Oak Hill Academy Policy Manual

Dress Code Policy All students are expected to report to class wearing the appropriate school dress uniform. Failure to report in the appropriate uniform may result in disciplinary action including*: • 1 st and 2 nd offenses – disciplinary infraction write-up. • 3 rd offense – disciplinary write-up, Campus Store restriction. • 4 th offense – disciplinary write-up, Campus Store restriction, after school Detention. • More than 4 offenses – refer to the Principal for further disciplinary action. *Infractions accumulate each semester Technology Policy Failure to abide by the teacher’s and OHA’s Acceptable Use Policy may result in the following consequences*: • 1 st offense – teacher warning. • 2 nd offense – disciplinary write-up, teacher warning and confiscation of technology device by the teacher for up to one day. • 3 rd offense – disciplinary write-up, confiscation of device for three days. • 4 th offense – disciplinary write-up, confiscation of device for one week. • More than 4 offenses – refer to the Principal for further disciplinary action. *Infractions accumulate each semester Any work that must be completed on confiscated technology must be done after school with direct supervision of the Principal or designee.


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