott Bauman Rho and Buzz Griffin Robert Campbell Tyler Hatcher and Palmer Susan Randall Roger Henderson S. Revelle Hamilton Nancy and John Hodges Mr. and Mrs. Kemp Savage III Clint Hopkins Mr. and Mrs. Brian Britt Stephanie Hopkins Anonymous Michelle Karim’s Birthday Helen Carty JoJo and Abbey Shirley Perdue Leia Jeanette Oneill Mango & Ocean John Ayers Haley McCormick and Charlie Maude Coggin Amy and Mark Milberger Patrick Milberger Staff of Roanoke Animal Hospital

Krista H. Sinnott Vice President

Anne Jenkins Secretary

Jeffrey Barbour, CPA Treasurer Mark R. Finkler, DVM Veterinary Advisor Courtney Wiegard, DVM Past President

Todd Smith Anonymous Kris Sorensen

Richard Sorensen Harvey Thurston Mr. and Mrs. James

Craig Balzer John Carlin Sally B. Craver, MSW Jo Lynn Draper Nancy Hack Annette Kirby Paula Mitchell Jim Petrine Steven S. Strauss Robert Villamil Kathy Baske Young

Thurston Jr Tika and Duke

Mr. and Mrs. Steve Suttmiller Stafford Turner and Timber Suzi Turner Sarah Williams Anonymous Stephen Williams

Anonymous Janet Wynot Phyllis Ferguson Gloriadene Lancaster


In Recognition Of: Gibbs Ms. Kathryn Musard Ben Wyatt Ms. Cynthia Barnhart Ziva, Mark, and Sherman Ms. Alana Sherman

Beverly Amsler Doug Becker Madeline Bruggeman

Debbie Clifton Deborah Duerk

Beth Fulp Kari Grim Bob Lee Kathy Marr

Amy Milberger Tiffany Moeltner Michelle Mosely Erin Morris

Kristine Sorensen Maggie St. John Loreen Thompson Rebecca Thompson Andrew Via Marilyn Wilson Cabell Youell


Ways to GIVE

Newsletter Credits: Copy, Art Direction, Design, and Photography prepared in house by Saint Francis Staff unless otherwise noted.

Thank you for your support. Gifts can be made in multiple ways:

PHONE: (540) 342-3647 ext. 409

MAIL: Saint Francis Service Dogs PO Box 19538 Roanoke, VA 24019

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Saint Francis Service Dogs is a secular, nonprofit, 501(c)(3) organization, whose mission is to help children and adults with disabilities live more independent and self-sufficient lives through partnership with a professionally trained service dog. An envelope is enclosed for your convenience, if you would like to make a tax-deductible contribution to support the mission of Saint Francis Service Dogs.

The Balaban Center for Service Dog Excellence PO Box 19538, 8232 Enon Drive, Roanoke, VA 24019 Telephone: (540) 342-3647 | Fax: (540) 342-0906

A financial statement is available upon written request from the Virginia Office of Consumer Affairs.

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