Outdoor Air Switches
SepteMber 2009 Db-A7-A
A galvanized structural steel channel base supports the insulators and live parts. The
switch is designed to enhance the electrical and mechanical characteristics of current
carrying parts. The mechanical parts and rotor bearings are designed for durability to withstand
cantilever stresses, ensuring long-lasting service in all types of environments. All parts have been
designed to be uniform across the product line. As a result, parts are easier to stock and are more readily available from the factory.
Side-Break Outdoor Air Disconnect Switch
Description The A7 switch is a modern and reliable two-insulator, side-break, outdoor air switch using a variety of materials in its design selected to do a specific job according to the function required.
Optimum mechanical and electrical characteristics of the current carrying parts are assured through the use of high-conductivity, high-strength aluminum alloys combined with transfer contacts utilizing the time proven high-pressure, silver-to-copper construction. Throughout the current path all bolts, nuts, and pins are stainless steel, minimizing the possibility of corrosion.
8.25 thru 145 kv 600-1600A Type A7 40-70 kA Momentary
- momentary rating
- location and position
- coil voltage (for HSG only) - BIL rating
- technical reference (TR #) - bolt circle diameter
The A7 can be operated either manually or by a motor mechanism. Below is a list of operators which can be supplied: Swing Handle Worm Gear MO-10 Motor Operator GrOunDInG SwItch
For grounding during inspection, maintenance, or repair, a threepole grounding switch can be mounted on the hinge and/or jaw end of the A7. Interlocking to prevent
the main and ground switches from being closed at the same time can be accomplished via Kirk key interlocks, mechanical interlocks, or electrical interlocks (where electrical operators are used).
High speed grounding switches for fault initiating can also be mounted on the A7. High speed grounding switches can be reset by using a hookstick or one of the operators listed above. OrDErInG InfOrMAtIOn:
The following information is the minimum required when ordering A7 side-break switches:
Voltage, BIL rating, continuous current, momentary rating Mounting positions (upright, vertical, or inverted) If grounding switches are specified:
Operators required (main and ground switches) Insulator specification including: Mounting information Structure and detail drawings
Fixed terminal pad height if applicable
Pascor Atlantic
Air Switch Division • State Route 42
254 Industry Dr. • Bland, Virginia 24315-9709
customized lengths
threepole switches
Phone: 276-688-3328 • Fax:276-688-2228 or 2229
This bulletin describes our standard product and does not show variations in design which may be available. If additional details are required, contact your local Pascor Atlantic representative. Pascor Atlantic reserves the right to make changes or improvements to the product shown in this bulletin without notice or obligation.
A7 vAlue-ADDeD feAtureS Pascor Atlantic’s A7 switch is the result of 100 years’ experience in developing and supplying power equipment to the electric utility industry. Pascor Atlantic has continuously pioneered
the research, design, testing and the manufacture of outdoor disconnect switches. We maintain this leadership because of our continued innovative efforts to provide maximum value in acquisition, installation, maintenance and operating reliability. Procurement: Local sales representatives and expertise Pre-engineered controls available for quick delivery ISO 9002 certified ISO 14000 compliant On-time shipment Industry’s shortest lead times Engineering:
Universal base and control fit most structures All parts designed to resist corrosion Adaptability to meet special requirements Availability of AutoCAD format drawings Manual and motor operation Installation:
Interphase and vertical operating pipes in pre-engineered or Adjustable threaded clevis for ease of fine adjustment of Open-close stops on each switch pole Service technicians available for assistance On-time deliveries Maintenance:
Greaseless rotor bearings with stainless steel ball bearings on switch bases Weather-sealed, grease-filled enclosed switch hinge Corrosion-free gears in all operators No threaded coupling applied in torsion Replaceable copper moving contacts Accessories:
The following accessories can be provided for the A7: Arc Restrictors thru 145 kV (Quick Whips) Vacuum Interrupters Auxiliary Switches Cable Guides (Outriggers) Spill Gaps Leveling Screws (Jacking Bolts) Arcing Horn Position Indicators Silver-to-Silver Open Air Contacts
rotor beAringS Switch bASeS
stainless steel ball bearings
2. Type 18-8
3. Adjusting and take-up nut
1. One-piece,
cast aluminum alloy
A7 SpecificAtionS
4. Galvanized forged-steel rotor
Switch bases of galvanized structural steel channel are designed and tested to
be rigid under all operating conditions. Heavy galvanizing is applied after
punching to assure long corrosion-free life. Universal bases are available for all
switch types. This base allows for infinite mounting bracket locationwhich assures mounting holes will match without the need for field modification.
Switch Bases far enough apart to provide sufficient support to withstand cantilever stresses
rotor Bearings The drive insulator stack rotates on a greaseless rotor bearing that contains
two sets of stainless steel ball bearings. Weather seals prevent moisture and
foreign matter from entering the rotor bearing. The ball bearing sets are spaced
and to allow the ball races to take thrust loading as well as radial loading. This
design assures smooth operation and minimized operating effort. Because of this design, no maintenance is required, ever.
hinge ASSeMbly jAw ASSeMbly
Jaw contacts The jaw consists of tinned, hard drawn reverse loop copper jaw fingers backed by stainless steel springs to provide excellent current carrying capability and resistance to corrosion. The stainless steel springs
are insulated at one end to eliminate current flow through the spring and thus prevent annealing. This design prolongs the life of the spring and ensures consistent contact pressure.
