PERU SHCCG Field Guide
field guide Guidelines, Reflections, Devotions & Resources
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welcome to peru
...your mission begins now ...
campus guidelines ARRIVAL INFORMATION
You base camp is your home away from home. You are free to roam the campus without restriction. Keep in mind, this is not only where you’ll stay during your trip, but it’s also home to others. Please demonstrate respect and care for the property.
Be a considerate and thoughtful team member. Think of others . We are a team. Any bad decisions or behavior could impact the entire group. It is recommended that you leave valuables at the base (this includes passport and most of your funds). Only take as little in the field as you think you’ll need (maybe for a soda). Whether you are eating a meal at the base or hanging out in the common areas, clean up after yourself . Keep your dorm space tidy. Whether you are in restaurants, shopping or in the mission field, never leave the group . Be on time for ALL team gatherings/meetings/departures. Don’t make the team wait on you. This includes devotions and breakfast. Think of others. If you get out materials to make sandwiches, then ask others if they want one and serve and/or help serve others. Work together. Since we share a base with others you are expected to respect quiet hours (stay in your room and don’t be loud). NOTE: Each day starts EARLY with team devotions. Make sure you are getting enough rest at night. THINGS WE SHOULDN’T HAVE TO SAY...BUT WE ARE... Men should not be alone in a bedroom with a woman (and vice versa). Use common areas on campus for conversations, not dorm rooms. No romantic involvement (including excessive flirting) with the team members, Frontera staff, interns, interpreters, or nationals. If you get sick (cold/flu symptoms), you will be asked to wear a mask on the bus and in enclosed areas. Follow dress code. If your clothing is inappropriate, you will be asked to change. Cell phone use while on the field or during team devotion time is prohibited.
safety guidelines
CLEANLINESS Please avoid drinking any water from the community as it is not clean. As you are walking through the communities please be aware of steams, puddles and anything else that looks suspicious that you may not want to bring back home. Do not buy/eat food from street vendors. If you are offered tea or biscuits in a home, feel free to eat those, but kindly refuse any other food. CHILDREN Remember to ask parents for permission before taking children to different parts of the camp as they may not be able to find their way home. Pease ask the Mama if you are permitted to pick them up prior to doing so. SURROUNDINGS As you prepare to go out each day it is best to bring the least amount of stuff possible. Only bring the necessities - Bible, notebook, pen, water bottle and camera. As you are out in the communities be aware of your bags and avoid leaving them unattended. Please limit your bling (rings, watches, jewelry, etc.). Be aware of who may be watching you. Although we want to preach the Gospel to as many people as possible, it is extremely difficult to do so to a large group of unruly, drunk men/women. Therefore, we ask that you stray away from any large groups of men/women drinking. Pray for them as you walk by!
ACCIDENTS & INJURIES If a child or anyone comes up to you with an open wound of any sort, we ask that you do not attempt to bandage or care for the wound in any way, but rather ask someone from help. Example: A child falls during one of our kids events and scratchers their knee. Do not pick them up, but comfort from a distance and ask a Mama or missionary for help. GROUPS It is best to always stay in an approved group, which is at least two of your team members, and a translator. Stay in your ministry group at all times. As you are out in the communities please stay within eye and ear shot from each other at all times. Please listen to your Peruvian volunteers and missionaries for safety and direction while out on ministry. You are not allowed to switch groups during ministry. MISCELLANEOUS Don’t give out your address, phone number, Facebook/IG or any personal information. Do not make promises (direct or implied) that you can’t keep. Avoid obligating Impact Africa to any future promise or task. Never hand out candy, tracts, or toys in a large crowd of people. NEVER. Please be sensitive when taking pictures. We don’t want to look like tourists. Most love to be photographed, but if the situation is questionable, ask first.
interpreter guidelines
Speak slowly and to pronounce your words clearly. Stick to simple words, and be mindful not to use Americanisms that will be misunderstood or difficult to translate. Steer clear from religious words that could also be difficult to understand. When ministering alongside them, direct your conversation towards the national that you are ministering to, not the interpreter. Say a whole thought before pausing for the translating, but please don't forget to pause for the interpretation to take place. Take your time. Understanding what is being said is critical. Part of your ministry here will also be toward some of the Peruvian volunteers you will be working with. Some of them are new in their faith and are still learning what it means to walk out their faith. Your time ministering alongside them is a great opportunity to get to know them and encourage them in their pursuit of Christ!
