PERU SHCCG Field Guide

safety guidelines

CLEANLINESS Please avoid drinking any water from the community as it is not clean. As you are walking through the communities please be aware of steams, puddles and anything else that looks suspicious that you may not want to bring back home. Do not buy/eat food from street vendors. If you are offered tea or biscuits in a home, feel free to eat those, but kindly refuse any other food. CHILDREN Remember to ask parents for permission before taking children to different parts of the camp as they may not be able to find their way home. Pease ask the Mama if you are permitted to pick them up prior to doing so. SURROUNDINGS As you prepare to go out each day it is best to bring the least amount of stuff possible. Only bring the necessities - Bible, notebook, pen, water bottle and camera. As you are out in the communities be aware of your bags and avoid leaving them unattended. Please limit your bling (rings, watches, jewelry, etc.). Be aware of who may be watching you. Although we want to preach the Gospel to as many people as possible, it is extremely difficult to do so to a large group of unruly, drunk men/women. Therefore, we ask that you stray away from any large groups of men/women drinking. Pray for them as you walk by!

ACCIDENTS & INJURIES If a child or anyone comes up to you with an open wound of any sort, we ask that you do not attempt to bandage or care for the wound in any way, but rather ask someone from help. Example: A child falls during one of our kids events and scratchers their knee. Do not pick them up, but comfort from a distance and ask a Mama or missionary for help. GROUPS It is best to always stay in an approved group, which is at least two of your team members, and a translator. Stay in your ministry group at all times. As you are out in the communities please stay within eye and ear shot from each other at all times. Please listen to your Peruvian volunteers and missionaries for safety and direction while out on ministry. You are not allowed to switch groups during ministry. MISCELLANEOUS Don’t give out your address, phone number, Facebook/IG or any personal information. Do not make promises (direct or implied) that you can’t keep. Avoid obligating Impact Africa to any future promise or task. Never hand out candy, tracts, or toys in a large crowd of people. NEVER. Please be sensitive when taking pictures. We don’t want to look like tourists. Most love to be photographed, but if the situation is questionable, ask first.


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