The reverse loop finger design of the jaw contact assures that the contacts will stay engaged under fault conditions. Magnetic forces from the fault current tend to push the blade deeper into the jaw rather than up, out of the jaw. Consequently, the blade will not be driven from the jaw due to magnetic forces from fault conditions, preventing damage to the switch and any adjacent construction.
The blade contact end consists of a replaceable silver-plated copper bar bolted to the blade end.
The contact end is easily replaced in the field by removing a few bolts thereby reducing the amount of downtime.
The blade contact of an A7 switch is a tinned copper bar with silver-plated contact surfaces and is hinged to the blade to provide toggle action. The contact head of the blade is made so that it can pivot through a 15-degree arc as the blade enters or leave the jaw contacts. This blade toggle is designed to reduce operating effort, particularly on opening. The pivoting action allows movement to take place between one pair of contacts at a time, changing the static friction to sliding friction. The transfer of current from the blade contact to the blade is accomplished with the high-pressure hinge contact at the toggle joint with constant pressure maintained by stainless-steel spring washers.
ApplicAtion Type A7 side-break switches meet or exceed ANSI C37 and IEC 129 standards and are adaptable to substation and line applications. They may be applied for any conventional
Type A7 switches can be mounted in upright, inverted or vertical positions. Sealed Pressure hinge contacts
Mounting requirements such as main line disconnecting, bus sectionalizing, breaker isolating and by-passing, or transformer disconnecting. They are also capable of interrupting line-charging and transformer-magnetizing current when equipped with interrupting attachments.
A7 DeSign feAtureS AnD benefitS
The A7 switch is backed by years of a solid reputation and proven dependable service life in all types of climates and conditions. The transfer of the current from the copper
hinge to the aluminum hinge terminal casting is through a spring-loaded hinge pin threaded into the tinned copper swivel terminal. The hinge pin is tin-plated copper with
silver-plated threads. A stainless-steel pressure spring provides positive continuous contact between the threads. A specially designed stainless-steel tapered insert expands
the slotted hinge pin, applying a high radial force to engage the tinned surface of the hinge pin with the properly prepared surface of the aluminum hinge terminal casting,
thus providing a reliable current transfer. Neoprene O-ring seals protect the contacts from dust, dirt, and moisture. The seal-in lubrication is effective for the life of the switch.
septeMber 2009 Db-Dr-7-A
A galvanized structural steel channel base supports the insulators and live parts. The
switch is designed to enhance the electrical and mechanical characteristics of current
carrying parts. The mechanical parts and rotor bearings are designed for durability to withstand
cantilever stresses, ensuring long-lasting service in all types of environments. All parts have been
designed to be uniform across the product line. As a result, parts are easier to stock and are more readily available from the factory.
Center-Break Outdoor Air Disconnect Switch
69 thru 362 kv 3000A Type DR7 40-120 kA Momentary
Description The DR7 switch is a modern and reliable two- insulator, centerbreak, outdoor air switch using a variety of materials in its design selected to do a specific job according to the function required.
Optimum mechanical and electrical characteristics of the current carrying parts are assured through the use of high-conductivity, high-strength aluminum alloys combined with transfer contacts utilizing the time proven high-pressure, silver-to-copper construction.
Throughout the current path all bolts, nuts, and pins are stainless steel, minimizing the possibility of corrosion.
The DR7 can be operated either manually or by a motor mechanism. Below is a list of operators which can be supplied: Swing Handle Worm Gear MO-10 Motor Operator GrOunDInG SwItCh
The following information is the minimum required when ordering DR7 center-break switches: Voltage, BIL rating, continuous current, momentary Mounting positions (upright, vertical, or inverted) If grounding switches are specified: - momentary rating - location and position - coil voltage (for HSG only)
Operators required (main and ground switches) Insulator specification including: - BIL rating - technical reference (TR #) - bolt circle diameter Mounting information Structure and detail drawings
Fixed terminal pad height if applicable
For grounding during inspection, maintenance, or repair, a threepole grounding switch can be mounted on the hinge and/or jaw end of the DR7. Interlocking to prevent
the main and ground switches from being closed at the same time can be accomplished via Kirk key interlocks, mechanical interlocks, or electrical interlocks (where electrical operators are used).
High speed grounding switches for fault initiating can also be mounted on the DR7. High speed grounding switches can be reset by using a hookstick or one of the operators listed above. OrDErInG InfOrMAtIOn:
Pascor Atlantic
Air Switch Division • State Route 42
254 Industry Dr. • Bland, Virginia 24315-9709
or customized lengths
of threepole switches
switch bases
Phone: 276-688-3328 • Fax:276-688-2228 or 2229
Interphase and vertical operating pipes in pre-engineered Adjustable threaded clevis for ease of fine adjustment Open-close stops on each switch pole Service technicians available for assistance On-time deliveries Maintenance:
Greaseless rotor bearings with stainless steel ball bearings on Weather-sealed, grease-filled enclosed switch hinge contacts Corrosion-free gears in all operators No threaded coupling applied in torsion Replaceable copper moving contacts Accessories:
The following accessories can be provided for the DR7: Arc Restrictors thru 145 kV (Quick Whips) Auxiliary Switches Cable Guides (Outriggers) Spill Gaps Leveling Screws (Jacking Bolts) Position Indicators Silver-to-Silver Open Air Contacts
This bulletin describes our standard product and does not show variations in design which may be available. If additional details are required, contact your local Pascor Atlantic representative. Pascor Atlantic reserves the right to make changes or improvements to the product shown in this bulletin without notice or obligation.