giving guidelines
If there is someone that God has placed on your heart to help financially or with a gift please talk with your team leader BEFORE saying ANYTHING to the national. We have certain procedures for giving that protect both you and the national and allow for transparency, visibility, and accountability in the giving process. Should you feel led to give a gift of any kind to anyone (including people you meet in the communities, staff volunteers, interns, or staff members), please be sure to ask Keith or your team leader first. All gifts must be handled with visibility and accountability. We highly value your time and want to protect your experience with us. Just so you are aware, please know that Peruvian volunteers are not permitted to solicit from guests.
daily devotions
understanding daily devotions Daily devotions are times set aside each day dedicated to relating with God. When people speak of daily devotions, they are usually referring to a time of reading their Bible, doing a Bible study, or reading a devotional book. This is often accompanied by a time of prayer. Some devotional times may simply be bathed in pray or include worship music. No matter the format, having this daily time is critical to your ability to do ministry. Because of the value we have gleaned from our teams having personal and team devotions with God, we prioritize this initiative into our daily activities. In fact, we consider this your first “spiritual step” into the squatter camps each morning.
Read John 15:1-8. Daily devotions is a spiritual discipline that helps us get to know God, that ensures we stay connected to Him. What do these Scriptures teach us about our need for connection to the True Vine?
How do we become “disconnected” from the Vine? and what are the results of being disconnected?
Satan is the father of lies. He is a counterfeit and seeks to deceive us by twisting God’s Word. Read John 8:32. How can we know the Truth?
Jesus showed us in multiple Scriptures how He was intentional in connecting with the Father. Mark 1:35: “ In the early morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house, and went away to a secluded place, and was praying there.” When did Jesus get alone in prayer?
Scripture points out that it was still dark and Jesus “got up”. Why is this significant?
How does Romans 12:1 encourage you to “get up”?
Why do you believe Jesus left the house?
What’s the benefit of going to a secluded place?
What did Jesus do during this time?
What are some of the things that could prevent/hinder you in “getting up” and spending time with the Lord each morning? How will you overcome those obstacles?
Morning Schedule
7:00-7:05 Meet in the Chapel for roll call. BE ON TIME. 7:05-7:25 Personal and Guided Devotions 7:30-8:00 Meet in Chapel for Team Devotions 8:00-8:30 Breakfast 8:30-8:45 Refresh/Restrooms/Collect Ministry Backpack (Ministry backpack - Your Bible, a cube, water bottle, suckers, hat, simple snack, pen, giveaway Bibles, cube tracts) *Be prompt for our morning connections. Your team depends on you to be on time.
friday devotions Read Ephesians 6:10-20 in verse 11, why is the church instructed to put on the whole armor of God?
What does verse 12 mean to you?
Verse 13 is a strong summary verse. If you had to separate this verse into parts, what would they be and WHY?
List the 7 items we have been equipped with for battle and what do they each mean?
The sword of the Spirit is the only offensive weapon in our armor. Our defense against the lies and schemes of the enemy is to believe & speak out God's word. Read 2 Corinthians 4:1-5. How do verses 3 and 4 apply to shack-to-shack ministry and what can you do about it!?
friday debrief
Team Members
What was your favorite conversation/testimony from today?
What worked well for you/team? What didn’t go as expected? (i.e. team work, communication, approach,etc)
saturday devotions Read Acts 2: 1-4 and Acts 4:1-20 Fifty days after the resurrection of Jesus, a significant event happened? What happened and why is it so significant?
Acts4:8 emphasises the fact that Peter was “filled with the Holy Spirit. Why do you believe this is emphasized here and what does it matter?
Acts 4 indicates that Peter and John had no formal ministry training. How were they so successful at their work as evangelists?
How can you apply this in your ministry today?
saturday debrief
Team Members
What was your favorite conversation/testimony from today?
What worked well for you/team? What didn’t go as expected? (i.e. team work, communication, approach,etc)
Using vivid and descriptive words, write about about your mental impressions of Jicamarca/the area.
sunday devotions Read 2 Samuel 6:11-16 Sometimes when we experience breakthrough we express our gratitude to the Lord in different ways. How did David respond when he heard the Ark was coming back to the City of David?
Michal (his wife) was not happy about his dance? How do you interpret this brief mention of her response?
Read Psalm 134. What expressions of praise are represented?
Read Psalm 150. This is the last Psalm, which seems fitting. According to this Scripture, list who or what should offer praise?
