PERU SHCCG Field Guide

team debrief

Can you believe it?! Your trip has already come to an end. We hope you enjoyed your trip as much as we did! Today we will walk you through a debrief- to bring your trip to a proper close. We encourage you to stay attentive and find out what is the best way to take this amazing experience back home with you. READ Acts 14: 26-27 What did Paul and Barnabas do when they returned from their trip?

What does this tell us about one of our next steps when we return home?

What’s the point? Why is this important? How could it impact your church? Your family?

The fact that YOU went on this trip and had such an amazing experience could give someone the confidence to want to go in the future. List at least 2 people that you would love to see come on a trip to further grow their own spiritual walk.


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