Dr7 vAlue-ADDeD feAtures Pascor Atlantic’s DR7 switch is the result of 100 years’ experience in developing and supplying power equipment to the electric utility industry. Pascor Atlantic has continuously pioneered
the research, design, testing and the manufacture of outdoor disconnect switches. We maintain this leadership because of our continued innovative efforts to provide maximum value in acquisition, installation, maintenance and operating reliability. Procurement: Local sales representatives and expertise Pre-engineered controls available for quick delivery ISO 9002 certified ISO 14000 compliant On-time shipment Industry’s shortest lead times Engineering:
Universal base and control fit most structures All parts designed to resist corrosion Adaptability to meet special requirements Availability of AutoCAD format drawings Manual and motor operation Installation:
rotor beArings switch bAses
Dr7 specificAtions
stainless steel ball bearings
2. Type 18-8
3. Adjusting and take-up nut
1. One-piece,
cast aluminum alloy
4. Galvanized forged-steel rotor
The insulator stacks rotates on greaseless rotor bearings that contain
two sets of stainless steel ball bearings. Weather seals prevent moisture and
foreign matter from entering the rotor bearing. The ball bearing sets are
Switch Bases spaced far enough apart to provide sufficient support to withstand cantilever stresses and to allow the ball races to take thrust loading as well
as radial loading. This design assures smooth operation and minimized
operating effort. Because of this design, no maintenance is required, ever.
Switch bases of galvanized structural steel channel are designed and
tested to be rigid under all operating conditions. Heavy galvanizing is
applied after punching to assure long corrosion-free life. Universal bases are
available for all switch types. This base allows for infinite mounting bracket
location which assures mounting holes will match without the need for field modification.
Jaw Contacts rotor Bearings
hinge AsseMbly jAw AsseMbly
The jaw consists of tinned, hard drawn reverse loop copper jaw fingers backed by stainless steel springs to provide excellent current- carrying capability and resistance to corrosion. The stainless steel springs are insulated at one end to eliminate current flow through the spring and thus prevent annealing. This design prolongs the life of the spring and ensures consistent contact pressure.
The reverse loop finger design of the jaw contact assures that the contacts will stay engaged under fault conditions. Magnetic forces from the fault current tend to push the blade deeper into the jaw rather than out of the jaw. Consequently, the blade will not be driven from the jaw due to magnetic forces from fault conditions, preventing damage to the switch and any adjacent construction.
The blade contact end consists of a replaceable silver-plated copper bar bolted directly to the
swaged blade end, minimizing current connections and welded joints to promote better current carrying
performance. The contact end is easily replaced in the field by removing a few bolts thereby reducing the amount of downtime.
Theopeningandclosingoftheswitch isaccomplished by two insulator stacks that rotate simultaneously but in opposite directions. The two rotating insulator stacks are interconnected by a connecting rod. The rotating action of the contacts, when opening and closing, provides a self-cleaning wiping of the contacts. Proven silver-to-tinned copper contacts are used in the design.
All other dynamic contact joints are permanently lubricated and sealed by O-rings. This design assures reliable operation over the course of many years in all types of weather conditions and environments.
ApplicAtion Type DR7 center-break switches meet or exceed ANSI C37 and IEC 129 standards and are adaptable to substation and line applications. They may be applied
Type DR7 switches can be mounted in upright, inverted or vertical positions. Sealed Pressure hinge Contacts
Mounting for any conventional requirements such as main line disconnecting, bus sectionalizing, breaker isolating and by-passing, or transformer disconnecting. They are also capable of interrupting line-charging and transformer- magnetizing current when equipped with interrupting attachments.
Dr7 Design feAtures AnD benefits
The DR7 design is backed by years of a solid reputation and proven dependable service life in all types of climates and conditions. The transfer of current from the hinge
to the terminal is through a spring-loaded hinge pin threaded into the tinned copper swivel terminal. The hinge pin is tin-plated copper with silver-plated threads.
A stainless steel pressure spring provides positive contact between the threads regardless of the position of the blade. A specially designed stainless steel tapered insert
expands the slotted hinge pin, applying a high radial force to engage the tinned surface of the hinge pin with the properly prepared surface of the aluminum hinge casting,
thus providing a reliable current transfer. Neoprene O-Ring seals protect the contacts from dust, dirt, and moisture. The seal-in lubrication is effective for the life of the switch.
septeMber 2009 Db-Dr9-A
As the insulator stacks rotate, the blades, connected to the top of the insulator stacks, are simultaneously opened or closed.
A galvanized structural steel channel base supports the insulators and live parts. The
switch is designed to enhance the electrical andmechanical characteristics of current
carrying parts. The mechanical parts and rotor bearings are designed for durability to withstand
cantilever stresses, ensuring long-lasting service in all types of environments. All parts have been
designed to be uniform across the product line. As a result, parts are easier to stock and are more readilyavailable from the factory.