Specifically, how can we or how do we offer praise (from the Scripture)?
Be prepared to discuss this Scripture in context with “how” we worship. “The hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him. God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.” JOHN 4:23-24
sunday debrief
What stood out to you the most from today’s ministry? Why?
How did the Holy Spirit speak to YOU today?
monday devotions Read Joshua 1:1-9 What assignment was Joshua given by the Lord?
List all of the the specific ways or words the Lord used to encourage Joshua.
Verses 7 and 8 tell Joshua specific things he must do to remain successful. What are they and how can you apply this to your everyday life?
What have you gleaned from this set of Scriptures? or how has the Holy Spirit further revealed Himself through your study this morning?
monday debrief
Team Members
What was your favorite conversation/testimony from today?
Our devotions this morning talked about how God encouraged Joshua to be strong and courageous. Can you think of a situation from today when you could feel the Holy Spirit giving you strength/encouragement/boldness, etc? Share
Using vivid and descriptive words, write about your someone memorable you met today.
tuesday devotions Read Galatians 6:9 What factors might lead us to become “weary in doing good”?
What does perseverance mean to you and why does it matter?
According to Scripture, what are the results of “not growing weary”?
Take a mental check of your current state of mind. How are you doing? Be honest. What type of adjustments need to be made to ensure you are not becoming weary?
tuesday debrief
Team Members
What was your favorite conversation/testimony from today?
This morning we talked about growing weary in doing good. How did ministry today encourage you to persevere?
How has God revealed Himself to YOU through this trip so far? Be specific.
wednesday devotions Read 1 John 4:1-6 As believers, we are able to recognize the spirits at work around us. Explain how we recognize the work of the Spirit of God?
What type of power do these spirits have over us? Should we be afraid? Explain why. Are you afraid?
How can you apply this in your ministry today?
What else has the Holy Spirit been revealing or challenging you on this morning?
wednesday debrief
Team Members
What was your favorite conversation/testimony from today?
What worked well for you/team? What didn’t go as expected? (ie.e team work communication, approach, etc)
Discuss one way you saw God prove Himself faithful today.
thursday devotions SUNNY HILLS On Your Own (see below)
Christ Chapel - Go to page 12
Pray and ask Holy Spirit to prepare you with a specific word or Scripture that you can use in ministry today? Perhaps you will be sharing with a mother about to give birth or a student who is trying to find their way in life? Record your thoughts and impressions here. Be prepared to share what the Lord has shared with you!
Scriptures Used
Other impressions/thoughts/revelations
How can you apply this in your ministry today?
thursday debrief
Team Members
What was your favorite conversation/testimony from today?
How was today’s ministry different than other days? (experience, spiritual battles, etc)
Think about someone on the team who has inspired you the most this week and describe how they impacted/inspired you in positive way. You may be asked to share.
friday devotions On Your Own...
Today, there is no structure to guide you on your devotion. Just find a cozy spot, pray, and read His Word. `Record your thoughts and impressions here. Be prepared to share what the Lord has shared with you!
How can you apply this in your ministry today?
saturday devotions Read Psalm 139:1-18 Consider what Scripture says about us/our creation/our Creator. List at least 4 power truths from this set of Scriptures.
There’s a lot to unpack here. Which verse or verses impact you the most and why?
How can you apply this in your ministry today?
What other Scriptures can you think of that speaks to individual purpose and plan?
saturday debrief
Team Members
What was your favorite conversation/testimony/experience from today?
How were you able to use the Scripture from this morning’s devotion to help you minister to someone today?
Discuss one way you saw God prove Himself faithful today.
my reflections
daily reflections
daily reflections
daily reflections
daily reflections
daily reflections
daily reflections
daily reflections
daily reflections
daily reflections
wrapping up
team debrief
Can you believe it?! Your trip has already come to an end. We hope you enjoyed your trip as much as we did! Today we will walk you through a debrief- to bring your trip to a proper close. We encourage you to stay attentive and find out what is the best way to take this amazing experience back home with you. READ Acts 14: 26-27 What did Paul and Barnabas do when they returned from their trip?
What does this tell us about one of our next steps when we return home?
What’s the point? Why is this important? How could it impact your church? Your family?
The fact that YOU went on this trip and had such an amazing experience could give someone the confidence to want to go in the future. List at least 2 people that you would love to see come on a trip to further grow their own spiritual walk.
team debrief
Read Philippans 1:6 Sometimes it’s hard to leave the missions experience behind, especially the people that you prayed for and shared with. How does this verse provide reassurance to you, even if you never see those people again?
