Opening Our Eyes to Human Suffering

The deeper challenge for American churches – too busy

• The priest/Levite had to go somewhere. There was some place more important to be, something more important to do than help this person in need. What was that? Did they have to get to the Temple? • You see, we have the same the problem today. Some place we have to be, something more important to do. Our scandal are the institutions, structures, and processes that have gotten in the way of people created in the divine image. In the coming months and years, we need a radical reimagining of how we do life/society so we can begin to open our eyes to human suffering and to love our neighbors, by doing something about the violence that produces human suffering. • This is why I wrote this. I want to bring these visuals of human suffering into our churches & homes in order to disrupt the culture of blindness and callousness.

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