Center-Break, Gang-Operated Outdoor Air Disconnect Switch
Description TheDR9switch isamodernandreliabletwo-insulator, center-break outdoor disconnect switch rated for applications from 8.25 kV to 420 kV maximum voltage and 600A to 2000A. The three-pole units are gang-operated through interconnecting rods coupled to a single motorized or manual drive system. Each pole of the DR9 Switch has: - Two opposing blades with contacts on the blade ends that meet in the middle.
- Two uniquely designed hinge assemblies which include fully weather-sealed, silverplated-to-copper transfer contacts.
- Two insulator stacks joined by a connecting rod. - Jaw assembly.
The contacts of each pole of the DR9 switch meet in the middle. When a switch pole unit either opens or closes, the connecting rod between the insulator stacks rotates the stacks in opposite directions.
8.25 thru 420 kv 600-2000A Type DR9 40-100 kA Momentary
The DR9 can be operated either manually or by a motor mechanism. The following operators can be supplied: Swing Handle (3-feet or 5-feet) Worm Gear MO-10 Motor Operator GrOunDInG SwItCh
Voltage, BIL rating, continuous current, momentary rating Mounting positions (upright or vertical) If grounding switches are specified: - momentary rating - location and position Operators required (main and ground switches) Insulator specification including: - BIL rating - technical reference (TR #) - bolt circle diameter Mounting information Structure and detail drawings
Fixed terminal pad height if applicable
For grounding during inspection, maintenance, or repair, a threepole grounding switch can be mounted on either end of the DR9 switch for voltages of 69 kV and above.
Interlocking to prevent the main and ground switches from being closed at the same time can be accomplished via Kirk key interlocks, mechanical interlocks, or electrical interlocks (where electrical operators are used). OrDErInG InfOrMAtIOn:
The following information is the minimum required when ordering DR9 switches:
Pascor Atlantic
Air Switch Division • State Route 42
254 Industry Dr. • Bland, Virginia 24315-9709
or customized lengths
of three-pole switches
on switch bases
Phone: 276-688-3328 • Fax:276-688-2228 or 2229
the research, design, testing and the manufacture of outdoor disconnect switches. We maintain this leadership because of our continued innovative efforts to provide maximum value in acquisition, installation, maintenance and operating reliability. Procurement: Pre-Engineered Local sales representatives and expertise Controls available for quick delivery ISO 9002 certified ISO 14000 compliant On-time shipment Industry’s shortest lead times Engineering:
Universal bases and controls fit most structures All parts designed to resist corrosion Adaptable to meet special requirements Availability of AutoCAD format drawings Manual or motor operation Installation:
Interphase and horizontal operating pipes in pre-engineered Open-close stops on each switch pole Custom-engineered controls reduce installation time Adjustable threaded clevis for ease of fine adjustment Service technicians available for assistance On time deliveries Maintenance:
Greaseless rotor bearings with stainless steel ball bearings Weather-sealed, grease-filled enclosed switch hinge contacts Corrosion-free gears in all operators No threaded couplings applied in torsion Replaceable copper moving contacts Accessories:
The following accessories can be provided for the DR9: Arcing Horns Arc Restrictors thru 145 kV (Quick Whips) Auxiliary Switches Cable Guides (Outriggers) Spill Gaps Position Indicators Silver-to-Silver Open Air Contacts
This bulletin describes our standard product and does not show variations in design which may be available. If additional details are required, contact your local Pascor Atlantic representative. Pascor Atlantic reserves the right to make changes or improvements to the product shown in this bulletin without notice or obligation.
Dr9 vAlue-ADDeD feAtures Pascor Atlantic’s DR9 switch is the result of 100 years’ experience in developing and supplying power equipment to the electric utility industry. Pascor Atlantic has continuously pioneered
rotor beArings switch bAses
Dr9 specificAtions
stainless steel ball bearings
2. Type 18-8
3. Adjusting and take-up nut
1. One-piece,
cast aluminum alloy
4. Galvanized forged-steel rotor
Switch Bases matter from entering the rotor bearing. The ball bearing sets are spaced far enough apart to provide sufficient support to withstand cantilever stresses
Switch bases of galvanized structural steel channel are designed and tested to
be rigid under all operating conditions. Heavy galvanizing is applied after
punching to assure long corrosion-free life. Universal bases are available for all
switch types. This base allows for infinite mounting bracket location which assures mounting holes will match without the need for field modification.
The insulator stacks rotates on greaseless rotor bearings that contain two sets of
stainless steel ball bearings. Weather seals prevent moisture and foreign
and to allow the ball races to take thrust loading as well as radial loading. This
design assures smooth operation and minimized operating effort. Because of this design, no maintenance is required, ever.
hinge Assemblies rotor Bearings
hinge cAp hinge contActs jAw contActs
The unique hinge assemblies use a two-part aluminum casting design. The aluminum castings function both as a hinge and a housing to fully enclose the silverplated- to-copper transfer contacts, effectively protecting
the contacts from the environment and ensuring long, dependable life. The contacts are permanently lubricated and sealed by O-rings, requiring no routine maintenance.