Read Acts 1:8. What were Jesus’ instructions to the disciples about where their mission field should begin?
Now that this trip is over, where should your next mission be? How will you achieve this? Think big!
What concerns you most about going back home?
overall reflections How has this trip challenged you (spiritually and physically)? Be specific.
How has this trip CHANGED you?
Which moment(s) in ministry this week has left a forever impact and impression on your heart? Tell us why.
overall reflections
What’s one thing you’ve learned about yourself on this trip?
Now that you understand the full scope of this experience, how would you have prepared yourself differently?
How can you take what you’ve learned and done here and apply it to your community and church back home?
How has your view on missions changed because of this trip?
check-out guidelines GOING HOME
Please make sure you follow all check-out instructions given to you. We want our base to look as good when you leave as the day you found it. If you wish to donate items to leave behind, ask Team Leader for drop-off location and times. Do not make donations directly to interns/staff, translators, drivers etc. All donations should go through the Team Leader first. You may decide to leave: Toiletries Shirts/Shorts/Pants Shoes Extra Cash (Country Issued) Snacks or food USA arrival guidelines As we land, the Team Leader will ask you to fill out the MPC app to expedite entry into the USA. Exit the plane and proceed to baggage. Work as a team to collect all bags. Your collected bags will then be dropped off to be re-scanned according to TSA standards. Proceed to security for another TSA security check. You may be asked to remove shoes, liquids, etc. You will proceed to US customs. Enter the Mobile App line and wait your turn to be checked back in to the USA. Proceed to your gate to catch your flight home!
carry-on guidelines
Pack Carry-on bag to follow TSA standards. You will be processed through security 2 times: the first, at normal check in; the second, prior to boarding the plane (at the actual gate). When you get in line at the gate, listen to instructions and proceed through the 2nd security as directed. No lone rangers. Your bag will be HAND inspected by a TSA agent. You are not allowed to take water or sodas on the plane - even if you purchased it after the first security. Liquids in one quart sized bag under 3oz. Any spare cell battery packs must be placed in a carry on bag – NEVER in a checked bag. Do you have your passport? Is your cell charger in your carry-on bag? Is your phone charged? You may not return to the US with fruits, jerky, veggies of any kind. Ensure you have the CBP MPC App Downloaded and Set-up on your phone for quick entry into the US. Do not check-in on the airline app, unless directed to do so by your team leader.
evangelism resources
FAMILY Are you originally from here in the ______area? If no, where are you from originally? How long have you been here? What brought you here? Where did you live before? Are you married? How long? How many children do you have? How old are they? Do you have other family members that live nearby? Are you able to see them often? Greet the person/people you are speaking with quickly and warmly. Share your name and shake hands . Speak to them on their level . If they are seated, sit in the dirt. If standing, stand. Don’t wear your sunglasses. Smile and act natural, not afraid! UPON ENCOUNTERING THE PERSON YOU WISH TO SPEAK TO: Connecting relationally is VITAL to building TRUST and rapport with the national. Unlike our culture in the United States, most people in developing countries are far less pressed for time and value connection and communication over completing one task after another. Talking to people doesn’t have to be scary. Just remember the acronym FORR (Family, Occupation, Recreation and Religious Beliefs). KEY POINT: The questions below are meant to be a guide. This shouldn’t feel like a one-sided interrogation. Let them speak and then share something about yourself. Continue that back and forth until you are ready to move into the Religious Beliefs section.
What do you do for work? What does your husband/wife do for work? How long has it been since you worked? Is it hard to find work here? What’s the hardest part about your job? What do you like best about it?
Do you have any hobbies? What do you enjoy doing to relax?
