Oak Hill Academy Policy Manual
Church Attendance • Attendance is required of all boarding students at Sunday morning church service at Young’s Chapel Baptist Church and at all OHA Sunday Chapel services. Weekend Leave Off Campus • Certain weekends are designated as “closed” and all students should remain on campus. • Certain weekends are designated as “open” and any student departing campus must follow the guidelines indicated below. • THE PARENT SHOULD MAKE THE REQUEST IN WRITING (by fax or e-mail) to the Associate Head of School for the student to leave for a weekend by Wednesday at 5:00 p.m. • A student may spend weekend leave as the guest of another student ONLY if the following guidelines are met: (1) WRITTEN permission is given by the parent for the student to leave campus; and (2) a WRITTEN invitation is received from the host parent. Permission and invitation must be received by the Associate Head of School by 5:00 p.m. of the Wednesday before the weekend leave. • Parents are encouraged to visit or to take the student off campus only at times that does not interfere with work, study, mandatory school functions, or disciplinary restrictions. • Students may leave after the final class of the week if they have obtained permission. Parents must make certain that the student is returned to campus by 7:00 p.m. on Sunday. Parental cooperation in this matter is vital . An arrival time later than 7:00 p.m. must be pre-approved by the Associate Head of School. • If the student is to be off campus for any reason, the Associate Head of School must be contacted. • In the best interest of the student, the Academy reserves the right to deny a visit even though permissions may have been obtained from all concerned. Unlawful Acts • Any Oak Hill Academy student who is charged with a crime may be immediately suspended and/or expelled. • A student charged with a crime or arrested on an off-campus trip will be immediately suspended and/or expelled. This includes but is not limited to athletic trips, choir trips, visiting the home of another student, shopping trips, advisee trips to restaurants, etc. Vandalism • Students shall assume responsibility for an act(s) of vandalism or damage and restitution must be made by the student or student’s parents. The Academy reserves the right to withhold student allowance for restitution. • All damages done in the dormitory rooms will be charged to the occupants of those rooms unless a person of known identity is reported as being responsible for the damage. The Resident Manager will report such damages to the Deans and to the Business Office for appropriate charges to the responsible person(s).
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