Jaw Contacts in fingers. The cut-in fingers of the tube maintain consistent contact pressure with the plug. The plug and tube are knurled and pressed into the two aluminum castings. The bottom casting, bolted directly on the insulator stack, holds the copper tube. The top casting holds the copper plug and rests on the bottom casting. The two aluminum castings are held together by a snap ring and are sealed by an O-ring. Since the castings are not bolted together, the lower casting and copper tube rotate as the insulator stack rotates. As the blade opens and the jaw contacts separate, the top casting and terminal remain stationary, fixed in place by line connection. Bearings in the hinge assembly assure smooth, reliable operation as the aluminum castings rotate. Current transfers through the hinge assembly from a silverplated copper plug to a copper tube with cut-
The jaw consists of tinned, hard drawn reverse loop copper fingers backed by stainless steel springs to provide excellent current carrying capability and resistance to corrosion. The stainless steel springs are
insulated at one end to eliminate current flow through the spring and thus prevent annealing. This design prolongs the life of the spring and ensures consistent contact pressure.
ApplicAtion Type DR9 center-break disconnect switches meet or exceed ANSI C37 and IEC 129 standards and are adaptable to substation and line applications. This switch is
Mounting recommended or gang-operated, center-break outdoor, disconnect applications from 8.25 kV through 420 kV maximum voltage, 600A through 2000A. They may be
applied for any conventional requirement such as main line disconnecting, bus sectionalizing, breaker isolation and bypassing, or transformer disconnecting. They are also capable of interrupting linecharging and transformer- magnetizing current when equipped with interrupting attachments.
The DR9 switch can be mounted in the standard upright position for its entire voltage range or it can be mounted vertically for voltages up to 245 kV.
Dr9 Design feAtures AnD benefits The basic DR9 switch design is backed by years of a solid reputation and proven, dependable service life in all type of climates and conditions. The refined hinge contact assembly is an added enhancement to an already proven design.
septeMber 2009 Db-Drv-A
Throughout the current path all bolts, nuts, and pins are stainless steel, minimizing the
possibility of corrosion. A galvanized structural steel channel base supports the insulators and
live parts. The switch is designed to enhance the electrical and mechanical characteristics of
current carrying parts. The mechanical parts and rotor bearings are designed for durability
to withstand cantilever stresses, ensuring long- lasting service in all types of environments. All
parts have been designed to be uniform across the product line. As a result, parts are easier to stock and are more readily available from the factory.
Center-Break, Gang-Operated Outdoor Air Disconnect Switch
Description The DRV switch is a modern and reliable two- insulator, center-break, outdoor air switch using a variety of materials in its design selected to do a specific job according to the function required.
Optimum mechanical and electrical characteristics of the current carrying parts are assured through the use
of high-conductivity, high-strength aluminum alloys combined with transfer contacts utilizing the time
proven high-pressure, silver-to-copper construction. Sealed high pressure current transfer at the swivel terminals eliminates the need for flexible shunts.
25.8 thru 169 kv 600-2000A Type DRV 40-80 kA Momentary
The DRV can be operated either manually or by a motor mechanism. Below is a list of operators which can be supplied: Swing Handle Worm Gear MO-10 Motor Operator GrOunDInG SwItCh
For grounding during inspection, maintenance, or repair, a three-pole grounding switch can be mounted on the hinge and/or jaw end of the DRV (48.3 to 169 kV). Interlocking to
prevent the main and ground switches from being closed at the same time can be accomplished via Kirk key interlocks, mechanical interlocks, or electrical interlocks (where electrical operators are used). OrDErInG InfOrMAtIOn:
The following information is the minimum required when ordering DRV center-break switches:
Voltage, BIL rating, continuous current, momentary rating Mounting positions (upright, vertical, or inverted) If grounding switches are specified: - momentary rating - location and position Operators required (main and ground switches) Insulator specification including: - BIL rating - technical reference (TR #) - bolt circle diameter Mounting information Structure and detail drawings
Fixed terminal pad height if applicable
Pascor Atlantic
Air Switch Division • State Route 42
254 Industry Dr. • Bland, Virginia 24315-9709
or customized lengths
three-pole switches
on switch bases
Phone: 276-688-3328 • Fax:276-688-2228 or 2229
the research, design, testing and the manufacture of outdoor disconnect switches. We maintain this leadership because of our continued innovative efforts to provide maximum value in acquisition, installation, maintenance and operating reliability. Procurement: Local sales representatives and expertise Pre-engineered controls available for quick delivery ISO 9002 certified ISO 14000 compliant On-time shipment Engineering:
Standard base and control fit most structures Adaptability to meet special requirements Availability of AutoCAD format drawings Manual and motor operation Installation:
Interphase and vertical operating pipes in pre-engineered Adjustable threaded clevis for ease of fine adjustment of Open-close stops on each switch pole Service technicians available for assistance On-time deliveries Maintenance:
Greaseless rotor bearings with stainless steel ball bearings Weather-sealed, grease-filled enclosed switch hinge contacts Corrosion-free gears in all operators No threaded couplings applied in torsion Replaceable copper moving contacts Accessories:
The following accessories can be provided for the DRV: Arcing Horns Arc Restrictors thru 145 kV (Quick Whips) Auxiliary Switches Cable Guides (Outriggers) Spill Gaps Position Indicators Silver-to-Silver Open Air Contacts
Drv vAlue-ADDeD feAtures Pascor Atlantic’s DRV switch is the result of 100 years’ experience in developing and supplying power equipment to the electric utility industry. Pascor Atlantic has continuously pioneered
This bulletin describes our standard product and does not show variations in design which may be available. If additional details are required, contact your local Pascor Atlantic representative. Pascor Atlantic reserves the right to make changes or improvements to the product shown in this bulletin without notice or obligation.