RELIGIOUS BELIEFS We are so excited to be here in __________. One of the things we are here to learn more about are the different types of beliefs here. In America, there are many ideas about faith and God. It seems it’s that way here as well. Can I ask you a few questions about this so we can better understand? 1) What are your spiritual beliefs ? (Listen and acknowledge only, then continue) >>>>> Do you go to church anywhere? >>>>> What type of church is it? >>>>> Do they use the Bible? >>>>> Do they use the Old Testament, the New Testament or both? When you feel like you have built a good connection, advance the conversation into a non confrontational discussion on their religious beliefs using key questions below. As you listen to their answers, simply shake your head and acknowledge that you are hearing them. Avoid the temptation to address their beliefs as they are sharing. 3) What do you believe happens when you die ? (If heaven/hell comes up - What determines if you go to heaven or hell?) 4) If something happened and you didn’t wake up tomorrow, where would you be ? Why do you say that?( Listen and acknowledge only) SHARE THE GOSPEL Share! Take your time and make sure you are telling it in a way that would make sense. For example, if you leave out a discussion on SIN and that we all sin then the other concepts you share wouldn’t connect. Thank you for sharing your beliefs with me. Would you mind if I shared with you some of the things we believe? Pull a sharing tool out of your tool belt and share one or more (as the Holy Spirit leads) 1) Your personal testimony of salvation 2) The Cube 3) A story about getting through a death or being healed 2) To you, who is Jesus? (Listen and acknowledge only)
4) Your Life Verse 5) Object Lesson 6) The 3 Circles
BEFORE YOU LEAVE: Give them the chance to pray to receive the Lord. You may ask, “Is there anything that you heard that surprises you or that you may have a question about?” Pray with them about other concerns like health or jobs. Leave a Bible (if one is available) and mark your favorite Scripture in it for them! 45
There are three types of stories that are especially helpful to keep in mind as you go out on ministry: 1) Your Salvation Story 2) A testimony about healing or deliverance and 3) A testimony about a time in your life when God proved Himself faithful.
A TESTIMONY ABOUT HEALING OR DELIVERANCE In addition to your personal Salvation Story, maybe there was a time in your life that you were healed of sickness or delivered from addiction. How would you communicate the backstory in a simple way? How long were you dealing with the issue? How did you know you were healed or delivered? What has your life been like since? How has it changed your view of God? A SALVATION STORY When did you know that you needed Jesus to save you? Your testimony story begins THERE. From that angel, share what your life was like BEFORE you knew you needed Jesus. The, share HOW you gave up control of your life. Finally, explain how your life has changed after you started following Him. Don’t get distracted with side stories. Stay focused on how Jesus saved you from your sin. A TIME WHEN GOD PROVED HIMSELF FAITHFUL THROUGH A DEATH OR OTHER CIRCUMSTANCE Our testimony may also include times when God proved Himself faithful. In spite of the chaos, challenges or circumstances tell about a time when God made it very clear to you that He was and is taking care of you. 46 SHARING TIPS: When sharing your testimony speak slowly and to enunciate your words clearly. Stick to simple words, and be mindful not to use Americanisms that will be misunderstood or difficult to translate. We have found that it is best to steer clear from religious words that could also be difficult to understand. Direct your conversation towards the national that you are ministering to, not the interpreter. Say a whole thought before pausing for the translating, but please don't forget to pause for the interpretation to take place. We want to make sure that they are able to clearly communicate what you're saying and that the person you're speaking to is able to understand as well, so take your time.
SIDE 1 Describe God (Perfect, without Sin, Love) Describe Us (Created to have relationship with God)
Explain Sin (Things we do against God. All of us sin - the payment is spiritual death) Sin Separates Us (Open the cube and explain. Nothing WE can do can bridge the gap) Transition (In spite of that God still loves us and wants to have a relationship with us) SIDE 2 Jesus Had To Come (Faced the same temptations and challenges as us) Why Did He Come (To cleanse us of our sins, not to condemn us) How Are We Made Clean (He lived a perfect, sinless life. He was crucified on a cross and his blood was a payment for our sins.
SIDE 3 So Christ died on the cross just as He predicted to His followers Men buried Him in a tomb Huge Stone Soldiers guarded. Why they did? SIDE 4 After 3 days, God’s Spirit raised Jesus from dead Angel rolled away the big stone
He appeared to His followers God took Him back to Heaven
Final proof that he defeated sin, satan, death That His pymt satisfied God’s requirements Hope for the world…Jesus is only living God The rest are dead SIDE 5 Remember the gap (split the cube)? Jesus death and resurrection bridged the gap for us! Jesus said, “I am the way... The ONLY way back to God, the Father, is through Jesus - not saints, works, ancestors, etc. SIDE 6 Through Him alone we can be forgiven and have eternal life Knowing about these things aren’t enough. Must Trust Him to save us If you aren’t, your sins are not forgiven
When you die….with Him or separated from Him Whoever believes in Jesus will have eternal life. Those who don’t – the wrath of God is upon them. Believe in your heart – confess with your mouth – what about YOU!?
THE THREE CIRCLES (Keith Training)
welcome home
...your next mission begins now ...
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