Oak Hill Academy Policy Manual

o Excessive hugging • Some specific examples of approved PDA include: o An arm around the shoulder o Holding hands o Sitting side-by-side o Brief hugging • Oak Hill Academy administration reserves the right to determine what is an inappropriate display of affection, and use discretion in addressing specific behaviors. • Students are subject to disciplinary action when found in violation of our PDA policy. Social Guidelines • Socials are designated times that students get together and socialize with other students in an informal setting. The guidelines for socials are as follow: o When there is no Saturday school there will be a social on Friday night from 7:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. (optional). o There will be two socials on Saturday: 2:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. (optional) and 7:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. (mandatory). o There will be one social on Sunday: 2:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. (optional). Student dress for social is “social dress” as outlined on page 3. o Students may not arrive at the social venue until the announced time. Rules for Social • Students are not to arrive early for social. • PROFANITY WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. • Inappropriate public displays of affection are not permitted. • Students may not lie down during social. • Students may not sit on or stand between each other’s legs. • The weight room/locker room is off-limits during all socials. • When a movie is being shown, students must be in the movie area at the beginning of social. • Guitars are allowed without amps. • Students must stay in the social area during social. • Students will be asked to return to the dorm during non-mandatory socials for inappropriate conduct or behavior. Disciplinary referrals will be written for inappropriate behavior, language, and conduct. • There are to be no full-court basketball games during socials. • There are to be NO practices during socials.


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