Oak Hill Academy Policy Manual

Computer and Internet Use • Students are required to have a personal laptop upon enrolling at Oak Hill Academy. • The laptop must have a screen at least 11.5 inches in size, and have a physical keyboard that is either attached or wireless. On-screen keyboards will not be permitted. • Oak Hill Academy strongly recommends anti-theft software with tracking capability. The school is not responsible for lost or stolen devices. • All student computer and internet use is bound by Oak Hill Academy’s Acceptable Use Policy, which is provided to students and parents electronically. Videoing, Picture-Taking, Recording Devices • Students are permitted to use approved devices to record or take pictures on the OHA campus, EXCEPT in the following areas: o Academic Building o Chapel o Vaughan Administration Building o Dining Hall o Dormitories • The administration reserves the right to examine any content on student devices, and confiscate devices that are being used in violation of school policy. • Students are responsible for all content on their devices, and may not post or distribute private, harmful, or damaging information about themselves, the institution, or any other person. • All content is expected to be appropriate, and within the guidelines of Oak Hill Academy’s Acceptable Use Policy. • If students witness someone either deliberately or accidentally accessing or posting inappropriate information or using technology in a way that violates policy, they are asked to report the incident to a school administrator as soon as possible. • The school is not responsible for the accuracy or quality of information posted or accessed through school or student devices. • Students may not use the school’s name, mascot, or logo on a non-school website without express permission from Oak Hill Academy. Quiet Time • Quiet Time hours start at 8:30 p.m. Any student going “off hill” is expected to return to campus by 8:20 p.m., in time for Quiet Time. • Students are to use Quiet Time for working on their academics and preparing for Lights Out.


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