PERU SHCCG Field Guide
SIDE 1 Describe God (Perfect, without Sin, Love) Describe Us (Created to have relationship with God)
Explain Sin (Things we do against God. All of us sin - the payment is spiritual death) Sin Separates Us (Open the cube and explain. Nothing WE can do can bridge the gap) Transition (In spite of that God still loves us and wants to have a relationship with us) SIDE 2 Jesus Had To Come (Faced the same temptations and challenges as us) Why Did He Come (To cleanse us of our sins, not to condemn us) How Are We Made Clean (He lived a perfect, sinless life. He was crucified on a cross and his blood was a payment for our sins.
SIDE 3 So Christ died on the cross just as He predicted to His followers Men buried Him in a tomb Huge Stone Soldiers guarded. Why they did? SIDE 4 After 3 days, God’s Spirit raised Jesus from dead Angel rolled away the big stone
He appeared to His followers God took Him back to Heaven
Final proof that he defeated sin, satan, death That His pymt satisfied God’s requirements Hope for the world…Jesus is only living God The rest are dead SIDE 5 Remember the gap (split the cube)? Jesus death and resurrection bridged the gap for us! Jesus said, “I am the way... The ONLY way back to God, the Father, is through Jesus - not saints, works, ancestors, etc. SIDE 6 Through Him alone we can be forgiven and have eternal life Knowing about these things aren’t enough. Must Trust Him to save us If you aren’t, your sins are not forgiven
When you die….with Him or separated from Him Whoever believes in Jesus will have eternal life. Those who don’t – the wrath of God is upon them. Believe in your heart – confess with your mouth – what about YOU!?
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