stainless steel ball bearings
2. Type 18-8
3. Adjusting and take-up nut
1. One-piece,
cast aluminum alloy
rotor beArings
4. Galvanized forged-steel rotor
Drv specificAtions
The drive insulator stack rotates on a greaseless rotor bearing that contains two
sets of stainless steel ball bearings. Weather seals prevent moisture and foreign matter
from entering the rotor bearing. The ball bearing sets are spaced far enough apart
to provide sufficient support to withstand cantilever stresses and to allow the ball
races to take thrust loading as well as radial loading. This design assures smooth
operation and minimized operating effort. Because of this design, no maintenance is required, ever.
rotor Bearings Where required, blade counterbalances are provided to assure ease of operation. The
counterbalance consists of a galvanized steel lever arm and plates attached to the switch drive crank.
Jaw Contacts Blade Counterbalance
The jaw consists of tinned, hard drawn reverse loop copper jaw fingers backed by stainless steel springs to provide excellent current carrying capability and resistance to corrosion. The stainless steel springs are
insulated at one end to eliminate current flow through the spring and thus prevent annealing. This design prolongs the life of the spring and ensures consistent contact pressure.
The reverse loop finger design of the jaw contact assures that the contacts will stay engaged under fault conditions. Magnetic forces from the fault current tend to increase contact pressure in the contact assembly.
Consequently, the blade will not be driven from the jaw due to magnetic forces from fault conditions, preventing damage to the switch and any adjacent construction.
The blade contact end consists of a replaceable silver plated copper bar bolted directly to the blade end casting. The contact end is easily replaced in the field by removing a few bolts thereby reducing the amount of downtime.
Operation of the DRV is accomplished through the use of bevel gears at the base of both insulator rotor bearings. Due to close tolerance of the parts field adjustment for timing of the blades is virtually eliminated. All other dynamic contact joints are permanently lubricated and sealed by O-rings. This design assures reliable operation over the course of many years in all types of weather conditions and environments.
Type DRV switches can be mounted in upright, inverted or vertical positions.
ApplicAtion Type DRV center-break switches meet or exceed ANSI C37 standards and are adaptable to substation and line applications. They may be applied for any conventional
Mounting requirements such as main line disconnecting, bus sectionalizing, breaker isolating and by-passing, or transformer disconnecting. They are also capable of interrupting linecharging and transformer-magnetizing current when equipped with interrupting attachments.
Drv Design feAtures The DRV switch design is backed by years of a solid reputation and proven, dependable service life in all type of climates and conditions.
SePteMBer 2009 DB-ttr6-A
Throughout the current path all bolts, nuts, and pins are stainless steel, minimizing the
possibility of corrosion. A galvanized structural steel channel base supports the insulators and
live parts. The switch is designed to enhance the electrical and mechanical characteristics of
Optimum mechanical and electrical characteristics of the current carrying parts are assured through the current carrying parts. The mechanical parts and rotor bearings are designed for durability to withstand cantilever stresses, ensuring long- lasting service in all types of environments. Pascor Atlantic
Vertical-Break Outdoor Air Disconnect Switch
Description The TTR6 switch is a modern and reliable three- insulator, vertical break, outdoor air switch using a variety of materials in its design selected to do a specific job according to the function required.
use of high-conductivity, high-strength aluminum alloys combined with transfer contacts utilizing
the time proven high-pressure, silver-to-copper construction. There are only three moving current
transfer contacts and of these only one is an exposed separable contact subject to environmental conditions.
8.25 thru 800 kV 600-5000A Type TTR6 40-142 KA MoMentAry
OPErAtOrS The TTR6 can be operated either manually or by a motor mechanism. Below is a list of operators which can be supplied: Swing Handle Worm Gear MO-10 Motor Operator grOunDIng SwItch
OrDErIng InfOrMAtIOn: The following information is the minimum required when ordering TTR6 vertical-break switches: Voltage, BIL rating, continuous current, momentary rating Mounting positions (upright, vertical, or inverted) If grounding switches are specified: - momentary rating - location and position - coil voltage (for HSG only) Operators required (main and ground switches) Insulator specification including: - BIL rating - technical reference (TR #) - bolt circle diameter Mounting information Structure and detail drawings
Fixed terminal pad height if applicable
For grounding during inspection, maintenance, or repair, a threepole grounding switch can be mounted on the hinge and/or jaw end of the TTR6. Interlocking to prevent the main
and ground switches from being closed at the same time can be accomplished via Kirk key interlocks, mechanical interlocks, or electrical interlocks (where electrical operators are used).
High speed grounding switches for fault initiating can also be mounted on the TTR6. High speed grounding switches can be reset by using a hookstick or one of the operators listed above.
