PERU SHCCG Field Guide

check-out guidelines GOING HOME

Please make sure you follow all check-out instructions given to you. We want our base to look as good when you leave as the day you found it. If you wish to donate items to leave behind, ask Team Leader for drop-off location and times. Do not make donations directly to interns/staff, translators, drivers etc. All donations should go through the Team Leader first. You may decide to leave: Toiletries Shirts/Shorts/Pants Shoes Extra Cash (Country Issued) Snacks or food USA arrival guidelines As we land, the Team Leader will ask you to fill out the MPC app to expedite entry into the USA. Exit the plane and proceed to baggage. Work as a team to collect all bags. Your collected bags will then be dropped off to be re-scanned according to TSA standards. Proceed to security for another TSA security check. You may be asked to remove shoes, liquids, etc. You will proceed to US customs. Enter the Mobile App line and wait your turn to be checked back in to the USA. Proceed to your gate to catch your flight home!

carry-on guidelines

Pack Carry-on bag to follow TSA standards. You will be processed through security 2 times: the first, at normal check in; the second, prior to boarding the plane (at the actual gate). When you get in line at the gate, listen to instructions and proceed through the 2nd security as directed. No lone rangers. Your bag will be HAND inspected by a TSA agent. You are not allowed to take water or sodas on the plane - even if you purchased it after the first security. Liquids in one quart sized bag under 3oz. Any spare cell battery packs must be placed in a carry on bag – NEVER in a checked bag. Do you have your passport? Is your cell charger in your carry-on bag? Is your phone charged? You may not return to the US with fruits, jerky, veggies of any kind. Ensure you have the CBP MPC App Downloaded and Set-up on your phone for quick entry into the US. Do not check-in on the airline app, unless directed to do so by your team leader.


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