Air Switch Division • State Route 42
254 Industry Dr. • Bland, Virginia 24315-9709
pre-engineered or customized lengths of threepole switches on switch bases
Phone: 276-688-3328 • Fax:276-688-2228 or 2229
pioneered the research, design, testing and the manufacture of outdoor disconnect switches. We maintain this leadership because of our continued innovative efforts to provide maximum value in acquisition, installation, maintenance and operating reliability. Procurement: Local sales representatives and expertise Pre-engineered controls available for quick delivery ISO 9002 certified ISO 14000 compliant On-time shipment Industry’s shortest lead times Engineering:
Universal base and control fit most structures All parts designed to resist corrosion Adaptability to meet special requirements Availability of AutoCAD format drawings Manual and motor operation Arcing horn supplied as standard Installation:
Interphase and vertical operating pipes in
Adjustable threaded clevis for ease of fine adjustment Open-close stops on each switch pole Service technicians available for assistance On-time deliveries Maintenance:
Greaseless rotor bearings with stainless steel ball bearings Weather-sealed, grease-filled enclosed switch hinge contacts Corrosion-free gears in all operators No threaded coupling applied in torsion Replaceable copper moving contacts Accessories:
The following accessories can be provided for the TTR6: Arc Restrictors thru 145 kV (Quick Whips) Vacuum Interrupters Auxiliary Switches Cable Guides (Outriggers) Spill Gaps Leveling Screws (Jacking Bolts) Position Indicators Silver-to-Silver Open Air Contacts
ttr6 VAlue-ADDeD feAtureS Pascor Atlantic’s TTR6 switch is the result of 100 years’ experience in developing and supplying power equipment to the electric utility industry. Pascor Atlantic has continuously
This bulletin describes our standard product and does not show variations in design which may be available. If additional details are required, contact your local Pascor Atlantic representative. Pascor Atlantic reserves the right to make changes or improvements to the product shown in this bulletin without notice or obligation.
rotor BeAringS hinge ASSeMBly jAw ASSeMBly Switch BASeS cutAwAy View of BlADe AnD hinge ASSeMBly.
ttr6 SPecificAtionS
ball bearings
2. Type 18-8 stainless steel
1. One-piece, high-strength, cast aluminum alloy housing
3. Adjusting and take-up nut
4. Galvanized forged-steel rotor
Where required, blade counterbalances are provided to assure ease of operation. The
counterbalance consists of an aluminum tubular housing, steel compression spring protected with a tough flexible coating and a stainless steel plunger rod. Rotor Bearings
Three counterbalance connections are located on the blade hinge for upright,
vertical or inverted mounting. These connections can easily be changed in the field to accommodate a change in mounting position.
The drive insulator stack rotates on a greaseless rotor bearing that contains two
sets of stainless steel ball bearings. Weather seals prevent moisture and foreign matter Switch Bases
from entering the rotor bearings. The ball bearing sets are spaced far enough apart
to provide sufficient support to withstand cantilever stresses and to allow the ball
races to take thrust loading as well as radial loading. This design assures smooth
operation and minimized operating effort. Because of this design, no maintenance is required, ever.
Switch bases of galvanized structural steel channel are designed and tested to be
rigid under all operating conditions. Heavy galvanizing is applied after punching to
assure long corrosion-free life. Universal bases are available for all switch types.
This base allows for infinite mounting bracket location which assures mounting holes will match without the need for field modification.
APPlicAtion Jaw Contacts Blade Counterbalance
The jaw consists of tinned, hard drawn reverse loop copper jaw fingers backed by stainless steel springs to provide excellent current carrying capability and resistance to corrosion. The stainless steel springs are
insulated at one end to eliminate current flow through the spring and thus prevent annealing. This design prolongs the life of the spring and ensures consistent contact pressure. The reverse
loop finger design of the jaw contact assures that the contacts will stay engaged under fault conditions. Magnetic forces from the fault current tend to push the blade downward in the jaw rather than up, out of the jaw. Consequently, the blade will not be driven fom the jaw due to magnetic forces from fault conditions, preventing damage to the switch and any adjacent construction. The blade contact end consists of a replaceable silver-plated copper bar bolted directly to the blade end, minimizing current connections
and welded joints to promote better current carrying performance. The contact end is easily replaced in the field by removing a few bolts thereby reducing the amount of downtime.
The blade rotates 24 degrees on its own axis before it begins its open gap travel. The blade rotation breaks ice and removes caked dirt both externally and internally from the jaw contact fingers. All operating effort is applied to releasing pressure and breaking debris before the blade lifts from the jaw. The rotation of the blade also cleans dirt and ice from the jaw contact finger surfaces when the switch is closed. This rotation ensures definite contact pressure with each operation helping to reduce losses resulting from poor contact pressure. All other dynamic contact joints are permanently lubricated and sealed by O-rings. This design assures reliable operation over the course of many years in all types of weather conditions and environments.
Type TTR6 vertical-break switches meet or exceed ANSI C37 and IEC 129 standards and are adaptable to substation and line applications. They may be applied
for any conventional requirements such as main line disconnecting, bus sectionalizing, breaker isolating and by-passing, or transformer disconnecting. They are also capable of interrupting line-charging and transformer- magnetizing current when equipped with interrupting attachments.
Type TTR6 switches can be mounted in upright, inverted or vertical positions. Mounting
ttr6 DeSign feAtureS AnD BenefitS Sealed Pressure Hinge Contacts The TTR6 design is backed by years of a solid reputation and
proven, dependable service life in all types of climates and conditions. The transfer of the current from the copper hinge to the aluminum hinge terminal casting is through
two spring-loaded helical contact hinge-pin assemblies in parallel. The hinge pins are silver-plated copper with silver plated threads. A stainlesssteel pressure spring provides
positive continuous contact between the threads. A specially designed stainless-steel insert expands the slotted hinge pin, applying a radial force to engage the silvered
surface of the hinge terminal casting, thus providing a reliable current transfer. Neoprene O-ring seals protect the contacts from dust, dirt and moisture. The seal-in lubrication is effective for the life of the switch.
The rugged hinge assembly features a cast aluminum die casting, cast copper alloy hinge and blade clamp, and copper alloy hinge pins. This sturdy construction assures years of reliable, long-lasting performance and durability in all climates, even in the toughest environmental conditions.
septeMBer 2009 DB-ttr8-A
Throughout the current path all bolts, nuts, and pins are stainless steel, minimizing the
possibility of corrosion. A galvanized structural steel channel base supports the insulators and
live parts. The switch is designed to enhance the electrical and mechanical characteristics of
current carrying parts. The mechanical parts and rotor bearings are designed for durability
to withstand cantilever stresses, ensuring long- lasting service in all types of environments. All
parts have been designed to be uniform across the product line. As a result, parts are easier to stock and are more readily available from the factory.
Vertical-Break Outdoor Air Disconnect Switch
Description The TTR8 switch is a modern and reliable three- insulator, vertical break, outdoor air switch using a variety of materials in its design selected to do a specific job according to the function required.
Optimum mechanical and electrical characteristics of the current carrying parts are assured through the
use of high-conductivity, high-strength aluminum alloys combined with transfer contacts utilizing
the time proven high-pressure, silver-to-copper construction. There are only three moving current
transfer contacts and of these only one is an exposed separable contact subject to environmental conditions.
8.25 thru 242 kv, 1050 kv BIL 600-3000A 40-120 KA MoMentAry Type TTR8
OPErAtOrS The TTR8 can be operated either manually or by a motor mechanism. Below is a list of operators which can be supplied: Swing Handle Worm Gear MO-10 Motor Operator grOunDIng SwItch
Voltage, BIL rating, continuous current, momentary rating Mounting positions (upright, vertical, or inverted) If grounding switches are specified: - momentary rating - location and position - coil voltage (for HSG only)
Operators required (main and ground switches) Insulator specification including: - BIL rating - technical reference (TR #) - bolt circle diameter Mounting information Structure and detail drawings
Fixed terminal pad height if applicable
For grounding during inspection, maintenance, or repair, a threepole grounding switch can be mounted on the hinge and/or jaw end of the TTR8. Interlocking to prevent the main
and ground switches from being closed at the same time can be accomplished via Kirk key interlocks, mechanical interlocks, or electrical interlocks (where electrical operators are used).
High speed grounding switches for fault initiating can also be mounted on the TTR8. High speed grounding switches can be reset by using a hookstick or one of the operators listed above.
OrDErIng InfOrMAtIOn: The following information is the minimum required when ordering TTR8 vertical-break switches:
Pascor Atlantic
Air Switch Division • State Route 42
254 Industry Dr. • Bland, Virginia 24315-9709
pre-engineered or customized lengths adjustment of threepole switches on switch bases
Phone: 276-688-3328 • Fax:276-688-2228 or 2229
pioneered the research, design, testing and the manufacture of outdoor disconnect switches. We maintain this leadership because of our continued innovative efforts to provide maximum value in acquisition, installation, maintenance and operating reliability. Procurement: Local sales representatives and expertise Pre-engineered controls available for quick delivery ISO 9002 certified ISO 14000 compliant On-time shipment Industry’s shortest lead times Engineering:
Universal base and control fit most structures All parts designed to resist corrosion Adaptability to meet special requirements Availability of AutoCAD format drawings Manual and motor operation Arcing horn supplied as standard Installation:
Interphase and vertical operating pipes in
Open-close stops on each switch pole Service technicians available for assistance On-time deliveries Maintenance:
Greaseless rotor bearings with stainless steel ball bearings Weather-sealed, grease-filled enclosed switch hinge contacts Corrosion-free gears in all operators No threaded coupling applied in torsion Replaceable copper moving contacts Accessories:
The following accessories can be provided for the TTR8: Arc Restrictors thru 145 kV (Quick Whips) Vacuum Interrupters Auxiliary Switches Cable Guides (Outriggers) Spill Gaps Leveling Screws (Jacking Bolts) Position Indicators Silver-to-Silver Open Air Contacts
This bulletin describes our standard product and does not show variations in design which may be available. If additional details are required, contact your local Pascor Atlantic representative. Pascor Atlantic reserves the right to make changes or improvements to the product shown in this bulletin without notice or obligation.
ttr8 vALue-ADDeD feAtures Pascor Atlantic’s TTR8 switch is the result of 100 years’ experience in developing and supplying power equipment to the electric utility industry. Pascor Atlantic has continuously
Adjustable threaded clevis for ease of fine
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